OT: rain tires


Well-known Member
Traveling, I've noticed all the single-car accidents were during rainstorms & always invovled a compact car or compact SUV hydroplaning. Anybody find a particular tire that is better about throwing out the water & sticking to the road. Had some squirrely minutes in my Subaru where I could feel it floating.
you just need a wife/GF with a little extra around the belly.............

Just kidding. According to the German auto club (comparable to AAA), the V shaped treads with a groove in the middle do it best.

I have a set of high performance directional tires on an Olds 88. They're grooved to expel water and, being directional, can only be mounted one way. They're noticeably more stable in rain than any other tire I've run lately.

They were made in China and sold by Firestone. And that will probably start a whole new argument.
Wider tires are a poor choice. as they climb up on the water to ride. a narrow tire cuts into the water better. like asheet of paper flat on the water or put in edge first. flat floats.
Definately slower speed in wet conditions is a good idea, but what I've noticed on most tires is the outside row of tread is solid. This traps water under the tire and aggrivates the problem of hydroplaning. Even if the outside row is not solid, if you look closely you will see that the outside rows tread is only half depth on a new tire. This restricts the expulsion of water even when the tire is new and once the tire is half tread, that row will be solid/blocked from expelling any of the water.
Goodyear came out with a rain tire 15 years ago called Aqua Tread. They wear faster but that is the compromise.
My best advice to you is SLOW DOWN. It is your fault when you hydroplane you are going to fast. There is no TIRE that will replace stupidity. I see them all the time driving 80 when raining when 45 is to fast.
I don't know about them, but on my scooters I have "H" rated tires that are supposed to be rated at a higher speed like 120 or so, yet somehow better in rain. They aren't better in the rain, at least the wider rear. Oh yeah, like everyone else I tend to slow down, especially on the scooters because two tires in rain, well, not ideal. Got caught in driving rains more than once, but one memorable time was when I slowed down to about 30 and hit a curve going up hill while the water was racing down hill, and somehow my front tire stuck and cut through the water, but my tailend washed out and caught up with my front, and well, it was like being on a flat dirt track, which would've been OK except that I was on asphalt in traffic. Didn't wipe, but was glad to be home when I made it.

with 2 lanes of tractor-trailers bearing down on you in the heavy rain, slowing down isn't an option. You can't always slow down when run running from your troubles.

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