Ebay producing idiots??


Well-known Member
I put up a Massey Ferguson 202 Workbull loader-tractor for sale in our local NY Craigslist. I made it 100% clear that I am firm on the $1500 price. I do NOT need to sell and do not NEED the money. Just like to have some extra room in my shop and get rid of this thing. I have no need for it.

So far, I've got three email responses. Each one asks "what is the Buy It Now" price.

Well, duh . . . maybe I've lost my command of American-English and need to write the ad differently? I blame this nonsense on Ebay. A new generation of . . . ???

Next best response is "how much for a cash deal." Again, duh ??? What else would it be - firewater or wampum? A herd of prized goats maybe? How many private sellers use something other then cash?

I'm now remembering why I rarely advertise anything for sale.
Sounds like scammers to me. They are always idiots, don't see how people can even get scammed by them because they are such idiots.

Sounds to me like you are talking about Craig list idiots, not E-bayers.
I agree, the number of idiots in the world is going up. No common sense any more.
Even on this site it happens. I advertised a part for $50 plus shipping and got an offer from a fellow to pay me $30 including shipping. One response to silly offers in person that I like is to say 'Do I look sick to you?' It's a good conversation ender, when you need one.
Yes, but the phrase "Buy It Now" comes from Ebay, I believe. I suspect some people thing the world, in general, works buy Ebay rules?
Don't answer such inquiries, JD. They're phishing scams.

Phishers have moved past the "Is your item still available?" inquiry.

The buy it now idiot sounds like a scammer. Easy way to tell, reply with "The Buy It Now price is $2500" and I'll almost bet you will get a reply (even though your BIN is a grand more than your firm price) asking for your information to send a cashiers check.....yada yada yada. You know the rest.
Best question I've been asked, "how much would you take for it for a family member?" My reply, twice as much.
I don't think so. I think the internet just gives idiots a much wider range of options to display their idiocy. I used to advertise a car for sale in the local paper once in a while. I had a decent car advertised for $1350 and some guy called to offer me $500. For $500 it could sit a while longer.
i think several things are happening first we are producing more idiots due to druged out lowlifers laying around and making them, 2nd, the computer age has allowed these people to contact the public instead of being locked away in mommys basement so they dont bother anybody 3rd in looking at the past several political circuses aparently the public is willing to accept most anything told to them instead of getting rid of the ones who are so extreamist they are dangerous
I went to look at/ buy a field cultivator a few years ago. Actually saw it in a real paper classifieds, but not _that_ long ago...

Anyhow, It was spring, I needed it, their price was 1/2 of what the farm dealers were asking for similar, so I said sure, let's hook it on the pickup.

They sure were disappointed.

They ended up selling it to me for $100 less than asking, but they weren't too happy that I didn't negociate witrh them a bit.

Bought a farm truck this week, asking $2000, I offered $1900, the fella was tickled, enjoyed the deal.

So, it's kinda odd from the buyer's side too. Don't know what's right.

I prefer auctions, bid what you think it's worth & none of this social guessing games as to what the crazy sellers have in mind....

Those people might not be as dumb as you think. I recently bought a backhoe for $1500 less than the seller's firm asking price. The lousy economy makes it a buyers market.

I have a friend that searches ebay and craigslist for stuff for his collection. He routinely gets sellers to end their ebay auctions early and sell to him for below market value. He buys stuff from all over the country on craigslist. CL sellers are often leery about selling to a buyer from out of the area. He pays them via paypal and they have the money in their account in seconds. He buys a fair amount of stuff that way and rarely pays the asking price.

