jeez another oil rig exploded

Suppose it's in any way related to the court once again ruling against the drilling moratorium a couple days ago?
Kind of makes you wonder what is going on down there. This rig wasn't active and according to some the well was capped. What makes something in that situation blow up?
Government conspiracy. Enough rig disasters, and the way B.O. fines them, they will go banckrupt and in steps B.O. and take over them the same way as GM. When B.O. takes over the oil companies, it gives him and the government another way to control the pople. My thoughts.
Can't wait till regular gasoline is $ 15.00 per gallon. Then all you tree-hugging so and so's will wonder why you can't heat your home, or drive to the sunny California beaches, and go ahead and vacate Florida for your Minnesota homes ---- all because we can't drill in America anymore !

First one didn't wipe out enough fishermen and businesses to fill the souplines and insure more votes for the chosen party........
Not to worry. The CIC will issue a couple of stern public warnings followed by a few private pats on the back. Creating anything on our own that could possibly make us self sufficient to any degree just isn't in his private agenda.

I seem to recall something about small subs being seen offloaded. Cannot recall details. Just wondering???
I was reading about this on prior to coming over to this site.
It was not an explosion but rather a fire concentrated in or around the Crews Quarters on the #3 deck. It is an active fixed Platform producing 58,800 gals of oil daily and 900,000 cubic ft. of natural gas in 340 feet of water. It is one of seven fixed platforms at that site. It does not confirm that it is a drilling platform. An Oil sheen 100 feet wide and a mile long is evident and was confirmed by over flying air craft. The members of the crew had donned survival suits and were floating on the sea in good safety formation.17 people comprise the crew. No loss of life,no injuries,"No Explosion" . Go to your Home Page breaking news and read about it your self if in doubt.
Maybe it just happened. Had a part on my tractor that broke once and I will be darned if I could find someone to blame.
shee's what is it with you doom day guys, FACT# 1 if you play with crude oil or gas your going to have a fire! FACT# 2 crude went down in price when B&P was haveing their fun.

“I have been in the oil and gas industry for 40 years, and this administration is trying to break us,” said Barbara Dianne Hagood, senior landman for Mariner Energy, a small company. “The moratorium they imposed is going to be a financial disaster for the gulf coast, gulf coast employees and gulf coast residents.”
None of the BPs around me have diesel, but if they did and if I filled up there, my guess is that if my truck dripped oil on the ground while I was there and someone saw it, it would make the front page of the paper. Now if it catches fire, we're talking world news.

I agree with both of you...100%.

The story that just played on the news...13 workers, only 12 life vests. They're looking for a story. Dirty plastic cup in the trash instead of the recycle bin. Any story will do.


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