Rude city people driving RANT


Well-known Member
I have lived in a city my entire life. for the last month and a half i have lived in rural NY going to college. You know one of those towns where theres just as many cows as people HAHA. Anyways i come home this week for spring break, I go to the autoparts store to get some oil and 4 glowplugs. Come out and stop at 1 stop sign(still in the parking lot) then stop at another. You know kind of that slow rolling stop becuase it was a slow road. Some middle aged city driver Was laying on his horn the entire time.

I got out of my car at the next stop sign and asked him in a not so dulled down maner why hes beeping his horn. He responds you are taking to long at the stop signs I have places to be.(also not so dulled down) I exchanged some rude comments with the man and sent him off with a warning.

What is the matter with city people.
not only city peop;e the whole population thinks they are in ahurry for nothing. I have found most of the offenders lack ins . wife thinks I need anger mangement classes ha
It depends, There are 3 possible bad double d's.

2 Annoying
3 Extremely overweight
Pat e-mail me. I live about 35 mins. from Coby Tech. Will show you our CASE collection and the century plus family farm, and treat you to some real country living.
I agree with you but want to add, out here in the sticks we have another kind of idiot driver, the "Dukes of Hazard" wannabes. Our road is straight but with some blind hills in it and they like to get their beaters air borne over those hill crests. There are gouges in the road from where they bottom out on landing.
well all i know is in the area of ky where i live two thigs whould of happened had you got out and got in some old man face. first if he was in good mood he probly would of stuck his hog leg in your face and caped your a$$ and if he been in a bad mood probly got out his car and moped up the road with your a$$ first,, before he caped you. why any one would risk ther life by getting out there car and bad mouthing any one thies day is beyoud me it seem eveyone is in a hurry to get now where
Theres one in every crowd that assumes i was the wrong person and that i got out and got in some old mans face and started using bad language. For your information I did not get in his face and i severly doubt he could have moped the road with me being 6'2 and athletic. Thanks for the concern though. I treat every person i meet with due respect untill they dont do the same my way.
Well i definitly learned that i dont want to live in the city after I graduate college. Due to the number of people who live in a city who are just complete jerks and have no kind of consideration for anyone except themselves. I also Releaved some frustration from a hard day of work on the farm. So i guess i gained some relief from the day that had proceded me
True story about another bad dude: local fellow got out of the Army in the early '70s; he was about 6'6" tall and weighed around 240 and there wasn't an ounce of fat on him. He'd been home from Viet Nam about 6 weeks, where he was the 'baddest' fellow in the whole battalion. His car quit at a red light and he couldn't get it started; after the light had done a complete cycle, the fellow in the car behind him set down on the horn and wouldn't let up. The bad dude got out of his car and walked back to the other car; it was a 4-door hardtop (remember them) with all the windows down and the guy behind the wheel appeared to be middle-aged. He reached through the window; grabbed the guy and pulled him out through the window. Holding him with his left hand, he hit him in the face and knocked him clear over the hood of his car. He said the fellow got up and came around the back of the car; this was, of course, before the days of cell phones and it was about 10 minutes before the cops got there. The other guy was about twice his age and weighed maybe 170 pounds. The big, bad guy said he'd NEVER been so glad to see anyone in his life as he was the cops. The little guy couldn't hit him hard enough to knock him out, but for 10 minutes had absolutely worn his a$$ out. He was bleeding in about a dozen places and scratched in a bunch more. Found out he wasn't nearly as bad as he thought he his own admission. Told the story on himself.
I don't drive in town much but town people come out here alot. Something that has always gotten on my nerves is people tail gate'n go'n down the road. Don't know why but at night it just bugs the crap out of me. A few years ago I decided I needed a set of heavy duty work/back up lights on my old ton truck. Put a set of the biggest K/C lights I could find on the headache rack. Works good for back'n up trailers at night and loading tobacco wagons late. The only think is I have a short some where that makes them flash on for a half a second some time. Seems to only happen when some one is real close to by back bumper at night.

When I was in college I had an old beater S10 that didn't go very fast and folks were always honking at me like the guy did you. I put a bumpersticker on it that said "KEEP HONKING I AM RELOADING", honking seemed to stop after that.

