another bean cutting pic, full house in the cab


Well-known Member
Middle daughter who always wants to help said she wanted to ride with me. Then it was two, then all three. Started to get a little busy, but it's OK. Sure glad there's a buddy seat!
My farmer friend calls those the 'banker's seat'. Banker owns it, he can ride along as much as he wants! Greg
cute girls!!!! glad they enjoy helping dad farm!! my daughter is 16, discovered boys.....decided tractors were kind of smelly.
Thats a beautiful pic one to be treasured forever. What a bunch of sweeties.That pic has to be one of the best pics ever posted.
Buddy seats are a great thing. When I was a kid my cousin and I used to ride with my granddad in an M2 galvanized grinder. Didn't take too many years till we had to take turns.

You are a lucky man,but you know that,wow they are cuties! Thanks for sharing
You are lucky. Always make time for them. My daughters are in their 40s. Got their own bunch. They say "A son is a son till he takes a wife but a daughter is a daughter for life." Lot of truth in that.
About a week ago, I had a long conversation with my oldest daughter who's now 36. We talked about a number of things before she got to talking about when she was 5, and she spent a fall saturday afternoon riding in the combine with me for the first time. I'd all but forgot about that, but she told me that memory will be with her forever. As special as those moments are for you, they'll be even more special for your kids someday. Enjoy those times. They go by WAY too fast.
GREAT PICTURE - Keep them coming!

Question tho: Was Mom sitting on your knee to take the picture or you? LOL

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