No more phone co. Now if the lights would quit going out.


Well, no more phone co. Got everything switched over as of yesterday. Unlimited long distance via broadband, TV with showtime. High speed internet. all for $112. Was spending around $270. Other folks around here say they are happy with the service.
The big problem here is the electric service. We loose power way to often. Tuesday power was out two hours. The frequent outages made the local news. Power Co. says "Not our fault". Lightning strikes seem to be the cause. Wonder if Joe Newman has a cure for all this. Guess if we had one of his "makes more than it uses motors" in the back yard we could hook to it.
West Central Wisconsin, Mississippi River Valley
Basic landline service is $16.95,High Speed
internet/DSl is $19.95, unlimited time. Our
Rural electric Co-op lines have been underground for 15 years. Haven't had an electric
outage for 10 to 15 years.
If you was around the white house you could set up a wind turbine. I'm sure there's enough hot air.
Every bit of it is underground? Must be a tiny Coop or else the digging is real good out your way.
we installed one of those generators that come on when the electric goes off from lowes.Only a matter of time till some waco bombs one of our power plants or does it through the internet,then your electric will be off for months.
Well, if Joe would have gotten his patent when applied for, we would be phasing out the power lines by now. Anyone buying the machine would have their own power scource. By the way, the output never exceeds the imput but it does exceed the electrical imput. The rest comes from the power of the permanent magnet rotor and the magnetic field created by the imputted voltage. Real simple once you understand it.
Well good luck with it,there have been several deaths and buildings(fire) lost in the last few years due to electric outages and 911 services not working with those systems,so your phones are worthless when in need.
9-1-1 service is and has been pretty shoddy at best with those services. Most of my jobs these days are 9-1-1 centers (PSAPs) and I often ask about that. I never hear or see anything positive about it, but have tried to deal with parsing the ALI information from the few VOIP providers do provide it just to try to make it work. Its generally a disaster. A person would generally do better with a Phase 2 complient cell phone when dialing 9-1-1 over the VOIP services being offered, because with a Phase 2 complient cell phone, at least one can be tracked within a couple of city blocks of one's actual location. With many of the VOIP services, they don't even route 9-1-1 calls through the 9-1-1 database, they just route those calls against main/general numbers for police departments, which may not even have Caller ID, and certainly don't have ALI information. And when that happens, those folks have no CAD or mapping access, then have to transfer those calls into non-emergency lines into PSAPs where the dispatchers have to ask for everything manually, all taking precious time when someone is choking, on fire, has a gun in their face, etc. How in the world those guys get away with not being complient while all other Telcos have to be complient is beyond me.

Save a buck or two or few, but don't forget that we get what we pay for, and don't what we don't.

In our area,if you have magic "Magic Jack"your phone for a town 50Mi. and two countys away.So how do they expect any emer.service to work at all.
I agree with you about 911 service. The 911 info needs to be accurate. I work for a phone company and had a wrong town assigned to a phone number A 911 call from that phone went to a county 911 center 150 miles away.

Bad thing about the 911 centers if the 911 PSAP center loses its connection to the 911 Data base, all the 911 center will get will be the phone number.

One of the counties I had to work with just had caller id on their 911 phone line. When a 911 call came in, they had to look up the phone number in their files for the address. They also got excited when they received telemarketing calls.
so why do we spend oodles of money on communication (cell, cable, internet and more) and gripe about the power that is at your fingertips 24 hours a day when it goes out for a little bit and this is probably 1/3 of your communication bill? Maybe we shoudl spend the same amount of money to keep your service reliable.

Just my two cents.

FYI only 20 TO 25% of people without power call their utility company to report an outage.
So what's stopping Crackpot Joe from selling his product TODAY? Just slap a "Patent Pending" notice on the side, and he's good to go. You know, why keep this wonderful invention away from the world?

Nikola Tesla signed over his patents for the polyphase motor to George Westinghouse, after Westinghouse said he could no longer afford the royalties. Tesla felt so strong about the importance of his invention that he gave it away. Maybe Joe Newman can do the same.
Get a 'BFB' or a big backup power plant (with battery). Ever wonder how people call the power company when the power fails and all they have is electronic phones?

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