OT--offering jobs, turned down for unemployment check


Well-known Member
Just had to get this off my chest. Offered two guys jobs this week and they passed because they were making close to the wage I offered being on unemployment. I couldn"t believe it. Guess they think they can stay at home while I keep working to pay for it. What a deal.
Yup, as a lady being interviewed before our dear president elected said, " I'm voting for external_link, he'll take care of me so I won't have to work." Makes the working guy feel worth something, like a piece of donkey dung!!!!!!!
How much is unemployment in your area? And if the job was just temporary, why give up months of bennies?
If you have their names, call the unemployment office and tell them they refused work. Benefits will stop. I have done this and it works.
Ya and that is just the type of person you don't want working for you any how since they would most likely stand around doing as little as they could so your probably better off with out them just keep looking. Some one who enjoys working is the best type to have and will do the most for the buck
Yep, thats what the American system has done to people . Years ago I needed a cleanup man on a remodeling job I was doing . I offered the job (cash)to my Xwifes cousin who is one of these family welfare groups . He said no , I make that much watching tv .Yep , another tax payers burden .Yet , in 2000 whe I was more or less forced to stop working & go on SS Disability , I had a heck of a time getting it started & getting any assistance from the government .My thanks for years of paying into Social Security & taxes . God bless
I agree with other posters that folks ought to work for living. However, this brings up 3 questions: 1. How long was the job? 2. What was the job? 3. What was the pay?
I am interested since I need to hire a little outside help for some fencing that I will soon undertake. Tom
It was a permanent position. I thought the amount of their unemployment check was a percentage of what they made at their last job? Don't know, never had to go down that road and I hope not to.
Yep Ken took me 5 years to get SSD. Some how when a doctor says your retired it should be easy to get SSD but it isn't But you know how the system is only works for the crooks
My BIL was offered a job Home depot a couple years ago and he refused cause it was the same as what he made on Unemployment (or close to it)

I agree that anyone on unemployment should get their butt out and get a job even it means making the same pay, but to turn down a cash paying job is super lazy.

I worked with a guy 20 years ago that was laid off from a Mfg job and then worked roofing jobs for cash and made more money collecting unemployment and doing the cash jobs.

The lazy people of this country need to have benefits stop..........a great cure for getting a job.
That is good enough money to get off the unemployment. Full time too........lots of young guys would jump at that.
In the state of Michigan the maximum for benefits is $380 per week.......I am a few dollars off on the actual amount. But........if you made say $12/hour then you qualify for the full $380 and someone making $7/hour will get $280/week (their full pay) But......if you make $20/hour you still only get $380 per week. I have never collected unemployment (and hope I never have too) so my facts may be wrong. The system should be set up so that you make a percentage of your pay, no matter what your wage is. UAW guys get the $380 and the big company kicks in more money so that they get 85% of their pay.......so there is no real incentive to get a job. (thats the way it was before the bankrupt issues with the big 3)
Heres a question.Providing that social security is still around when these guys reach retirement age,isnt social security based on all of the jobs you worked in the past? Bill M.
You always see those guys standing on the corner with a sign saying they need work, will do anything....family is hungry. Offer them a job and watch them run for cover. I had a kid in a class a few years ago who wouldn't do his assignment. I asked him what he was going to do when he got out of school. His answer was "I'll just live off my welfare check." Sad situation.
I need some help this spring/summer and trying to do things the right way and get someone through our version of the unemployment office. Can't get a German for less than 12 Euro an hour. Can't find a German in town that wants to get off the couch for cash money. Ended up with a russian girl that cleans the two stall/paddocks outside of town for 100 bucks a month and a couple of hungarian guys that will help build a couple things and a little remodeling for 10 euro an hour for the pair.Getting some tile and plumbing work done for horse manure, and have to take a couple classes so that I can go to a local prison and get inmates to help out (just have to feed and transport).
Guess it don't matter what country you are in, the original natives are the worst.