Cash used to be king. The number of buyers using paypal is growing. I've had customers pay for remodeling projects with paypal. I make them cover the 2.7% paypal fee. It doesn't cost me anything and lets customers that are short on cash spread payments on their credit card over a few months but I get my money right away. The people asking about a cash deal may be used to paying via paypal.
I figure if you want to make a deal, come on by my place, and we can discuss it. You need to see what the item is anyway, that way you can't say I misrepresented it. You can either take it as is with the set price, or make me a decent lower offer if you want. Either of us can refuse. I usually figure in a "Bargaining Factor", and figure most others do too who have been around very long. If it's something I see from a long ways off I'm interested in, that may be a little different. I buy a good bit of Ham Radio gear, Ebay, QTH, QRZ, and Craigslist. I try to find out about the seller first, and then either offer a bid of the amount I will go for it, or make contact, and see what we can work out. I try not to offend anyone when it comes to buying and selling. I have a friend who worked at a Cadillac dealership, and I was sitting in their used car office with him one evening after work. A guy drove an old beat up car into the lot, and it looked bad. Smoked and so on. I remarked what it looked like, and what I thought. The friend told me that as far as he was concerned, that was the most precious car in the World right now, and was that man's pride and joy. I went to another office with another salesman, and listened to the deal making. The guy drove out with a much better car, with payments he could make, and was happier than anyone I knew. It was all in how he was treated. Like my Uncle said, "Always treat others the same as you would want to be treated in the same situation". It's always worked.
I always dicker on a price,even in a store with price stickers on the items.
You'll be surprised how many times i walk out with a discount.If i can't negotiate i don't buy.
Ya can't blame a guy for tryin'.... Most people enjoy the "art" of negotiating a deal more than the actual purchase itself. It's an unavoidable part of selling. Just stick to your price if that's the object, and let 'em have their fun.

A while back, I was selling a tractor for a friend who's in bad health. He set the asking price and said stick to it. When people would ask if I'd take less, I'd ask if they were willing to pay MORE. You shoulda seen the looks on their faces! The eventual buyer got out of his truck, walked around it once, opened his wallet, and started counting out the dollars. Never tried once to bargain.
I haven't sold on the net but I've found that that most people feel a lot better about a purchase if they were able to get it for less than the asking price. So if you wanted a minumum of $1500 out of the backhoe, advertise it for $1750. Someone offers you $1500 and act like that's too low and return with $1600. You get a $100 bonus and the buyer feels like he did a real number on you. The offer might be $1600 or $1650 in the first place. Dave
Same here most around hear like the challenge of barter.
It creates conversation with perfect strangers you may find out a neighbor 10 mile away is a good person after all.

Recently A buddy of mine went to look at an r-65 ditch witch . knowing it didn't run and po didn't know the problem for sure ( just stopped running as he was using it )

Any way he wanted 1300 for it My buddy offered 1200 the guy in honesty said he had a barter price in mind and said he could have it for 1200.

First time I ever heard of a seller doin a deal.

Problem has been fixed, dropped a valve replaced it and a guide and all is well.
CL is getting to be like Ebay in that there are many scammers, phishers out there. Neighbor made the mistake recently of putting her email address in a CL ad. Spends most of her day deleting, deleting, deleting the SPAM she's getting. :cry:

One way around that is that my ISP allows me several email addresses. I can change them at will. So, I use one or two for online stuff. When I'm done with the specific use, I delete the email address.
You should expect to get negotiated whether you want to or not. I try to negotiate on any and everything I purchase. If I get a cup of coffee at the gas station I'll ask for a discount, sometimes I get it sometimes not, I've even gotten free coffee before. Same way with large purchases, in a retail setting. The absolute worst thay can tell me is no. The way I see it if a person is selling something they ask more than they expect to get. It boils down to who wants it more. Do you want the space, or does the potential buyer want the item? I would have asked you how much you could cut off the price, and if you told me nothing or no you couldn't take any less, then I would have had to make a decision. No hard feelings, just business.
I've got no problem with someone trying to buy cheap. I do it all the time and an am one of the cheapest people on this planet, when it comes to trying to buy anything. I always assume I can buy for less then the asking price - that is - unless I'm in northern Michigan. There the attitude seems to be " I'm going to get my price, or I'll scrap this thing."

That's why I tried to avoid any confusion by clearly posting "price is firm - I do NOT need the money - do NOT make lower offers."

