Got a few ribbons from County Fair


Well-known Member
Took a few things from the field to the fair last week and what do ya know,first and champion on my alfalfa sheaf and a 3rd on alfalfa bale.This is the second year I've done this,so I'm pretty happy.

Also took in corn stalk for tallest contest and longest ear of corn contest.The corn stalk was almost 12 feet tall and ear was 9" long.No place in either.

Anyone else take in anything?
I never thought about doing that, I don't know if we have open classes or not. What state are you in? How did they judge the bale?
Minnesota.Really don't know what they judge the bale on other than most likely RFV and appearance?
Good for you; gives you bragging rights no matter what anybody else in your county might say.

Looks like good hay to me; apparently the judges also agree.

What does a bale of alfalfa weigh and how much does it sell for?
Every year someone enters a moldy bale of hay or something of that nature in the name of one of the local farmers. He is actually a very good farmer and good natured about the joke. He has a good idea who is pulling the prank but hasnt caught him red handed yet.
Hi James

We shoot for 50 lb bales at $4.I did have a load go down to TX earlier this summer.The guy was planning on taking it the an auction house,but stopped for fuel just over the border and 3 guys started fighting over it.He sold it for $9.
Congratulations! It is great fun. Our entry to the county went today. Will know results tomorrow. We have had to battle rain and heavy dew all year. Got fourth cutting on ground and yea it rained. Got a chance on one more cutting. we are not sure if we have any good enough for World Forage Super Bowl the first of Oct. Won seventh last year. It is rough competion. Had over 400 entries last year.
Forage Bowl

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