The unemployment thing is a tricky complicated deal. If you're on unemployment you have to consider if taking a certain job will actually put you in the hole. If you take a job, there are expenses associated with it and if it isn't long term, you might loose your benefits. The unemployment situation is very complicated these days. It's pretty unpleasant no matter how you slice it.
the max weekly unemployment is 362 a week in michigan, with 26 week allowed before the federal extension kicks in. The federal government is adding an additional 25 dollars a week but that is due to expire on Feb 28, 10 unless congress extends.
I remember way back in the early 60s a good friend of my Dad turned down a job as parts man at a new John Deere dealership for the same reason. Turned out to be not such a wise decision as time went on.
Hey Gun Guru The supplemental unemployment the UAW workers drew was their money, not the companys. The workers paid into that fund. It was only administered by the company. Get your facts straight before you start spewing a lot of misinformation.
It's all politics.

Several years ago, I was doing temp work. A three month temp assignment ended and the agency had no more work for me at the time, so I filed for unemployment. The temp agency denied it because they said I left the job voluntarily.

That was a flat out lie, so I filed an appeal. The appeal hearing consisted of a three way telephone conversation between myself, the gal from the temp agency, and the judge. I hardly got to say a word, let alone present my case. The gal from the temp agency and the judge had a friendly conversation while she again lied through her teeth. Naturally, I lost the appeal.

Guess it isn't even who you know that counts, it's who you sleep with.
My son is a welder/mechanic at a farm shop nearby. He went to Voc/ag school right out of high school, got certified and then right to work. I don't think he was out a week. Not making great money but never has any issues with going to work and working his OT when they need him. Most of his class mates are still "finding themselves" and taking "abundant arts" at the comm college. They only get a job long enough to get fired so they can get unemployment. They like to hang around on the weekends and kid him about how much free time they have. I keep telling him, your way better off pulling your own weight in this world than listening to them freeloaders. But it is hard on these young kids who got a decent work ethic to see others get everything handed to them.
Around here at that rate you would be labled a prophet and have many deciples. Must be the area you are in here $12 would stop people in there tacks!!!
I worked at Reynolds Aluminum for 32 years. When I was young, I worked all the overtime that I was offered. I needed the money to raise three kids.
People change and changed they have---Reynolds couldn't get young people to work 40 hours, let alone overtime. Many would work an overtime shift and take one or two days off. I guess most of them were not married and didn't need the money anyway. Seems like a lot of kids today marry much later in life and live off their parents.
Would still be part of their benifits package. The money doesn't magically appear from thin air. It comes from working at the company, so comes from the company.....

None of us do. But if you have to, It's no fun and games. Until you walk in a man's shoes you shouldn't judge. Perhaps they're not lazy as you believe and them declining your job offer was merely their way of politely telling you you weren't offering enough money.
I don't think you'll get too many people working for the difference, doesn't seem smart to me. Was your job permanent?
So when does it quit being company money?
Usually when you have those type of bennies you go through your part first?
Conversion says euro is $.73, so you're complaining about a German not working for less than $8.76 hr?
Beg your pardon: Unemployment compensation is not your money: It was contributed to the fund by these mens former employers. If you are a bonifide employer yourself and contribute to the fund,carry workmens compensation and are a legit employer according to the IRS and your states compensation laws and if these men have not claimed you as a job contact and you wish to acheive some kind of videta against them ,by all means report them.
After high school i was let go at the local co-op due to me going to a local community college. I took the unemployment. 300 bucks every other week. I put it over a hundred applications to find some night work and didn't get a call back from one. I thank god for that unemployment i had for a few months...Course the economy was pretty gettin bad those years also
Beg your parden but you're wrong. The money comes from the tax payers of the state you happen to be in. And when the money runs out, like it has in Michigan, they get it from the federal government and other people in other states get to pay for this fiascal. The problem is that the lazy A-holes get to stay home and collect $387 dollars a week and use their wives health insurance so its a pretty good deal all the way around for them. Then they file for two seperate extensions and collect $387 a week for 99 weeks and don't even have to look for a job. Unemployment has become welfare, nothing more. They should have to report to a work program every day outside in the elements and earn their welfare. But the way it's set up they don't even have to leave the house.
It sure will and it should. They ask you when you call "MARVIN" if you were offered any work, turned down any work? It also says failing to answer any questions honestly will bring on possibly being prosecuted and a loss of benefits. So they basically committed fraud in the eyes of the state.
I don"t think these guys were worthy of much more money. High school education and no work skills. Just looking for some good laborers.
$16 bucks an hour??

