Well I'm going to gamble on the weather today


Well-known Member
Picked up a number of pepper and tomato plants etc today and plan to plant them in a bit. In my area they say you can get a frost still but the weather has been so hot that I think the chance of that happening is very small. So what do you guys think?? Will I have to worry about a frost or not. Oh by the way this is the Lake of the Ozark's area of Missouri. Oh and by the way I keep making my gardening easier by using raise bed so for in 2 years time I have set up 9 of them.

Just for you old
An Indian started a new job building homes, Day 1 the Indian went to work and look’d up and told his boss ugg it will rain on this day, sure enough 2 hours later it just poured down the rain. Every one went home for the day. The boss thought that was strange: On the 2nd day the Indian came to work did the same thing look up and told the boss that it was going to rain and it did. they all went home for the day: The 3rd day the Indian came to work and did not say nothing and the boss asked the Indian is it going to rain today
The Indian replied ugg don’t know, the boss replied what do you mean, you don’t know
The Indian replied radio broke. HAVE A GOOD ONE
My dad up in Central Nebraska mentioned he already has some tomatoes planted. If your worried about them just watch the weather and if it looks like it could freeze cover them with some heavy blankets or rugs, or you could use the Wall-O-Water (which may be what my dad is using).
Western NY....just got in from sticking 24 tomato, strawberry, flower things in the ground...They I shouldn't do it til June 1 but......screw it...it's in.

Got that greenhouse set up yet mister??????????? Do you gather your horse manure and compost it? Neighbor that takes mine has a compost empire. Keeps his greenhouses above freezing (and sweaty warm when the outside temp is 50+ degrees by filling pits with fresh stuff.

wny,(outside of buffalo)actually had a hard freeze one year on june 12th,lost 400 tomato plants.still kinda risky this time of year had frost the last three nights. bill m.
I feed my horses in pretty much one spot all winter then in the spring I use the loader tractor and pile it up. Then over the summer I turn that pile of old hay and pi$$ and manure over about twice a month. In a year or 2 you have a nice rich mix of composted stuff and I then use it to fill my raised bed. I already have started the pile of composting stuff for this past winter and it is a big pile which I think is a good thing
Im northeast of Kansas City.Ive got taters,maters,onions,sweet corn already planted,and sowed Alfalfa about 2 weeks ago along with oats
Tomatoes and peppers need 60-degree soil temperature and no frost. Last frost average date where I am is next Tuesday - I am about 30 miles north of you and some 40 miles east. Sixty-degree soil temperatre is pretty close, and your raised beds should help.
Steve you remind me of a couple tool my dad left me when he died. I have a soil thermometer and I took it out and check soil temps in 2 of my raised bed the 2 newest one and both read in the warm are of the gauge as in 60 plus degrees. If you had not said something I would have forgot about that and the PH and fertilizer meter I have THANKs
Don't they sell tomato seeds in MO? Here's a tip and a game to play with the neighbors. "Who has the first tomatos"?
Pick up a $1 pack of your favorite tomato seeds, some treated potting soil. and some 16 oz foam cups in Feb. Enuff seeds for about 24 plants.
I do mine on Valentines day, but I can't put them out until 10 May. You can plant the seeds 1 Feb.
Set them in the sun porch or warm window sills/
Right now my plants are about 7 inches tall and will be about 12 inches when they go out on 10 May. Slit the cup with a razor blade and plant. Neighbor gets half of them.

The tribe ask the medicine man if it is going to be a cold winter so they will know how much fire wood to gather.
The Medicine man does not know so he calls the weather service and ask if it is going to be a cold winter. He is told yes so he tells the tribe to gather extra wood.
Two weeks later the tribe ask again just how cold it would be. The medicine man calls the weather service again and is told it will be a real cold winter so even more fire wood is gathered.
Two weeks later the tribe is still asking about the weather. The medicine man calls the weather service again and ask how cold the winter will be. He is told it will be a bitter cold winter with record lows. The medicine man ask are you sure about this.
The weather service replies....... Yes we are.... The Indians have stock piled more fire wood than ever before so we know it will be a real bitter cold winter.
I just bought one of those upside down hangers at walmart and planted a better boy tomato plant in it. What works for a mix to add some fertilizer every so often? Thanks.
Hey Old. I always use black tar paper in a circle around tomato plants. Keeps cutworms away. Have it come up around the plants to protect them. Six inches high or so.
We tried a couple of those things. They didn't work well. This may help you. I used a tie down strap to hang them with. You can adjust the plants to any height. They do get fairly heavy Stan
Last year I took a shallow hanging planter and cut a hole in the bottom. Then for looks, I put a spearmint type plant in the top. Tomato plant died and at the end of the year, I pulled the top plant out and the entire planter was filled up with its roots. So I decided I needed a taller planter to hold more dirt and nothing on top for decoration. I've got some 5 gallon plastic buckets I may cut a hole in and try that next as long as I can clean out the hytran residue.

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