How far is it??????????


Well-known Member
Maybe I had too many pain pills last few days with this changable weather. I cannot for the life of me understand why folke refer to distance with a time element. People drive different speeds, there are different speed limits. Some roads are not suited for 65 miles per hour. Some time ago (not distance) in denver I wanted to get new glasses. Called using yellow pages to get directions. Lady said what road, and 7 minuets . Asked what direction, turn left, Dosen't that make a difference which direction I am coming from??? Answer, I don't think so.. I Finally got direction of north by finding what business were on right and left!!!!!!!!! She would not or could not tell me what mileage or what cress streets, She just didnt know ever though she had worked there for some time. I drove 7 minuets, found nothing---- called back describet the area. She said OH you went way too far. Finaly got the owner and got street address. Later asked WHY 7 minuets. She said well I drive up when the traffic is heaver at about 7;30. Now theres no traffic. The owner gave her a stern warning to write down the cross streets in the area, get a compass if necessary. Learn to tell out of town folks how to get to business. HERE'S YOUR SIGN!!!!!!!!!!
City country thing. Country person will tell you 15 miles and you firgure a mile a minute and your there in approximately 15 minutes. City person tells you twenty minutes or an hour and a half for 15 miles you're probably going to get there in 20 mins or 11/2 hours.
not necessarily city/country... out here it's commonly 50 or more miles between "towns" (sometimes after driving 50 miles, you go through a "town" with a population of 5) with nothing in between... if you're driving on THE interstate, it's a given you're driving 75 mph (nothing to slow you down) or if you're driving on the "highway" (a secondary road) you're driving 65 mph. We don't always make the effort to remember that Cheyenne is 187 miles, rather that it can be driven in about 2 1/2 hours... another town where I buy feed is about 125 miles on a secondary road is "2 hours from here". Finally, "the Park" (Yellowstone) is about 5 hours (over secondary roads and a mountain pass). I absolutely could not tell ya exactly how many miles it is, but know when we head west, 5 hours will get us there! Just a more efficient way out here! ...D
My sister is like that. Can't tell her it's 325 miles from here to Dayton and have her figure out it should take about 5 to 5 1/2 hours. She also has trouble remembering to watch mile markers so she knows about how far to the exit, either. Not that it would do her any good knowing how far, without being able to figure out how long it should take to cover the distance.
WYOD below has it.
In the Western stated (west of Denver)almost all places are hours away one time for night 9slower due to buffalo/deer/cows/horses/elk/wandering humans that are liable to cross in front of you, and another by day when only smoky is on the prowl (with reduced influence and greater visibility of the critters. Jim
I here ya and there is some merrit to what you say However hauling tractors from worland wy to Torrington with tom reilsback and blowing 2 new tires we spent 36 hours, same miles!!!
yeah, there is! I also forgot to mention that times must be adjusted depending on the season. For example, when the roads are snow packed and icy, and the ground blizzards reduce visibility to near zero, you might get someplace a bit sooner than expected... ie: "hold my beer and watch this!!!" ...D
central wyoming... property is outside of Casper. I've been to the Madden Brother's auction in Torrington a couple times... lots of nice farm ground down there! ...D
I"m sorry, but if you left on a trip into unknown places on those directions, you might need to rethink your trip planning skills.

Why on earth would someone head out armed with the directions given by some ditzy secretary is beyond me. Either talk to someone who knows or get another source. With all the technology available to us today, not only could you have found their building, where the luch area is, but what they brought to eat as well.

Google has a fair map program, Microsoft and DeLORME have great programs, GPS systems will even talk you through the turns, heck, my cell phone has a good program.

After driving for a living for nearly 40 years, I won"t accept directions from someone unless they sound confident they know and can impart to me the information I need to get there.

In short if you had nothing better than her directions to get you there, I hope you use your new glasses to read,,,, YOUR sign.

I have always talked like that an I live in the country Have all my life When I give direction to someone who's come to my house I'll ask them which way the gonna come then I will give them directions in miles Gave direction to someone who delivered fertiliz last year Got here when he said he would
Well Ron as It was my wife's 5th day in a denver hospital, eye glass place was said to be less than 5 miles to the turn ,it was 10 years ago, did'nt have all the gadgets you talk about and at that time they would have cost many times what the glasses were even if they were available, and I did have most all day. Under those circsumstances and you did not have all the facts I would have to say Here's your sign
I started to explain just why hitting the right key and proper english is no longer a priarity any more then the phrase trying to explain christmas to a pig came to mind
Awww don"t get mad, I was just busting your chops, for not taking care of your directions before you left.

Then again you did say "Some time ago" Now just how long would that be? Something like 10 miles or 10 years?

Lighten up, it"s only life and we"ll never get out of it alive.

Lots of diverse opinions below, but for my part, I have stopped asking for directions (and getting same, in the style that my wife would give- heaven help us). I just ask for the address, and Map-Quest or Google Map it. Saves lots of heartache, and keeps my blood pressure within safe limits. No more "go a ways out of town, and you'll come to Gnixl Road. Don't turn there, keep going. . ." Gosh, honey, maybe I wanted to turn there, to keep me from ever having to actually meet someone as ditzy as you. . .
I figger buy the beer.The parts tractor in the field down the road,1, maybe 2 Buds.My buddys garage 20 miles down the road to help get a rebuilt Farmal going,bout a case of Bud.My MIL house,1 bottle of Jack. Hoss
sorry to dis-agree, but personally I never really know how far anyplace is down to the kilo or mile been all over the province for hockey for kids & myself, & distance always measured by " bout an hour, bout 20 minutes etc " even work , same place for 36 years, couldn"t tell you exact commute, approx 50 k"s one way, but it"s " bout 50 min " guess i always just leave early so traffic don"t matter
I drive truck, and am always looking for addresses. It takes a different amount of time to get 102,000 lbs up to speed than the normal car. Time guesses don't work too well in that instance. if you ask me, its "Take exit 67 Murray rd., turn right, go to 1st light (by the taco place), Turn left, etc. I throw in as much hard info as possible. Street names and landmarks are important.
Tim in OR
Yeah I have gotten some real Deusey of directions in my Time... Don't even ask my sister or Wife .. WHO has no idea Which Way is North South east or west, Or front from back of house , since She parks in back of house and spends alotta time at kitchen window overlooking car calves and farm ..SHE CALLS THAT THE FRONT , front door and living room are on opposite side... And For lafs , could't tell 4 inches from 10 if you asked her to show you distance between her hands ...LOL . Often We will be in Ky , and she will suggest that we visit someone in a totally different direction in Indiana while in Area ... Makes Me WONDER . Somehow that little Italian Fire
Heart made it from Sicily to here ..
Street guides(remember those?) and maps. Final. Fun talking to people, though. Remem ber when you were young and go some place once and remember it for the next 5 years?
I was asked by a smart azzed city boy " Where in hell is Barton. I just said if I was going to go to Barton, I sure as hell wouldn"t start from here, and walked away. Don"t know if he ever got there.
I usually run into direction trouble from the other end. I frequently have to give directions to the plant to truck drivers coming in to load. It's about as easy as you can possibly get. "When you come out of the toll booth on the highway you are at a T-intersection with a stoplight. Turn left, go about 5 miles until you come to another T-intersection and turn right. The plant is on the right side at the third stoplight."

I get "Well am I going north or south when I make the first turn?" What does it matter? It's a T. You can only go left or right; if the directions say turn left, just turn left. We don't give compass directions because you are going south but the route name is 365 West and that just totally confuses the heck out of them.

Of course it might be easier to explain if 80% of the guys we dealt with spoke something other than broken english!

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