Hows your garden growing


Well-known Member
Here is a few pictures of how mine is doing. Even have roses about to bloom and when they do it will be wild since there seems to be 100 buds. Oh and that lettuce is what I planted last fall and it made it through the winter


Won't be planting for at least 3-4 weeks yet. Had around 5" of snow yesterday and supposed to get into the high Teens for lows tonight.
Mid Minnesota with strawberries in bloom. We had a killing fros (first in a month) last night, but I had things covered. Peas are 1.5' tall, Incredible spring. Jim
Scrumptious looking garden. Is that red leaf lettuce?

Its been an unusually cool and dry spring here. High temp today was only 61.

Good news is we got some rain at the farm.
Picked June Gold peaches today. Also picked strawberrys and radishes. 2 kinds of lettuce coming up nicely as well as lima beans, bush beans, zuchini, cucumber, banana peppers, bell peppers, serrano peppers and a boat load of tomato plants. It's hot in South Texas in the summer but we get two growing seasons.
Off to a bit of a late start here, but it's been a cool spring, so I'm not to far behind... Planted 6-130' rows of potatoes this afternoon. Hope to get back down to stick my sweet onion starts and peas in the ground after supper. Have about 1400 cell-starts growin in the greenhouse. Still at least 2 weeks till danger of hard frost is past.
Plowing picture from 2 weeks ago.
It got all the way up to 39 here today. Snow on the ground this morning. Definetly not lettuce weather. I have a few cold hardy seeds in our raised beds and some spuds. Strawberry plants look good but nowhere near flowering yet. We normally get serious about gardens on Memorial Day weekend. Who knows this year, Wierd spring!!
Got tomatoes, beans Corn, Cucumbers & squash that we had to cover this evening as it's supposed to frost tonight. It probably won't bother the potatoes & won't bother the cabbage and onions here in S.E. Ohio. Just planted the maters, cucumbers & squash day before yesterday, and just might have to replant the beans & corn if it frosts too hard. Corn & beans are about 2" high. We have roses in bloom, sure is a beautiful early spring. Keep smiling, Keith
Got most everything planted 'cept for beans, but its been so dry around here, the buzzards are flyin back'ards, with goggles on, to keep the dust outa their eyes!
Planning on planting tomatoes, beans, sweet corn, sqash, and cukes this week. Spent the day building toamto support cages. Spuds are up about three inches and got nipped last night. Broccoli, cabbage, peas, onions, and Swiss chard is doing well.

My son graduated from Michigan State with honors and a degree in chemistry yesterday. We're leaving on a family vacation to D.C. Saturday morning. Hope the weather is good.

Larry in Michigan
I drove around checking out my "Garden" yesterday. growth is way ahead of normal and I expect to start cutting a week ahead of my usual Memorial Day start if we get warm weather. Cool wet May = Barn full of hay.
Yep leaf red lettuce. Ya the last couple days here have been on the cool side but up till now been way to hot and dry for this time of year. If we do not start getting rain soon it will be a poor year for hay and gardens
Hi Ben: I remember seeing a rear photo of that plowing a couple weeks ago... Nice looking SM-TA.
Kinda deep on that plowing or is that normal for that ground? . ag
In central Indiana; my first planting of sweet corn is up 2-3 in. and the onions are are 4 in. tall. This enening, I ran the rotory hoe through everything.
Had a frost advisory last night but no frost at my place. Hope to get the tomatoes and peppers planted later this week then get the cultivator out for the corn.

Let me see if this works. Grabbed a picture of my tomato plants that I covered up yesterday for the frost they predicted here in Central Illinois.


I took the pic with my phone. Row closest in the picture I have 18 plants. The row behind that I have 12 plants. :wink:

Potatoes and onions doin good. Covered the tomatoes, peppers, and cukes this evening. Got beans in the ground but they're not up yet. Was hoping to get some corn in the ground before the rains come but it don't look like that's gonna happen. rw
Nothing much in the garden except strawberries. Corn and beans go in this week. No plants till Memorial Day weekend. We have major frost warning for tonight in W. Pa. Covered strawberries today. Wrapped peach trees. Going down to 29* tonight. Hope things survive. We usually are 2-3* lower than local weather forcast calls for.
I went to check on the garden for frost damage & noticed the strawberries are starting to bloom. I think it is too cold for the bees to work. I don't think the frost hurt anything. I had 2 tomato plants with just a water jug next to them & I think they are OK.
That is a cattle panel and it is just there. Used it last year to help keep my AWOL chicken out of the tatos but since I and my wife do not eat all that many tatos I did not plant any this year so it is sort of a left over thing
Hasn"t started yet, too early. Only thing in the ground is potatoes and onions, they are pretty cold tolerant, and good thing. They are just at the surface now, and supposed to be a decent chance of snow tomorrow night. About 3/4 of the nights in May so far have been at or below freezing. We normally start gardens about Mother"s day, but average date of last freeze is May 15, so it"s risky even then with non-cold tolerant plants...

Tomatoes don"t go in until end of May or early June. I think they die if you say frost where they can hear... :p

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