jobs for kids

Case e

Just wondering who has kids and what kind of jobs they have around the farm and what kind of pay you give them. I have a son that has a horse and our "deal" is if he helps me with the hay I let him have what he needs for his horse. Long story short he breaks his arm (around haying time)and the poor kid comes to me all worried about what he will feed his horse this winter. I play along a little while and tell him I guess he wont have anything. After a scared look we negotiate that when his arm is better he can clean out the chicken shed and all is well.
I think you made a good deal. No doubt the broken arm wasn't his fault, and he'll be glad you gave him an out which will feed his horse and that was his biggest concern.
I think you did what I would've done...but you had a chance there to teach him what the REAL world is like, and made him decide whether to get rid of the horse or to go into debt.

Yeah, in a similar situation I would've "coddled" my kid the same way...but some folks won't. And maybe their kids are better prepared for the cruel realities of life than my kids were [and I was].
youve got a good kid there if he was worried about it i would have been too when i was a kid but my kids like many others wouldnt give a care in the world till they had no hay in the winter then theyd say i couldnt help
Sounds likea deal to me..

How old is he and what does he have for a horse? Who grooms, cleans the stall (or picks up and/or scatters manure on the pasture), etc?

I'd say cleaning up after a bunch of nasty chickens should cover him for the next couple haying season injuries :shock:

As long as we worked on the farm (and we did the milking,sh!t haulin,and haying,whatever we were told to do)we could feed are criters(horse and couple cows)for free.We got no money no alowense,so we knew what work was.My children(8),6 are girls)all do what I tell them and they get bicycles,and whatever we think they need and a little extra.I am at the point where they want a horse so next year that is probably on the list.If they have to help with chores and gardening etc.then they should be intiteled to something.One danger of a kid with a agreament to do haying and he can have what he needs for his horse,some kids would not do anything with out a reward if that's how you do everything.I think you should work for free and not expect something but be real happy if you got something.
I could sure use a couple husky football palyers for additional exercise during haying season. Did most all of it singlehanded this year. Kids willing to work are not terrible available in this neighborhood.
I never had any "pets" like that, I just enjoyed running the tractors. I never knew it was work until I was 10 or 12, but it was too late by then....

A few years ago I got a really stupid haying injury.

We were done baling in a couple feilds, and I was hooking 2 wagons tandem to bring them home to the next feild, and the 2nd wagon was parked in oat stubble. As I lifted the toungue to hook it on to the front wagon, one peice of the stubble cut my middle finger deep enough I needed 3 stitches. It sliced into my palm and a couple other fingers too, but they weren't as bad.

I sure got strange looks from the ER staff trying to explain my deep cut...

Donovan from Wisconsin
He is 12 and has a half Arabian half Welch Cobb?? (I am not a horse guy) He made it his goal 2 years ago to earn money to buy a horse himself, (how could I say no?) He does all the work himself along with other work on the farm, (cattle, hogs, chickens, mows the yard, helps in the garden and also helps the elderly neighbor couple with their flowers) He loves animals and wants to be a vet some day. Guess I cant ask for much more than that.
(quoted from post at 18:19:21 11/01/10) He is 12 and has a half Arabian half Welch Cobb?? (I am not a horse guy) He made it his goal 2 years ago to earn money to buy a horse himself, (how could I say no?) He does all the work himself along with other work on the farm, (cattle, hogs, chickens, mows the yard, helps in the garden and also helps the elderly neighbor couple with their flowers) He loves animals and wants to be a vet some day. Guess I cant ask for much more than that.
Sounds like he's earning his keep...
Just make sure he has time to ride and be a kid too.

Have fun.


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