RED NECK repairs gone wrong!!!!!!!!!! FUNNY

JD Seller

Well-known Member
Have you done any of these things???? I have done some of them. I will let you guess which ones.
I'm pretty sure that one is an "urban legend", only because I've been hearing variations of it for over 40 years. The original versions of this story always involve an outhouse; since very few folks have outhouses anymore I guess they had to update it.
Hi Mark,
Yeah variations on an original theme. I have heard so many stories like this one ( e.g. Woman uses kerosene to clean toilet, man goes in and puts his cigarette / knocks his pipe tobacco out in the toilet bowl, Boom! ambulance guys are carrying him out and they drop him on the floor and he breaks his leg / collarbone ) I am sure you are right
My neighbor left the machine shed door open and unsuspecting the cow that had entered the shed. He rode his ATV through the door and spooked the cow. She ran out and jumoed over the ATV and rider. No harm to ATV, cow, or rider!

Gotta call pure BS on that one.

Dunno, maybe it's my "rural" ways, but I've put out too darned many Winstons in gasoline.

'Taint so.


They tried the ciggie in the crapper on Mythbusters and it didn"t go.

Heck,I think they ended up putting black powder in the bowl to get some satisfaction.
knew some hippie guys that lived in an apartment,they would bring their choppers in and work on them.Remember them useing the bathtub for a parts washer.
Don't know if gasloine would catch on fire on top of water but the Oil and who knows what on top of the river in Cleveland caught fire back in the 60's and FD had a heck of a time putting it out.Do know that if it sits for a long while gas and water will completely separate and the water will freeze per several sediment bowls on tractors on cold mornings I've dealt with
Last one I heard about the outhouse was an old man in Va fell through the rotted out boards, into the pit, and was finally rescued after about 4 hours of yelling "FIRE", at the top of his lungs. When he was finally pulled out the fire department asked him why he was yellin fire, when when he was stuck in cr@p? His answer was if I had yelled SH!T, would you have come?
In 1967, I was 18 years old, walked into a gas station bay in Pinckneyville, IL lighting a cigarette, shook the match a couple times and dropped it on the floor, foolishly unaware that the owner and his helper were using gasoline to wash the road oil off of a nearly brand new 1967 Ford pickup. The floor and the whole right side and the front of the pickup instantly ignited. I ran for a fire extinguisher, knowing it was futile, and when I got back the owner was desperately trying to stomp the fire out with his feet, but the highschool boy was calmly rinsing the fire off of the side of the truck just like it was soapsuds. I grabbed another hose and we got all the fire rinsed to the pit under the engine of the truck, but the right rear tire was still burning and starting to smoke black. We both went to work on the tire and had a devil of a time, but finally got it out, then we rolled the truck back and covered the pit with something to quench the flames. We looked the truck over real good, and to my surprise, you couldn't see any paint damage anywhere, but the right rear tire had just a trace of a "fuzzy" look. The owner was a nice older gentleman, and the excitement almost did him in. He said that his insurance man had warned him that if he ever had a fire while using gasoline to remove road oil, the insurance company would refuse to pay.

Somewhere in the frenzy, I remember wondering how long it would take me to pay for a gas station and a new Ford pickup.

I'm living proof that the Lord watches out for fools and little children.

local truck garage uses either to clean the brake dust out of drums and such because its cheaper and works better than brake cleaner anyway it was shift change guy from oncomming shift walks in puts cig in mouth lights it bends over to the guy working and says whatcha doin poof ciggarets and either fumes dont mix lucky it just cinged there hair
only if its made in japan, lol all harley owners know a good harley like a good wife belong in the house [ or the motel room]
A few years ago, our church had a preacher who grew up on a cattle ranch in the Nebraska Sandhills near Chadron. He was a genius at taking anecdotes from a wild and wooly childhood on a cow ranch and working them into something meaningful in a sermon. And cracking the congregation up in the process.

He told once about a time when he was 12, he and one of his buddies decided to play rodeo. They began riding a particular steer, the object being to see how fast each one could get the steer to run 100 yards across a corral. It was a hot summer afternoon, and the steer showed less and less enthusiasm for the proceedings as the process was repeated.

Finally, the steer had simply had it and took off through the fence. The preacher's 16 year old sister had just finished hanging clothes on a clothesline when the steer came charging through. The steer hooked the clothesline on his horns and disappeared across the countryside dragging the clothesline, and clothes, behind him. The preacher said his sister shouted a number of comments he couldn't repeat from the pulpit.

A neighbor finally found the steer several miles away, still dragging the clothesline.

I can't remember how he worked it into a sermon, but I was always convinced that if he hadn't become a Lutheran preacher he could have made it big as a stand-up comic.
I would say that is a story and a half at least with the gas. I will put a cigarette in my mouth and put in in a can of gas. I hauled gas over the pond. Now if he lit the cigarette while exposed to the fumes---well then oh yea baby!

I had a dude once flip his cigarette into my semi tanker while I was filing up---lots of vapor billowing out the port hole. Lets just say the little dide never though of doing it again.

If you doubt my comment, take a lit cigarette and try to lite a torch--it will not happen. The exception is the old guys that rolled their own, and the paper would flame up once in a while.

If you must light a torch, put your mouth over the tip, and fill your mouth full of oxygen, and blow through the will send a flame.

No, I don't smoke, but have watched this type of behavior from a bad croud of friends.

I also watched a crew weld a gas line after a flood in Manchester Iowa this last summer. they were pretty much all smokers, and smoking. t fist I was close enough to see them up close---but not for long--distance could be my friend.
Well, at least the ethanol in the gasoline, plus maybe some other form of corn base ethanol in the people.

Paul in MN
I read the Snopes writeup, and I think the key is open flame vs. smoldering cigarette. And fumes have to be pretty intense to explode. The outhouse story may have been true, if enough fumes.

When I was about 16, I worked for a neighbor after school and weekends- lots of farm stuff, but lawn and garden as well. I worked for the dad, but his kid (5 years older than me) was the boss. We were raking the oak leaves in Dad's yard- son poured some gas on the pile before lighting it, then got called to the phone. Came back 5 minutes later, threw a match on the pile, nothing. Figured the gas had all evaporated, so poured a little more on. KA-WHUMP! Blew flaming leaves all over the yard. The first gas had just settled, not evaporated. I started stomping out the fires, he stopped me- "Lets just let 'em burn, that way we'll have less to rake again."
Modern gas is hotter than gas used to be. I poured about a pint on a pile of leaves and tossed in a match. It went off like a bomb, lifted the whole pile about a foot off the ground. Wonder if that's why modern cars get a little better mileage.
Sounds like someone was watching old Mythbusters reruns and needed a story to make a deadline...
I don't know what you've done wrong trying to light a torch with a cigarette but I've seen my Dad do it many times. Take a long drag and get the tip to turn orange and light away. Granted I've never seen a propane torch lit that way but oxy/acetelyne, I've watched Dad do it all my life...
OKAY guys, I just wanted everyone to get a laugh. Wither it happened or not??? Don"t really care. Made me smile thinking it "might" have happened.

As for what part of that I have done. Welllll I have parked a motorcycle in my dwelling. While I was in the service I parked my cycle in my house while I did duty rotations, corner of the livingroom. If you did not they got stolen. I also have washed a Carburetor in the house. Matter of fact used to run them through the dish washer before I was married. Wife Stopped that. LOL

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