Skin Cancer


Well-known Member
Sitting here tonight with a bandage below my ear from having a cancer spot removed. You would think I would have learned by now to keep my head covered, or to use sun block. My ball cap just doesn't do the job. This is the secone time I have gone through this, the last time it was on my lip. I guess just too much california sun, plus my Norway German fair skin ancestry. Anyone else gone through this lately? Stan
I am going to have one removed from my arm next Wednesday. I had one on my ear removed about 10 years ago.
Ive had many spots removed over the past few years. Dr. says all this damage was done 50 years ago before we knew any better. Just catch it in time and there will not be any problems. Go see Doc twice a year.
Will have to have a complete face peel done in the next few years. I have precancerous spots all over my face. My brother had it done a few years ago. He says it is very painfull for about two weeks.
Had a 1/4" size one removed from the end of my nose,some on top my right ear and now get checked real regular by skin specialist. have spots froze off before also. I wear a wide brimmed straw hat when out side all the time now.A lot of people here in Az. wear "Cowboy" straws all the time.
Yup. Been there...done that. Had a hunk of my nose cut out. About the size of 2 quarters stacked on top of each other. They moved part of my cheek over to fill the hole. Don't look too bad now...never even hurt much. Do not have as many wrinkles on that side.
Had part of my back and ears cut out too.
Lot of folks just ignore the signs...some think they are small warts. Ya gotta have that mess checked once a year.
I have had several small skin cancer thingys taken off. Dixie was in the Doctors office when he told me that one was cancer. Dixie said, now you need to keep your skin covered. The Doctor said it is always a good idea to protect your skin from the sun however it takes years from the time you have the skin damage for it turn into cancer. Meaning that any new damage would not make much difference at my age. I have had a couple taken off in places that has not seen sun for 40 years. Had bad sun burns when I was a kid and would go to the field without a shirt after lunch and be bright red when I came in for chores and supper. Blister up and peel like an onion.
Always wore a ball cap and never wore shorts. 5 years ago had a pie shape section cut out of my left ear. 3 years ago had a tiny spot on my forehead that was cancerous (wouldn't heal). Went in at 6:30 in A.M and was done by 12:00. Needed extensive plastic surgery to cover the 50 cent sized hole it left. Wife was in waiting room and wondering what was happening as others went in and were back out within an hour. ANY spot that won't heal-scabs up and starts to bleed when disturbed, needs to be checked. It had been nearly 40 years since my severe exposure to the sun. Charles City tornado in 1968 was thae year. 14 hour days rebuilding and building homes. I got burned so bad I was wearing long-sleeved shirts when the temperature was near 100 degrees! Go in yearly for checkups now and have always had pre-cancerous spots frozen off. Doc said I'll probably need surgery again within 5 years.
I have a second cousin who's a dermatologist. Once a year I have him check my hide over and he usually freezes off a number of suspicious spots.
I had the face peel done about 2 years ago. It isn't very painfull, at least it wasen't for me,but your face is red. People look at you different, with your bright red face. Stan
I go in twice a year, he burns suspicious spots off with liquid nitrogen. He calls it "fair-haired farm boy syndrome". Has used the knife about a half dozen time over the past 15 years. Worst was about a half dollar size chunk from upper lip up into corner of the nose- took most of the day (they cut out a piece, then do a thin slice around the perimeter and look for cancerous cells- and cut some more if they find any, until it comes out "clean" all the way around. Called a "Mohs Procedure". Had to have 2 hour plastic surgery to fix my face. About 8 grand, altogether.

I came home in a crew-cab pickup, son (with a beard) driving. I was bandaged above (and partly over) my mouth, kind of groggy, in the back seat. Got stopped by state trooper- a concerned motorist had called in, said it looked like someone had a prisoner in the back seat- "guy is gagged, looks groggy or in pain". We had a good laugh over it.
I'm going for surgery on my lip monday.I thought it was a fever blister,but they say it's cancer.
I got tired of having the top of my ears burned to a crisp.Ball caps are worthless.I started wearing straw hats 40 years ago.The boonie hat with a draw string under the chin is the best hat you can wear in the hot sun.They come in several colors tan being the best out in the sun.Straw hats are sold every where for 4 bucks here.
Melanoma is the worst. It will go anywhere. 2 others squamous cell and basal cell are not as bad and not as likely to spread. Melanoma survivor from 1988. Did something on my back called resection. Like 8 or 9 inches shape of football. Lord is watching over me as of now. Doc said stay out of sun, I do.

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