Dandilion wine

Toby Oats

Lookin forward to makin some with Grandma this spring. It would be my first try. She says we need a big stone crock? She"s tried using a plastic bucket without good results. Anyone know what else we could make it in? Thanks for any help. Toby.
Ask Granny if she used a "Homer" type bucket from Home Depot...you should use "commercial food process grade" plastic buckets for initial fermentation process, (hickup) and transfer into glass "carboys" (hickup).....both can be purchased at wine/beer making supply companies...

Have fun----I make about 30 gallons of wine a year from wild grapes, elderberries, concord grapes, etc.

knowing her it was probaly just a regular 5 gallon bucket. Maybe the local winery would have some supplies. Thanks guys. Toby
Worst home made wine I ever drank(about 40 years ago) and it took what seemed like millions of dandelion bloosoms. Hope your results are better.
Open Crock or pail is best. Can put in slices of toast with yeast for top fermenting I guess. When it gets working good take out onto porch with a dipper to serve. I forget what we did after that?????
Later Bob
The traditional pickin' day is St George's day, April 23rd. Yes, the same St. George who slew the dragon. I dunno if I'd wanna mess with that kinda tradition. An unused food grade plastic bucket should be fine. I say unused only because you really don't want to impart some odd flavor to the wine. If it has been used for other flower wines (or probably even fruit wines) in the past, you should be fine.
I second your assessment of dandelion wine. My neighbor gave me a jar of his several years ago. Compared to it "Rebel Yell" was like champagne.
My son has made wine from Dandilions for 8 years now, and every year the batches get bigger, we freeze the flowers and make batches all winter, he is now making rubarb crabapple 2 batches and seems they are hits with all the neighbours who get samples if they pick the fruit , GOOD LUCK
I disagree about using new buckets, to avoid imparting any odd flavors. If the dandelion wine I've had is any indication, you WANT to add odd flavors. Or even flavors. ANYTHING would be an improvement.
My wife and I made a batch back in the 80s using her Father's recipe. It was a lot of work especially since we clipped all the green off every single blossom with scissors. He had made it before without that extra step and it was pretty good. However, in my opinion, getting rid of all the green gave it a much "gentler" flavor.
I still have a quart and a half of it in bottles lying on their sides on the cool basement floor.
I usually pass around just a taste to those interested in trying it on Mother's day each year. I dread the thought of the work involved in making another batch; that is, if we can even find the recipe. LOL

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