Six-two and athletic, and you think someone you've really aggravated would just calmly get out of his car and offer you a fair and civilized fist fight? You should be expecting Mr. Tire Iron or Mr. Glock.
Yep, I do the same.. The closer they tailgate, the slower I drive.. Only time I speed up is when there is a place they might could pass.. Often after a few miles, they get the idea, back off a safe distance, and I speed up..
BOY Roofing nails must have fallen out of the sky every where!!!!!! Sorry JimSC Didn't read all the new posts. Pat, you sure ruffeled some feathers. I love a spirited discussion!
Getting out of your vehicle is a mistake.. If any violent act comes out of that, from either side, the guy that got out is most likely to get charged for instigating it..

A few years ago, I was in Lowe's and somehow bumped into a Black man .. I said sorry and thought no more about it.. When I was in the checkout line, he started harrassing me, but I just ignored him. As I was driving out of the parking lot, be drove up and blocked me in, and got out and started threatening and cursing me.. I was not going to get out.. But I took a chance, and reached over and opened my glovebox and reached in, as if I was getting a gun.. He ran and jumped in his car, and squealed away. LOL.. By staying in my truck, I had the upper hand.. If I had felt a real threat to my life. I could have driven over him...
I was driving behind some idiot one time that was driving way under the speed limit and kept looking in his rear view mirror like he was trying to tick me off. I got pretty close to him and hit the horn. Amazingly he sped up. My dad had the best story though. He was delivering a 7 gang fairway mower to a golf course and some guy in a red convertible was honking and cussin at my dad on a short one lane road. When the road turned into 2 lanes, there was a red light. The guy pulled beside my dad and was cursing even worse. My dad pushed the hyd. lever to lower the side reel mower over the guys car. Good thing there weren't any cars coming through the intersection. The idiot in convertible took off through the red light without even looking. Dave
becuase everyone decided to flip out about this lol let me show you a diagram of CONSTANT horn blowing.

About two minutes of constant horn blowing. starting in the parking lot. the red signifies stop lights and blue signifies where i got out. No matter how much you tell me i was wrong. I know i was right for obeying the law and stoping the person behind me from either rearending me or causing an accident.
becuase everyone decided to flip out about this lol let me show you a diagram of CONSTANT horn blowing.
About two minutes of constant horn blowing. starting in the parking lot. the red signifies stop lights and blue signifies where i got out. No matter how much you tell me i was wrong. I know i was right for obeying the law and stoping the person behind me from either rearending me or causing an accident
Only City people have places to be, usually cark it at 40.

"You can't be first, but you can be next".saw that on a car.
And how is you knew he was a "city driver"?

Interestingly, I've found drivers in Los Angeles to be the most polite of anywhere I've driven. Everybody understands the rules, and even in the ridiculous LA traffic, drivers will not cut you off and they seldom drive aggressively.

Now here in the Detroit metro area, the drivers are very aggressive and often downright rude. Maybe it's the weather.
$exually frustrated, unemployed, about to be unemployed, underpaid, big bills, bullied by wife, just divorced, about to be divorced, spouse having an affair, kids are on drugs, kid is pregnant, small guy big car, big guy small car, you name it and they are just ticking time B-mb's.
I love it when the ride on the yellow line, trying to look past you to see if they can pass. I pull over to the yellow line too, so they cant see around me. Boy that must really $iss them off.
Sounds EXACTLY like a crime was committed; might search the legal definition of assault in your jurisdiction. This is the on-line, generic definition:

"At Common Law, an intentional act by one person that creates an apprehension in another of an imminent harmful or offensive contact.

An assault is carried out by a threat of bodily harm coupled with an apparent, present ability to cause the harm. It is both a crime and a tort and, therefore, may result in either criminal or civil liability. Generally, the common law definition is the same in criminal and Tort Law".

A few days in the local pokey (could be as much as 11/29) can be a wonderful attitude adjuster.
all i can do is laugh... im glad that you took the time to go look up the law that i just broke. Thanks
Im asumming hes from this city, Considering he had an advanced auto parts shirt on which is the store i just came from. That could be my fault maybe he lives in a country town 15 minutes away. Who knows
New York City may have its bad drivers, but they can't compare the Dallas drivers. They are by far the most aggressive and rudest drivers in the world. Not only will they tail gate and blow their horn at people going 15 MPH over the speed limit!! They'll bust a couple of caps at you as they pass!

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