Who's next ??

Roy Suomi

Well-known Member
I just fought down a bottle of Citrate for my colonoscopy tomorrow..It's funny how fast 5 years go by..Anyone else having fun like me?? OH OH , Gotta go...My guts rumblin'
I had mine 4 mo's ago , found a little diverticulosis ,doc said its not serious but eat more fiber...Bring on the Bran !!!
I had that done 3 years ago.

What I did is take the Fleet brand in a small bottle, I drank it all at once and then Chased it down with a bottle of Gatorade, blue.

That prep for the colonoscopy is bad.....System flush like a radiator.

I may have it done again in a few years but I cut way back on the red meat and I now eat a semi-high fiber diet.
Yeah that stuff is wicked; tastes worse than outdated TANG!

Had a colonoscopy about 5 years ago.

Woke up afterwards in a daze to "come on baby light my fire" by Jim Morrison and the DOORS.

Thought I had died and . . . .

Anyway the fun part was being encouraged to "let a big one" by the nurses.

Every time someone in recovery would "let a big one", all the nurses would applaud and cheer.

Don't plan on driving home or riding on the tractor for a couple of days.

No photos or videos please.

Good luck and hope all goes well; take care.
I'm probably a decade or so away from needing one but I did get a chuckle out of James' response! Not that I'm looking forward to it but it's better than the alternative if you don't have it done. My Dad died of prostate cancer 15 years ago because he was a tough guy who never got sick therefore he seldom if ever visited the doctor for anything.
Nobody is so tough that they don't need a proper checkup every now and then!
Oh and James, it could have been worse.......what if it was "Knockin' on Heaven's Door" or some soothing music played on a harp?
My last colonoscopy got me twice. It was to be free, preventive care. However, because they found a polyup (sp), that was considered a medical procedure and I had to pay my $1500 deductiable. It was bad enough to get ready for it, but I had to pay for it too. Wear shorts and stay close to the John.
Had my first one done this morning. Even the stuff I had to drink was not so bad. Tasted like weak Kool-Aid. They found and zapped one small polyp. Because of that, I will have to go back in 2 or 3 years. Was hoping for the 10 year plan, but I am glad they only found what they did. I should know the test on the polyp in about a week.

had one last year, next one is in 4 years, used to like the lemon lime gatorade, so had to drink 64 oz for the prep mixed with some kind of powder. now i just plain can't look at a bottle of the green gatorade!!! friend of mines ex wife was the first nurse i met at the doctors, then the two nurses in the proceedure room were girls i went to kindergarten with. a little on the 'embar assing side!!
Got one coming end of November. They called and left a message on my home phone that it was time. I called them back, said I thought I was on the 5 year plan, so why so soon? Young thing called back and said I was, and last one was in '05. I made a little joke about old age, she laughed and said at least 20% of folks call for the same reason.

Last time, in recovery room with several others, nurse encouraged us to break wind, said "Just think Blazing Saddles."
Im 2 years off, had my first one at 35 and am on the 10 year plan. Wasnt so bad, I stayed awake for mine to watch the movie. I hate to be put under, dont even like lidocane at the dentist. To me the fascination with watching the procedure or the video version exceeds the discomfort of having it done.
I had mine a few years ago. I don't need another for 7 or 8 years--10 year plan.

When the doc doing the procedure came in he asked "Are you having a problem or are you just over 50 and have a rectum?" Cracked me up--no pun intended.

It's getting to be a local custom around work that we drive each other to the clinic when it's "our time" and then to the Waveland Cafe for the Lumberman Special (Hashbrowns, biscuits, gravy, etc) afterwards. Too many good guys go too early, don't be a p*ssy, get checked out.
I had mine about a month ago. Took two pills then had to drink that liquid. It tasted like salty, salty, salty bazooka bubble gum. That was the worse part. The key is to not eat much the day before the prep day. After it was done I went directly out to eat at the local casino.
I had mine checked the hard way,I had 5 aneurysms on my aorta below my heart,So I had to drink that stuff but had to do it again the next day,they wanted to make sure,So I went 3 days without eating,they did the surgery,8 hrs,took everything out and fixed me up,and dumped everything back in.The Dr said he saved me the money of a colonoscopy. he checked it all out for me.
Three years ago next week. Even though something went wrong. I'm still telling people to get checked and I'm going again in two years.
Laying in that surgery recovery ward listening to all the weeping, wailing and gnashing of teeth. Of all those patients that were too proud to get checked. And now either had a terminal death sentence of cancer. Or a new colostomy bag.
Easy choice to make.
Didn't know anyone used that stuff anymore.They have pills that do the same thing.
I just got a letter from HMO that me and my company pay $1700.00 a month for,they will only pay for one every ten years now instead of every five.
How bout that external_linkcare
had mine less than a year ago
number 4, 56 yrs old,
my uncle refused to have one so we buried him this spring, he was in a lot of pain for three to four months before he died.
Man up and get it done
November 5. I have to get one every 3 years because one of my older brothers had colon cancer. I have to use Moviprep this time. 3rd time for me and each time they give you something different
I think medical checkups are upside down. I think a lot of tests should be done in your twenties. Not in your older age and then hear, look what we found.
Cafeteria just down the street from the clinic. I go down there and RELOAD asap.
Had my second one last year. Prep is not as bad as anyone tells you--stick with clear liquids. Scotch is a clear liquid isn't it?
They're going down the intake in another 2 weeks for me. Just turned 26 but all of my brother's are on prilosec or something else for severe heart burn, and my oldest has Barret's esophogus. I'm on Prilosec now, but they're gonna check it our just in case. Not as much prep for that end....

Donovan from Wisconsin
I have bran and grapefruit every morning, and bacon and eggs on Saturday. Seems to do well for me. One time, after i had the exam, the dr. couldn't find an open bathroom for me, so he took me into the nurses station bathroom, with a rag for a door!
Do you think i could "GO" with no privacy? NO!
Well, i couldn't hold it any longer, so i threw caution to the "wind, and let 'er fly, with thunderous noises! The nurses started clapping their hands, for my fine performance!

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