Leaving in the morning for wheat harvest

I mentioned it on here awhile ago but i'm headed out in the morning to go out on the wheat harvest. I'm 38 and its my first time doing it. Always wanted to and i'm at a point in my life that it will work out.

The guy i'm working for lives in Wyoming. Were headed for Oklahoma on the 25th. We will in Oklahoma, Kansas, Colorado, Nebraska, and Montana.
Hi MSJ: At age 38 you will get a workout. Eat good healthy food to keep your body fit. I heard a lot about "The Cutters" when working Montana. Some of the locals had the same cutters many years once they had a good working relations. The wheat harvest is prime importance to those Western folks. Good luck and hope it works out well for you... ag
Thanks Bill. Most guys that do it are about that age. It is something you defenitely do for the experience not the money.
Glad you are able to do something you've been wanting to do. It will be the experience of a lifetime. Take lots of pics and let us hear from you when you can.

God bless.
Enjoy your summer. I ran with the harvest for something like 13 years and I still get the "itch" (both figuratively and real)whenever I think about that country out there.

Started in the Rocky Oklahoma area, worked our way to Idaho and then to Saskatchewan. Didn't stay out there the whole summer long because of obligations at home but I got to see most of it. Are you staying in motels or campers?

One bit of advice. If you have to be in those 100+ degree temps without the luxury of air conditioning drink gallons of water, not soda, or you won't be feeling too well. Ask me how I know! Jim
One advice Take lotsa pics. I did this in 1997 and wished i'd taken more pic. Lotsa long days and rain days were maintance days. 90 hrs a week was nothing. My crew was feed good so hope your will be the same!!(I gained 30 lbs in 4 months) I would do it again if it wasn't for family and 2 little girls now!!! money was good back then $1600 month plus room and board and mailed the check to the bank!!
I envy You , But I promise there will be more than a few days you will wonder WHY ,,, Divorced at Age 38 , After a phone chat.. Got a chance for a interveiw and was going to drive out to K Cty for a looksee , exwife throwed a fit, because I was leaving her with the kids .. Go Figure ,,. Anyway Didnt Go ,Chose to stay here and try to patch things up and pamper her . still got a divorce ... ALWAYS wonder if I should a went And let them All figure Stuff out without Me
Local customer of ours here in Kansas goes to texas every year and ends up about 10 miles from the canadian border in idaho just about fall harvest time back here. Runs with three combines, draper heads, and tractor with 1000 bushel cart. along with I don't know how many trucks. He's been doing this for a lot of years with mostly all the same customers. Farms here also.
We will be staying in motels. It will be the first year that this crew is doing that. We will run two new Case IH combines, one grain cart, and two semis.
I'm bringing a digital camera and a laptop to put them on. I figured out how to get them from the camera to the computer a few nights ago.Now I have to figure out how to get them on here.
Day after I got out of high school left on the harvest. Four machines, MF 92 and three super 92's. Two were brand new. Cab, what was that?
Good luck and have fun I went out to Kansas for the fall harvest it was busy but not even close to what they say the wheat harvest is was a great expereince will do it again.
Like some of the others, you're doing something I always wanted to do. At 73, it's a "woulda, shoulda, coulda" situation now.

Please keep us up to date on here...you'll figure out the picture thing.

Good luck,

Hey, be safe and have fun. I've always thought the idea sounded like fun, keep is posted on your adventure.
The onefarmer's web site will show how to post pictures on any of the forums. There's been a few changes over the years on posting pictures on here and one of them is you can use the " Optional Image URL" space below your message space to post one or numerous pics. Use one of the free photo services. Here's an example for posting one picture:


Don't use any other symbols such as these [ ] when posting or any punctuation " .

Using the Optional Image URL here's an example when posting 2 pictures and you just use a comma, to separate the image url's.


Note the comma after the first jpg. Hal

Mike, Good Luck on the adventure. I download pix to the computer using Zoombrowser, then upload the ones to send via Photobucket; Tinypic is another free site. With PB, copy and paste the url under the uploaded pic into the "optional image url" space in this "add a reply" page that shows up when making a post. In the preview, after inserting your password, just before your final click, the pic should appear with your post- otherwise it will not appear in the final. Multiple pics- put a comma after pasting, then paste another.
Back in 1905 my Dad wanted to be a cowboy so he went west. He said that his job was pitching manure and fixing fences,He said thats what he did back home so he ended up harvesting wheat. He had fond memorys of that time in his life.

I had an Uncle who did that back when they used Horses...
He said he asked "how far do I go"??
And they told him to turn around when it was LUNCHTIME..!!
He told more on "Etiquette"..the "New Guy" always unloaded First...!!
Sure must have been a different world back then..!

Don't forget to take your passport.
Enjoy while it can still be done. In a few years it will all be done from an office with GPS and a joystick.
Did the harvest for 3 years back in the early 60s. Turned 18 on the harvest. From Texas to Canada. We ran 4 model 403 international combines with no cabs and 14 foot headers. Had the time of my life.

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