Global warming a reality

May 6. I guess global warming has hit. We haven't had any snow since the end of April except for some on each of the last six days.
And we've set records for the lowest high temperature of the day on each of the last 3 days- 47 or 48 degrees. Its coming close to freezing each night, as well.
Whether you have more highs or lows, more tornadoes or less, it's part of global warming. Read a book.
We have had "Global climate change" for a long
time before we came along. Mount Pinobuto volcano
created more climate change for two years than
all of mankind in the 1990s. Need a whole h.ll
lot of research before a definitive answer.
Even if it means counting tree rings l000 years
Not to worry mates, back in the seventies the environmentalists preached Global Cooling and the coming of another ice age. Its mostly about politics and big money while the recent "climate gate" scandal pretty well took the wind out of Algore and his congregations sails lol

Good old Mother Earth has survived for eons despite ice ages and volcanoes and worse then we mere mortals can throw at her and Im sure Mother Nature and God will find a way to do the same regardless if we alllllllllll drove a Hybrid or an evil SUV

Take care now ya hear

John T
Don't you know that the melting glaciers changed the ocean currents so we're getting colder now?

But seriously,I'm more concerned about the volcano in Iceland. I saw what the one in 92 did to us. I kinda have to wonder if the pattern change of the last few weeks has anything to do with that?
Good way to say it, Brother John T. Al Gore needed something to promote to "keep in the main stream" and make some money and he's done a bang up job with the global warming ruse. There's never been much money in books by former Vice Presidents. Sure, it's possible the globe is warming, the temps have cycled up and down since man was able to measure temperatures accurately, that's no secret.
Look for external_link to ride this train too if there's any future in it for financial gain...if there isn't he'll play off it a little and then jump on some other ride. After all, he's accomplished more than he ever dreamed I'll bet, and anything or any opportunity after being president will be just bonus points....sorta like what Slick Willie has harvested and Sarah Palin and Laura Bush are harvesting these days. Trouble with external_link is it's kinda scary what his spiritual values are and what religion, if any, he really believes in. Like FDR and some others, he can't really value his own life too much, or have much willpower....he still smokes cigarettes.
After one of the wetest, coldest, longest, natiest winters I can recall I was kinda glad to see Al's global warm'n come around. Dang near 80 here to day and sun is shine'n. Good thing Al gave me something to look forward too, don't think I could take a year long Feb. like the one we had here.
We had the warmest April here in Minnesota since 1895. I figure now we're set for the coldest May since 1895 to balance things out. We haven't had a flake of snow here since February, but snow's in the forecast for tomorrow.
Heard a speaker not long ago telling why it was so easy to get the average person to believe it and want to help do something about it.
Went into how insignificant most people feel in the world and how if you can get them involved and tell them that they have to be a part of something as important as saving the whole planet...well,it makes them feel important,even superior to "non-believers". It was a great explaination,I just don't remember the speakers name.
John, I agree that nature and/or God will take care of the situation eventually. However, there's an excellent chance that Mother Nature/God's solution will be to wipe the human race off the face of the planet. Now that won't pose much of an issue for old pharts like you and me, but what about your grandchildren?

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