olympic appology


Well-known Member
On behalf of most of the Canadian public. I would like to apologize for how our politically correct and how some brainless bureaucrats. Have tried to organize but have compromised the 2010 Winter Olympics.
It's easy to be a critic and yes many people have done a fine job and their very best. Thankyou to those good people.
To a few of you but dim witted dumb jerks. I'm so embarrassed.
The all electric carbon neutral Olympic prototype ice surfacers which were rushed into production.Too heavy, under powered, too slow to charge and over spiked tires.
The political correctness.
The failure of the Olympic flame assembly to rise during the opening ceremonies.
The poorly designed ice track where that unfortunate young man from Georgia Europe died.
The warm weather that melted the snow.
The canceled tickets for spectators and fans.
The people who believe the public can't be allowed near the Olympic Flame.Who installed a cheap crummy looking chain link fence around the flame.
The bizarre protesters vandalizing public and private property to " illustrate their cause".
Imagine what it's like living our entire lives under the rule of government bureaucrats who know what is good for us poor dumb smucks.
At least Canada makes that fine but over taxed Crown Royal Rye Whiskey to help us cope with the frustration. I'm going to have a couple more and pass out.
Sorry folks.
No need for an apology. Thanks to the excessive advertising, I have decided not to watch a single minute of olympics and I haven"t missed it a bit.
me neither, i am just on here messing around, while the wife is glued to the tv in the living room. don't forget about canadian beers! no whiskey for me.
Oh, are they having the Olympics? I guess these are the ski/skate ones, rather than the running ones they have in warm places..
Been watching it a lot, beingf from a winter state - we happen to have lots of snow & extra cold, wish we coulda shared....

No need to appologise, you folks put on a fine show, and the location is awefully close to Seattle, so the rest of us understand the problem.....


Thanks for the note. I haven't had a television for about 20 years, so I have to admit that I haven't been one bit offended by anything that has gone on at the Olympics.

I did, however, work for about a year on the 1996 Olympics in Atlanta. You wouldn't believe how screwed up some of the organizers, sponsors, and athletes were at those games.

What a world we live in, eh?

Tom in TN
No way to predict the weather 4 years in advance. Shaun White said the half pipe was one of the best ever considering there was no natural snow. The latest thing that happened was a cross counrty skier went off the track and fell into a 3 ft. ditch! that wasn't marked or barricaded. They are considering suing the Olympic organizers. The skier had broken ribs and other injuries. Did you see what they did so people could take pictures of the flame through the chain link fence? I'm wondering if they were way over budget or just had poor organizers. Canada's doing pretty good as far as medals though. Dave
Well if it helps any, my son and dil were at the olympics and had a blast. No complaints from them and they were there.
Doesn't every city that ever hosts the olympics loose a tub full of money on the thing?

Maybe that's why Barry got the US kicked out of the running to host the future olympics. He was a wanting to save us money! You know with all the business savy he picked up doing all the community organizing stuff.


I live near Detroit Michigan on the border with Canada. We have had many dealings with Canada for work related issues [NAFTA] . The people are nice but the goverment needs to pull its head out of its a$$.

Never cared for the way Canada adressed things "gun control" etc etc etc there more screwed up then we are but at least we have a back bone .
Also apologize for the over length bi-lingual podium speeches that even few Canadians understand. French is a very minor language world wide and and only spoken in one province out of 13 provinces or territories.
Yet the very small but very vocal and well placed minority in Canada. Have no problem building a power base and spending billions extra yearly. With the politically correct equality excuse for power grabbing.
I'm getting about tired of that song the Canadian Olympic committee plays endlessly as well.
I should also apologize for how windy is is around here too. On the entire trip the Olympic flame took being ran from coast to coast.The one and only time the torch flame ever blew out. Was in the next town north of here Port Elgin.No wonder they install commercial sized wind turbines around here.
I drove up to Whisler Mt in the summer one time. Rather a long narrow road in the summer so in the winter it must be a real treat.

Interesting I just read it cost Canada 2 billion starting in '95 to register the long guns which as I read is being taking off the books. Not all of your great country opted to be in the maddness. Love your fishing lakes.

With HD TV abc will not come in so did not watch the games now every other station does?
I contracted three Toronto engineers to purchase computer hardware, assemble in consoles, and write the control code for an assembly machine. What a disaster. We ended up sending them home and writing the code for the control ourselves. It was interesting when 9/11 hit they disapeared in a flash as they couldn't get back to Canada fast enough.

I contracted a company in Old Castle (sub of Windsor) to build a machine enclosure from drawings. Another disaster that we pulled back ended up doing all of the fabrication over in a company in Port Huron.

Every trip to Canada was met with a border crossing inspection that I interpreted as a signal that Canadians don't want to do business with Americans.