Apparently it did not matter, or maybe some did not read carefully. Like I said, if someone asked "will you take a little less", I wouldn't be upset at all. But, when I hear the silly Ebay phrase, over and over, about what is the "Buy It Now" price, it gets silly.

I also thing that many people simply do no read carefully . . . or even listen carefully.

Case in point. I make all my outgoing phone calls with a cell phone. It is never turned on, otherwise. So, whenever I leave a message with somebody - I always clearly state "do not use called ID and call back this #" . . . call my land line at ...." etc. I always leave my land line number and make the statement twice. What happens? 9 out of 10 times, they call back on my cell phone and I often don't even know about it until a few days later.
I get that stuff off craigslist all the time.They want my contact info and i never hear from them.As soon as i post an add i get emails asking if it's still available.I figure it's some kind of spam or scam,i don't know.
In our society, the financial "experts" tell everyone else that they are FOOLS if they pay the advertised price for ANYTHING. So people take this advice, and try to weasel a deal. If they want to do that, have them make you an offer; then make a counteroffer that is HIGHER than the advertised price by the same amount their offer is lower. Then offer to split the difference and sell for your originally advertised price. If they don't catch on at this point that your price is firm, then they ARE idiots.
I've had a business for 35 years and every customer gets a discount whether they ask for one or not. Dealers buying for resale deserve one and retail customers like the fact they are getting a small break.
Over the years I've found that repeat business is the best business you can have.
You should have asked for $1700 and then someone would chew you down to $1500 and then you would be happy. Everyone is a little bit of a Chew.
Wish I was closer, I could use that and the price is about right.

Know what you mean about dealing with people though, seems like common sense and comprehension have gone out the window.
When I say price is firm that is exactly what I mean. If I advertise something it is not a game or a sport. I price very fairly at a level we both should be happy with. I always inform the person on the phone that if they try an offer I will escort them loudly and rudely to the end of my driveway. I don't use my words carelessly and I try to not leave any room for misunderstanding in what I do say. My wife says that I am a prxck with ears.
(quoted from post at 20:18:26 10/03/10) Don't answer such inquiries, JD. They're phishing scams.

Phishers have moved past the "Is your item still available?" inquiry.


Dean is right. The guys are just harvesting email addresses that they sell to companies that buy them. If you answer their emails, you will see an increase in your inbox. You will be "unsubscribing" this junk mail for several years.

I think most of those airheads come from Russia. Not sure if they can actually communicate in English.
When I see something for sale at a reasonable price,I pay the people the money, take the item and leave.I have alot of things to sell, but I am sick of people that dont show up , have no money, want me to lower the price before they see the item, want things delivered for free, I just as soon build another building and keep what I have,
I won't do it on eBay as the sales are pretty short lived. On Craigs List, after something has been listed for 3 weeks or so, I may ask if firm is really firm.

I don't think sellers are getting any smarter either. I've seen many ads that list a price as firm OBO.... what the heck does that mean??

A couple of months ago, I found an ad for Nelson waters on CL. I'm looking for a couple Nelson livestock waterers, so I answered asking if they were Nelson waterers for livestock or lawns... there are two kinds and the price could've been right for either. I got a very rude reply back, saying they couldn't be any clearer than what the ad said and I should go someplace else with stupid questions...... still don't know for sure what they were selling, but I can tell you who didn't give them any money.

I like telling them the buy it now price is $1850..... that's classic and get's the point across.

My pet peeves:
People who try to negotiate price over the phone, email or worse yet text message.
People who schedule an appointment and don't show up and don't call.
People who show up with out cash.
People who show up with out the appropriate vehicle to haul item and then want me to deliver for free or cheap.
People who ask question that are clearly answered in the ad.

The only reason I try to sell is so I can get rid on my extra stuff to generate cash for my next project.

Stress is the confusion created when the mind must overide the bodies desire the choke the living crap out of some idiot that desparately needs it.

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