OT plane crash


Well-known Member
Don't know how many of you are following the news right now,but a plane hit an office building in Austin Texas a few hours ago. The NTSB is saying now it might have been intentional. The building is right next to an FBI building.
Latest report said crash was intentional, but not believed to be terrorism.

Pilot set their house on fire, then stole the small plane and crashed it into the office building.
The building did house 199 IRS employees, the pilot set his own house on fire before stealing the plane for the flight.

Connect the dots.

Pilots name was Joseph Stack.He owned the plane.He left a 6 page suicide note.Seems he was mad about lots of stuff and the IRS especially.
Guys, Local officials here in Austin Do belive it is intentional, It may revolve around a Tax,Wife,Economy problems, hence crashing a plane into the IRS porition of the Building. Still conflicting reports on weather the plane was his or stolen. Also You can't swing a dead cat and not hit a private non-maned Tower, air strip. Reported he left out of one of the smaller strips around. He did burn down his house and left a sucide note.
IRS, FBI and many and numerious other business are housed in this build in NW Austin, This is not the big main IRS building along I-35 in South Austin.
As Austin loves to say as their Byline,,,,"Keep Austin Weird" my, my, my, They are still right on target!
John A.
I heard one of his relatives talking on the radio say the airplane was not stolen; it was his!!! Also he owed money to the IRS! Surprise; Suprise... If its true!


Let me see if I understand this right:eek:k.


1. The use of terrorizing methods: 2.The state of fear and submission so produced.
3. A terrorist method of governing or of resisting a Government

UMMMMMMMM, am I wrong:
If I am please tell me:
Austin, TX. Small aircraft crashed into an office building. Two people injured plus the pilot. Watch CNN, for updates.
As the saying goes,"All we have to look foward to in this life is death and taxes." I guess he was taking care of both at the same time.
The people that will get hurt by this will likely be the private plane owners with a bunch of new restrictions placed on them. The NTSB, FAA and Homeland Security alread don't like them cluttering up the sky flying around unsupervised.
LeoninMI "Austin, TX. Small aircraft crashed into an office building. Two people injured plus the pilot. Watch CNN, for updates."

My Washington D.C. post was in reply to Buzzman's question "I just wonder what country we're gonna send troops to over this act of terrorism."

Sorry for the confusion I'm a classic interface user so I see the nested view of the threads.
I was just basing my comment on the fact that 17 of the 19 9/11 hijackers were from Saudi Arabia...so we sent troops to Iraq.

I figure that, using the same logic, since this guy was from Texas, we'll probably send troops to Venezuela.
Hi Buzzman: I like your logic and could not understand why more didn't speak up in D.C. right after 9/11... Then I remembered that almighty word... "Oil".. and I started to understand any excuse, such as 9/11, was to go after Iraq oil was the real hidden reason. ag
isn"t funny we can do nothing with cuba but china can do all. what is wrong with this picture? I guess too many exploding cigars.
Yeah, Look at all the great deals we are getting on oil. Iraq is our own private oil reserve. If that is a fact, how come gas is pushing $3.00 a gallon? Where's all that oil we stealing from Iraq?

Sorry to hear about the Pilot's bad luck: NOOOT:
He would have had better luck diving in to the ocean:
I know none of us like the IRS: but no need to kill any one because you are P-off at the IRS.
Im Sorry:
I'm not saying the decision to invade Iraq was about oil; I'm just saying that Saudi Arabia would've been a more logical target, based upon the FACTS. [And to those of you who DO believe it was about oil, all I can say is: Saudi Arabia has been known to produce a barrel or two of crude as well.]
Let"s see.... The plane was owned and operated by Joseph Andrew Stack of Austin Texas. Based on our track record we"ll invade Butte, MT.
Sorry,..My fault just as much. I didn"t catch the first post from rrlund. Just thought you wanted to know where it took place.
OK, pilot was killed. I didn't see how he could have survived a plane crash. I guess he showed them.
I"m not a big fan of the IRS and I certainly don"t condone the killing of innocent office workers. But I think the IRS has to change their way of doing business instead of having minimum wage people looking at a computer screen and having no feelings toward taxpayers with major financial problems, I"ve seen it and experienced it and had the fortitude to get in touch with someone who had authority to make arrangements which are workable. They actually have wiggle room if you get hold of the right people. It"s too bad for all!! CT
The "war for oil" crowd either hasn't looked into the true economics of that, or they're kooks.

The oil reason was/is never feasible.
Those who did speak up were labeled scornfully as unpatriotic. I first thought "oil" was the magic word, but I'm not sure now. It had to involve money somehow - maybe investments in military manufacturing. I do think that Bin Ladin (sp?) is the goose that laid the golden egg. I don't think they ever really wanted to catch him. Anyhow, I guess Cheney was right. We have been attacked. and only about a week after he predicted it. He's probably overjoyed.
dhermesc...........You could never rest then , Arnie's "I'll be back" ,never know when he is coming to get you..
Really? I just witnessed two refinerys shut down in my area. Not making a profit. Yeah, your right, those thieving oil companies are rolling in money.
Reminds me of the guy a few years back that had problems with the city govt and built a bullet-proof dozer and wrecked the town them killed himself.

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