Get me a plane ticket and a few words in german and i'll be right over!!
It just seems that you should be able to report, to their claims office, that you offered them a job. ??? I'm in deep water here. I don't know a thing about it. I don't have any employees and I've never collected unemployment although I've been paying into it for 50+ years. I guess that's where their checks are coming from. Guys like me.
I beg your pardon Dave, but being on unemployment is no party. Apparently, you have been fortunate enough to not experience this. I was laid off and out of work for 7 months with no reserves. God provided for me and my daughter during this time. You try loosing 85% of your income and see if you can keep your mortgage and utilities paid with no reserves. I just completed a divorce when it happened. My ex and the attorneys took all my reserves. I was left with all the bills and a daughter to provide for. I kept my bills paid for 7 months and paid Cobra Insurance without borrowing any money. I looked for a job day and night up to 20 hrs a day, seven days a week, doing web searches, applying online, doing door to door visits to companies, and making phone calls. I contacted every friend I had and made new ones looking for work. There was no job to be had. During those 7 months, I had the offer of one interview for a $10/hr job with a 100 mile a day commute. You do the math, I would have been paying them to do them a favor and lost my critical benefits. I have an extremely wide skill set. I was even turned down for a maintenance job in a paint plant. I was even given a competency test as well as a drug screen. I know I passed both with flying colors. I'm qualified to do any job in that plant, including running it. People would not even talk to me much less call for an interview or make a job offer. I even told some of my friends who were plant managers, I'd pick orders for them and if their system went down, they could count on me to bring it up. Still no bites. I did anything and everything I could to survive. Finally after 7 months, I got my first real interview and I was hired because I am so well qualified. The pay is only 60% of what I was making but I can work with that.

I know there are some that take advantage, however, at this point in time, most are not. People are loosing their homes and can't feed their families. Driving through Atlanta I've seen many people sleeping under bridges. I'd never noticed them before, but there are so many now, you can't miss them. Drive through any major city and look under the bridges as you pass by. You'll see bedding where newly homeless people sleep.

So Dave, I'm one of the A Holes, you're talking about. I had never been out of a job in my life. I'm 49 years old, college educated and have extensive experience. I drew unemployment, got food stamps and worked with the bank on my mortgage. Only by the grace of God did I make it.

When you're sitting at home in your nice warm house with your family close by, you consider, it could be you on the outside. It could all go away in an instant. It could be your house with an open top roll off dumpster in your driveway and your things dumped inside. Maybe then you will learn some compassion for the less fortunate.

davepal, you really shouldn't talk any more. You are embarrassing yourself if you know enough to be embarrased. The tax payers you referred to are not individuals like you, they are the companies people were working for. Unemployment is funded by the federal and state taxes paid by companies, not workers.

Don't take my word for it. Do a google and some reading for yourself.
It ain't your money until you are unemployed, so - it's not yours either.

Fair enough if it isn't the company's money. Ok.

But it ain't the employee's money either.

If I'm wrong that's ok. But then so is the other person?

At one time the company had to pay it into the fund. As a benifit.

Never, ever, did the employee pull it out of _his_ bank savings fund. So it never was his.

So, I don't know yhow you get to your conclusion that the employee funded the extra bonus money????

