Heat, hay, and venting

Erik Ks farmer

Well-known Member
Had a good couple od weeks here to work on the haying, finally fininshed up on the brome with 621 big rounds, and planing to head into the prairie this morning. Got pulled off the baler last night to show a buyer some hay, he talked the big talk and wanted only the best, so after spending an hour showing him hay he says ok, I'll take 5 or 6 bales and I need them delievered and put in my barn.... I about blew a gasket since I was trying to finish up bailing. And of course anyone who has gone through the transition of introducing a spouse to the farm life will understand the tension that arises from late nights in the fields, last night was my earliest home this week, at 9:30. The wife was up in arms agian this morning...but hopefully a little time on the tractor knocking down some hay will cure the headache. Hope everyone has a safe and productive day! -Erik
I hear ya. I learned long ago to send her home at supper time no matter how much I need another person to help out, and not to ask in the first place if I can help it. Its more productive in the long run.

On a plus side, we don't have A/C in our house so sometimes on a really hot day, she's happy to jump in a tractor or truck and soak in the cold.
Ya! You gotta love those people that only want the best but only want one or two. Then holler about delivery costs. The wife jokes that she is a "hay widow" in the spring. I only put up 450 brome this year, insted of the 2000 last year, so I was getting the "what are you doing home so early?"
Yes, Monday night I stopped baling at 9.30pm to fit a new drive belt to the tumble dryer to keep the peace at home. Last night I broke a belt on the baler at 9.30…..must be my week for belts! Give her time, after a few years they come to accept the late nights and weekends. The worst part of haying apart from rain is dealing with 50% of the buyers.

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