OT: College B.S.

Gun guru

Well-known Member
I want to register at a local college.
However: with new technology....a student has to sign up for the email and get an email account issued by the college. Well......it is impossible to get the account setup unless you call the help desk. Which of course puts you on hold for 30 minutes, then you get transferred to voice mail and she says she will call you back. What a bunch of BS.

When I went to college 10+ years ago you just sent in your money to register for class, the school waited a week for the check to clear and you were issued the class location and start times.
It seems that the college makes the students jump through hoops just to get registered, Yes this is a public college that doesnt care if I go or not. Private colleges make an effort to be user friendly.
My local Mcdonalds has several people who work the counter with college degrees.They take your money for 4 or 5 years then everyone else has the same education,so your no better off.They used to say a high school diploma was a big deal.Most of the successful people in this country never saw the inside of a college.It's mostly common sense and street smarts.
Maybe....But my 2 year associates degree is almost 20 years old and I want a 4 year business degree. I know that there a lot of successful people in this world that never went to college. But a degree can only help you.
It's more about who you know than what you know. Always has been, always will be. And if you think a degree is an equalizer - nada - those kids will get ya on age.
I have a grandson who got a BS in Range land and Enviomental Management. Spent a year sending out resume with answer always being we have xxxx applicants we will put yours in the file for later consideration. Gave up and started his own business. Said,"Grandpa I didn't know I could make so much money". Yes he works hard but he is his own boss.
I got news for you, everything is on line now. They don't make you jump through hoops, that's how the world works now. Get the account, register on line and be done with it.
I've been going back to school for the past 10 years, and next Tuesday I sit for the Illinois Bar. Every step of the way has been computerized. You can't even take a test without being on line.
Have you tried go to the registar"s office and talking to them? Sometimes that little extra attention will make a difference.
I do agree with you a four year degree can help, partcularly when the competition is close.
And a 20 year old degree--there are a few new things that can help also.
Oh when you do get into the class you"ll find you have the practical knowledge the students and maybe the teacher are missing. So while you"re learning you will also be teaching.
Good Luck
Good for you. I kind of agree with those who say a college degree isn't a guarantee of success, but it sure won't hurt if that's what suits you. There is no sure-fire answer that fits everyone. Some thrive in college, some are not cut out for it. But the days of graduating from High School and saying "here I am world, give me a job" are gone. That statement is starting to apply to a college education as well. Graduate studies are more the norm. When I graduated from college, I didn't need a Master's degree to make my resume stand out. Today, employers get hundreds if not thousands of resumes and at the big companies, the vast majority are rejected by software programs before they even see a set of human eyes. Anything you can put on a resume regarding education and/or experience will help, even unpaid internships in your chosen field.
I sure do Red, put em all through college and another one will be going. I was there too - I am speaking from experience not wishful thinking.
Congrats!! Education can only help. A 4 year degree is now what a high school diploma was 30 years ago. I went back last year. Are you going to Oakland U ? As for the technical difficulties, they will subside. Everything is online, you will find yourself doing online tests and online exercises as a regular thing. Good luck & God Bless.
Times have changed.

In '57 I took a train to the University of Illinois, went to registration and picked out my classes, paid my the $85 semester tuition and then found a place to live.
Registration was a chore back when I started college in 1976. No computers, just a big room full of professors on registration day. Freshmen had last choice. We were given a list of classes we had to take, and after waiting in line for hours.. We had to TRY to find a slot that was vacant, so we could get all our required classes. Get down to the last one, and it was full, so you had to start over.. Took me an entire day, About made me quit the 1st day..
I went back to get ssome management courses about 30 years after I got my B.S. in Engineering. I ended up teaching about half the class and aced the whole thing. Of course the rest of the clas was younger than my kids and had even less experience. Combo of degree and experience is tough to beat.
A college degree is the new "high school diploma" a very high percentage of people now have them. Now it's important what your degree is in and how marketable that is. Too many kids get degrees that they can't make a living with. I am self employed with a high school diploma and 1 year of tech school and make alot more money that some of my friends with a "real" education as they like to call it. I operate a tractor trailer rig as part of my business and do some traveling. I am astonished at how many drivers I meet that have professional degrees, MBA's, Teachers,attornies etc. that make more money driving truck than with their education.
My son is in the animal sciences program at Texas A&M. Plan A is to get a vet liscense but he has several back up plans that he thinks he will enjoy and make a good living.

Teach your kids to balance what they want to do with the money that will make them.
I'm 63 and been attending acredited classes in the renewable energy field at SUNY Morrisville. I have gotten my certification from Southwest Wind as a dealer and installer. (40 hr course with classmates across the US and Canada, plus two guys from Guatamala.) I have received other credits dealing with PV. Wind, Solar thermo, and I am spending this weekend there attending a 3 day course in Micro hydro Tech. I receive a 50% grant from the Presedent's Community-based Job Training Grants, implemented bythe US Dept. of Labor Employment and Training Admin.I was also asked to attend a roundtable discussion with the DOLETA. They were there to see if the $2m grant was making a difference. In my situation it sure has, but my working days are limited, how ever I have had many classmats who are very skilled and knowledgable people who's jobs have been eliminated by foreign manufactures.There are also many bright young students that are receiving assistance from this grant. The interaction between the broad range of ages and backgrounds in these courses has been amasing to me. My Professors are my kids age and the students could be my grand kids. also many my age in attendance. At lunch we all congrigate and share experiences and discuss goals for the future. It's been a great experience, and we do have some people within the gov. who do see beyond party lines, and we have educaters who have common sense and young people who are aware of where their future is headed. I'm far from being a supporter of our current President, but this gov program instituted in several of our local colleges is making a positive difference. I'm sure that each and everyone of you who post here could take advantage of these programs all across this country. I have always said, " the day you don't learn something is the day you die."
Just a added note: As of last Friday we have to provide documented proof of US citizenship. ByBy illeagls.
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Maybe you can help keep Bloggo out of prison. You can probably get a job though because every crooked attorney in Illinois is a politician, leaving a shortage of real attornies willing to work for a living.

In the day "63 stood in line a got the course card from the teacher. Ifinn the class was full and he knew you he would give a card anyway. Going hunting with him did not hurt and shooting targets in his basement. Kirksville, MO was a smaller school at the time and the war bumped up enrollment. About half made it out in the end. Paid the 25 dollar out of state fees and the books were about 7-10 dollars each less used. Got my B.S. and army got me and went to Germany for a year.
Holy cow!!! You had to wait half an hour?

When I enrolled in person for my freshmen year I stood in lines for various procedures - 6 hours later I was finally able to give them my money and leave. When I got outside I had a ticket on my car for staying to long in 2 hour parking.
The day I went to register for the first time at Cornell I stood in line for 3 hours and was maybe 2 dozen people from the registration table when they closed up shop for the day. This was 1985. As I remember they sent a post card prior as to what time to report for registration. The system always gets you.

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