In Indiana, when filling out your voucher for your unemployment check, one of the questions applicants are asked is "Did you refuse any work this week?" Saying "yes" could affect your eligibility to collect.

I'd suggest you report them.
One issue that I did not see mentioned when I scanned the other comments is the possibility of better employment. It is easier to get a job when you have a job. After a person has been unemployed for a few weeks, many prospective employers begin to ask themselves if other employers know/saw something about this applicant that made them fail to hire. Taking an offered job gives the person that bit of extra edge needed in the search for a better job. People are always happy to hire good workers who already have a job.
t-lak --- what is a ''permanent'' job? I guess thats the type of reasoning that makes believe the gov't is going to make everything all better.
Yep, and you know they are whine'n to every one they know about how there "just ain't no jobs".

It's bad when you are try'n to find people to work and you have to out bid their tater tickets on top of what the job is worth!!!

Guy up the road from me was say'n year and a half ago that he was not going to be able to heat his house cause propane was so high. His house had a wood burner in it when he moved in but he but in a gas heater. I told him I had a mile of creek banks that needed cleaned. He could use my truck, saws, and all the gas he could burn for nothing. I guess he got on some government program, ain't showed up yet.

If you are able, you should have beat the 5**t out of both of the parasites. Perhaps, taught them what their (probably) worthless parents should have.

Only 48% of Americans are now paying tax AT ALL. Supporting these deadbeat, loser, parasites. Not to mention the rest of government waste and abuse.

We are in the final days. We cannot get out of the hole we have allowed our elected idiots dig us into.
in the first 8 weeks you don,t have to take job paying less than you were making. this is so you can have a chance to be looking at better jobs. after that you will be on a sliding scale and have to take lesser paying job. This is no handout as some of you think or have never experienced. it is paid by employer and is still figured as your wage package. employer has to pay on what is taken out. construction companys have higher payin due to seasonal layoffs. No I am not collecting it as I have retired after more than 30 years employment with one company with a lot of overtime. If you havenot walk in some unfornet ones shoes don,t complain.I see what has happened to people volunteering at food bank and soup kitchen. Thank God there are generous people helping them
Beg all your pardons people, but its the end user, the consumer who ultimately pays for all of it in the form of higher prices to cover all this bullshtuff that goes on.
I was in the unemployment line 2 times by the time I was 19. Lost work due to no fault of my own. Back when you had to drive to the unemployment office and fill out the forms. I had to prove that I placed an application at 4 locations per week. At that time, you were able to turn down one offer before they pulled your benefits. You could not draw a check until the second week. Thats been 20+ years ago.
You're qualified to do anything in the plant including running it? You have a lot of friends that are plant managers? Still can't find a job? Perhaps it's not me who should be embarrassed here. If you're as highly educated as you claim and have been working your entire lifetime and are currently 49 you should probably be retired by now. But hey, what do I know? I'm just the guy that thinks the state needs to cut it's unemployment welfare and you need to get that $10 per hour job because that's obviously what you're currently worth mister plant manager.
I have been trying to find some full or part-time work for a couple of years now. Seems like one poster said if have a job its easier to get hired for another job. It seems by not having a job I am screwed.
Due to a medical problem I went back to college taking computers as main course when I was in my 30s. I have been working fixing computers, doing odd jobs, painting, cleaning yards, whatever i can pick up. This does not seem to help any when I put an application in for a job anywhere.
Maybe because I turned 50 nobody wants me. I
Back to the subject I cant see anybody turning down a job. If its something they can handle then why not. I have been depressed myself, its a real kick to the self esteam not working. To me working gives a person a sense of pride, self worth. Wish I was somewhere near you. I am outside of a small town in Canada that has been hard hit by factory closings so not many jobs around.
Think if I was you I would be reporting them.
Year or two ain't bad for a start, better than shoveling dave2 stalls for $5 hr for a weekend.
When you get older you will find that it's not that easy to find a job.Employers look down on older workers.I know ,my plant closed in 2004 ,I was 50 yrs. old and had to look for a job.Went on many interviews and was qualified for a many a job,but never got a call back.Finally found a job making a 1/3 of what i was making.
Just ask yourself this. If you're getting 100.00 for u.e. and someone wants you to work for him for 100.00 and you're gonna have to drive to work, buy or take your lunch and do all his dirty work for him. Who's gonna come out the better, certainly not you because you're gonna have expenses above what you're getting on U.E. Might as well sit at home & draw it.

