OT, Anybody belong to the VFW?

John S-B

Well-known Member
I"m elgible to join, but kind of wondered what kinds of things do they do? I"m right in between two different posts, can you go to whatever one you want to or are you supposed to just go to the post you"re a member of? Just want to know what your experiences are. Thanks.
Poor man's country club; a place to drink and dance with other men's wives. You don't have to be a veteran, just have enough money to pay the dues. Obviously, other clubs may be different........
Our local post is very active, with breakfast buffets, hamburger frys, etc. open to the public. Members are expected to do their part in staging these events.

This particular post also expects members to meet membership requirements to the letter. My service in the Marine Corps covers both the Korean War and the Vietnam War inclusive dates, but I'm not eligible because I never actually set foot in either country. No matter that the Corps saw fit to involve me in matters of equal importance elsewhere and I was awarded a medal called the "Badge of Honor" by the government of the Republic of China on Taiwan for participation in operations against Red China on the Mainland in 1958. The VFW doesn't recognize that as a war.

I've always been on friendlier terms with the American Legion and have been a member on occasion.
Don"t have to be a veteran? To attend functions, yes, but no membership for non-veterans, and eligiblity requires service in one of a number of recognized war zones. Non-veterans being members would certainly not fly here.
(quoted from post at 07:24:18 03/10/10) I"m elgible to join, but kind of wondered what kinds of things do they do? I"m right in between two different posts, can you go to whatever one you want to or are you supposed to just go to the post you"re a member of? Just want to know what your experiences are. Thanks.

You'll find it different wherever you go, but in my little part of the world, I find the VFW too political and post officers a little arrogant trying to wear their old military rank. I am a member and keep my dues up and I am a member of the American Legion and 40&8. My heart is with the Legion and 40&8. As for your question about membership, your membership is good anywhere in the world, and can attend meetings anywhere. Voting rights are only at the post reflected on your membership card. Same with the Legion.

A lot of posts are in trouble due to diminishing numbers because in each war the US tries to do more with less and more advanced technology. This phenom has been going on for several years and has no promise of getting better unfortunately and I don't go to mine very often except for special Friday nights which offers $5 dinners. I just don't want to sit and listen to some of the old WWII and Korean war vets try to tell me how Viet Nam wasn't a real war like theirs. I faced that while I was in at the NCO Clubs. Since the no smoking ban came in that seemed to knock down the members too even though our smoking area is like a wind tunnel and the smoke comes in at 100mph everytime the door opens. It's sad really because it was a fun place to go with my dad years ago before I went into the service.
As a third generation VFW member, plus the Commander of our local post and a member of the American Legion, I'll try to give you a little insight. 1. Yes some VFW members let it go to their head that they are members. I notice it most with WWll vets and that cycle is slowly going away. Remember only certain folks can join. My father seen more death and destruction in four years in Germany than any of us will see in a lifetime. 2. Never heard of a post/club called a poor mans country club, but will consider the source. I can go to any local bar and chase other mens wifes also. I don't so that is where this conversation will end. 3. The local American Legion that I am a member of has a very active group of folks. They do very good and use them as a role model for somethings. Can think of two legions several towns away that are about washed up. Basiclly what I'm trying to say is go to the meetings of both clubs (don't forget the Legion) and the one you feel the most comfortable with join. You will only get out what you put in. You can email me with more questions if you like, but please join one of your local posts as they need your membership.

Gotta agree with you unclemerle!

Dad's legion post was about to disband in the small commuity I "grew up" in till they started a Son's of the American Legion post here. My Dad and several others were not in the VFW but actively supported the local Legion And 40/8 while they were able.

Not exactly sorry I didn't have to serve in Vietnam, BBUUTT - I thank everyone for their service!

PS: I often drive 40 miles each way to try to help out with their activies. Fun YES - Country Club - NO.
Thank you for your service! Checkout both posts and see what they have for local programs. American legion is an all right outfit too. I belong to both the Legion and VFW. Yes you have to qualify to belong to both.
Thank you for your service. Veteran orgs. help not only for vets but other worthy causes. I hope you would join (Your choice) Even if you just pay your dues & do not attend meetings. That helps. I just love the way some of veterans org's go to airports to "welcome home" todays troops. It's a hell of a lot better than the greetings of 40 years ago.
Thanks for the replies Unclemerle (and everbody else). I could probably afford to join a a real country club, but I think I"d have more fun at a "poor man"s" country club. Just something about folks who have earned their own way.
I"m getting close to being able to retire from the Guard, so that would give me some more free time to do functions with the VFW.
I agree with you. When I came back from nam. My father in law took me to his VFW post. Wasn't there half an hour got into two fights with some WWII vets. Never went back and don't care to join. They had one in this town,but from what I was told. The leader and his buddy got caught cooking the books and had their hands in the cookie jar.

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