Finally convinced purchasing not to let out contracts for bid in Canada.
It seems that each Olympic meet has to be more over-the-top than the last, with the inevitable result that each one is a bigger disaster than the previous one. Quite frankly, I don't understand why any city would want to host the games; they're a huge money-losing proposition for the host city.
When you try to please everyone, you end only pleasing a few. I haven't even payed attention to the olympics, they are nothing but a dog and pony show like any other sports program. As far as The Canadian people and their country, I personally have no problems. I work for a Canadian owned company here in the states and they are the nicest folks to work for and deal with. Business wise Canadians do have some different ideas and ways they do business, but every country does. One just needs to keep this in mind.
What are the Olympics?
I'm with Tom in TN. No TV.
I never did understand people who sit in fromt of the TV all evening and then complain about the programming.
But I've got to hand it to you B&D; you find your solace in a good brand of whiskey.

Some of my best years were working in Toronto and Montreal.

The weird thing about Montreal, everyone was speaking French. Once they realized I was American, not from Ontario, they would speak English to me quite well. For some reason the Quebec's didn't appear to be too fond of their English speakcing countrymen from Ontario.

Now as far as gun control in Canada I'm not real fond of that, but I wouldn't exactly say the US government is a great role model on some of the boneheaded ideas Washington DC dreams up either.

B&D No need to apologize. During my active duty days we did a number of TDYs to CFB Cold Lake. Your troops were some of the best and most accomodating that we ever worked with. That includes our own and those of many other nationalities. (Among the worst were the DAMNED Saudis and, believe it or not, the Kuwaitis.) Still remember a couple of TGI Fridays and Queens B"Day celebrations. . . Whenever the Canucks, or your Snowbirds, hit our base we reciprocated by opening the doors to our shops, AMMO dump and our clubs.
My favorite lighter until I lost it was a Zippo engraved with the three wolves staring North, East and West because the U.S. had your six.
No need to apologize, after all, look at all the perfidious buffoons we currently have running amuck in the States. Cheers Don
On sale at the moment, $28.00 canadian for 26 ounces which I suspect is what you call a "1/5".
40 Creek and Gibson's Finest are a little better in my opinion. In any case, hate to ruin the stuff by mixing with anything but ice.
I have seen a "fifth" = 1/5 gal in years. I think it's 750 ml. now
But the word reminds me of the old quip:
Wherever you find 4 Catholics, you'll generally find a fifth.
For the warm weather, blame El Nino. For the protesters, I know some of them were Canadian, but I suspect the violent ones were from the US. Eugene, OR and Olympia, WA have colleges with large organized anarchist groups (how ironic is that!), and those were the groups that busted up storefronts in Seattle during the WTO riots in '99
I believe the official languages of the Olympics is French and English. All announcements are supposed to be in both languages plus the host country's language.
Forget Canadian beers? Also don't forget the BC Bud- maybe that's what some of the foulups can be blamed on? Overindulging by the organizers, politicians and protestors. Similar incidents occur here in Madison, Wi after college crowd and political activists smoke too much. RN
French is a minor language. If bilingualism is important. Then the country should be English-Italian, English Mandarin or English Cantonese.
Everything produced here is blended except Century Reserve and Glen Breton.
The United Kingdom offers many wonderful single malts.
I can't get used to Jim Bean or Jack Daniels. Something way different in the process and ingredients.
I hope the Americans take notice and don't adopt spanish as a 2nd official language.
Good intentions but it causes aggravation, division and expense instead of improving the country.
BuickandDeere....interesting post.....I picked our daughter up in Milwaukee last night after her trip to Vancouver with her boyfriend from Portland......she was showing all her photos on her laptop.....she just shook her head when we asked about her pictures of the torch behind a prison-like chain link fence.....she was really disappointed. She had a great time at the women's downhill which she used to ski in high school and her overall impression of the whole event was positive......but....she seemed disappointed in the lack of crowds ? excitement and just overall great "happening" event type atmosphere.......what have locals and organizers actually said about attendance vs. expectations or previous winter olympics ?
Interesting! I was stationed in Cold Lake with the Canadian Air Force from 1981 to 1985 and we were always pleased to have "you" come and participate in Maple Flag!

Robert Those were some of the same years that we deployed to Cold Lake. Great times and TDYs before we started visiting the damn moslems on a regular basis. We were in our RF-4C Recce phase at that time. Got into some GREAT northern pike fishing and also saw some vertical snow. We may have rubbed shoulders at the Mess Hall or club. . .possibly even the F/L or dump. LaBatts and baby blues are much better when they aren't imported. . . Anyway, thank you ever so much for your hospitality. Best Regards Don (CMSgt AMMO (&weapons) ret.)
Read somewhere that the French spoken in Canada is an old dialect, and very difficult to understand for someone who speaks "regular" French. I took it for two years in high school, can't remember much of anything.

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