If you want someone to work for you, at least offer a fair wage for a days work. Just because they're on unemploymewnt doesn't mean they have to lick your boots.
Lots of experience with unemployment comp....as an engineering contractor, there are just times when nothins going on....however, har in kansas you do not have to take a job that is below the last jobs pay and you don't have to travel to another location if the company you work for says to...or go home.
If they have a chance to earn but chose to stay a ward of the govt, h311 yes that applies.

I lost a good paying job (high tech) in 2001. I did not collect one dollar from unempl or anyone else. I worked as I could for cash etc using my own skills and tools till I could sell what i could not afford. my bill collectors worked with me through it and I now outright OWN more today than I owed on back then and live well within my means and work every day. And if I lost my job today, I would still be able to make a living and this time no creditors to deal with.

So don't try that pity scheme. A parasite that has a chance to earn his keep and chooses to remain on the govt teat, is a piece of human waste in my opinion.
yeah just like the panhandlers standing with the "will work for food" signs, offer them a pile of wood to split for a great meal later. They will laugh at you.
Pull over and ask one of them if they know how to work a tobacco barn they won't laugh, they will cuss you like a dog!!!!

I read these posts and realize that I grew up in an era that is totally foreign to what is going on today. I graduated from high school in 1967, and if you were crossing the street and tripped and fell down, someone would run up and offer you a job. I have never experienced a period of unemployment. Never made lots of money either. Worked full time job, part time gas station, and raised hogs til it cost instead of paid. I am blessed with good health and a wife and family that do not demand the shiniest and the fastest. I wish I knew the answers to the problems facing our country. Our leaders are darned if they do and darned if they don't, to put it mildly. Yesterday in church we learned of a family who have lost their jobs and thus their insurance, have terminal illness in the family, and have spent every penny obtainable to try to help their loved ones.

God help us.
I agree with you on the older workers. I was kicked out at 57. Found out later that they were trying to find a cheaper generator tech. I was the only one they had that knew the older units. Now four years later they are still looking. Everyone they hired was fired or quit. Tried to find work and interview goes fine until they find out your age. Not bragging on myself. But I am known world wide for my help on older gensets. But even with all that knowledge. I can't get past the age thing. Older workers are not wanted any more. Since they can hire some kid off the street and hope he works out.
Young fella I know made $27,000 on unemployment last year. Can't find anything that would pay as much, so watches TV and takes care of the kids. The guvment is making a lot of folks into slugs, with all their "programs". In far too many cases, the "safety net" has become a hammock.

This guy's wife secretly hopes they cut off his benefits, so he'll get a job.
You don't want them working for you, but you can also report them for turning down work. I know when I was on unemployment for a week here & there, I was only exempt from doing a job search because it was temporary.

When I was fired and out of work for 5 weeks, I was supposed to do a job search and one of the questions was "Did you turn down any work?"

I took the 1st job I was offered but I'm still there, 16 months later. Making more than unemployment paid...

Donovan from Wisconsin
true you have to wait a week to draw. but you do not have to take any job at first. I helped a labor advocate after I retired and you can also quit and not be declined if it is a violent cliamate to work in and collect benefits. also if they deny you can have a workforce hearing with their judge. we only lost one at these hearings and it was afair judgement. Here anybody can set in and listen. Nursing homes were the worst offenders. this advocate relyed on contributions only and never charged clients. BEST PART wal mart gave us money over the years .

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