responses to "make me an offer"

Nebraska Kirk

Well-known Member
I would be interested to hear your clever responses when the owner of something you are interested in buying says "make me an offer."
Maybe I'm just ignant, but I'd offer what I was willing to pay. If the person looked like they needed the money, I wouldn't try to cut their throat. If they look like they're comfortable, I might make the offer a little lower.........

I always try to get them to state their ask.Most people know what they want for the product they are selling.

This has ben beat to death on here. Anyway an old timer told me how to deal with it long ago. 1. the person knows what they want for it and is just "fishing" You have to get him to the table offer $1 and now what do you want for it. If that does not work see #2
2. The person has no intention in selling it and is just seeing what everybody is offering "free appraisle service" MOOOOVE OOOON!!!!
I will not go look at an object if they can't give me a price or post one.
Agree with [b:654c4848f0]Vito[/b:654c4848f0]; "Most people know what they want for the product they are selling."

After we thoroughly inspect the tractor/equipment and decide to consider a purchase, "How much cash will it take to buy your tractor/equipment today?"

If we want the tractor/equipment at the stated price, we pay the money and then make arrangements for pick up.

If we think it is too much money, "That's a good price, thanks for showing us your tractor/equipment."

No haggling, empty promises, wasting time, or hurt feelings/pride.
Forgot to add some do this to get a little more, example they want $50 and you offer $65 (they win in there mind) Some will take offer kind of like an auction then sell to highest offer.
Sometimes people really don't have a clue what their stuff is worth. A lot of times they think their stuff is worth twice as much as anyone else's. Usually when they say to make an offer, they are hoping you'll suggest a higher price than they were thinking. If they really hum and haw, it's almost guaranteed they're just acting, trying to get you say a high price. Be the same way and act like you don't really need it that bad. If they say make an offer, give a real low ball number like $1 or $10. If the seller makes a smart alec comment, just say "You said to make an offer, well there you go." Dave
i just tell them it's not mine to price, you are the one selling so tell me how much and if they can't then i don't buy.

casey in SD
If I make an offer, the owner gets insulted.... If I don't make an offer, I later find out that someone got the item for almost nothing..
This is a different twist on buying/selling. I sat an old motercycle out front with $50 sign on it hoping some kid would ask about it and I would give it away. Fella stops by and will not give more than $45,which I refused. Next day I recovered the seat and changed the sign to $60. Same fella stops by and says he has reluctlantly decided to pay $50. Nope,I said,I will have to have $65. He turned and got in his truck after a short debate over wherther I could do such thing seeing as how the sign clearly read $60. Well he gets back out and says eventhough he thought I didn't deserve it,he will pay the $65. Nope,I don't think I can let it go for less than $70. Poor guy turns every color in a rainbow and asks for an explaination. I told him I had a price at the begaining to which he refused and counter offered to which I refused and counter offered. Now I can carry on with this as long as you like,so as it stands $70 is the asking price which you can pay or you are welcome to turn it down and counter. He paid $70 and left mumbling something about Texans beeing the craziest things on earth. My brother who was there at the time was still telling that story 20 years later and getting a huge laugh about it. I must admit it sometimes crosses my mind when someone starts haggling. Hey! Come see the junk that I have for sale.
I was once told by an oldtimer, "If he's asking 8, he wants 6, it's worth 4, so offer him 2".

Not sure how that might work, however.

Old fellow down the road decided to move to town last fall and was having a yard sale. Had a decent D-17.What do you want for it? "Don't know." I left. Come back a few days later."Don't know" Left again. I figured I would go $1500 on it, but I figured he was thinking $1800-2000. Stopped in about a week later. " I guess I would take $800 for it." I happened to have the cash with me!! He was just waiting for some one to make an offer, but evidently no one did!
That reminds me of a story.(kids&wife leave about now). I saw an item on craigslist that I needed $500 I went to meet him and see the equipment, met with him and his two sons it was what I needed but not perfect he said "Make me an offer" I came back $350 he said OK. I paid him and the boys loaded it in my truck, as I tied it down he walked over and handed me $50 I'd have taken $300 he says. There are nice people out there, just hard to find!
More foolishness than wisdom on this thread. Had to go nearly to the end of the responses to find my version (from Dave2)- just offer what you'd be willing to pay. Its not rocket science- do you want to try to buy the item, or just pi$$ someone off? Why does everyone want to jack each other around? Don't we get enough of that already, from other sources? Most of the "clever responses" on here will either get you a punch in the mouth, or a view of the north end of a southbound seller headed for the house. But it won't get you what you're trying to buy.

Its a variation on the golden rule- Jack others around, as you want to be jacked around yourself.
Nothwithstanding my minor rant above, I do haggle, but in a good-natured way. When I'm selling something, I build in a little wiggle room, and I would be disappointed if I stated my price, and you didn't at least come back with a counter. If I'm asking 1000, would take 800, and you offer 700, I won't be offended- will probably split the difference, and we're both happy.
I buy, fix, and sell old motorcycles for a hobby so I do this a lot.

for some people negotiating is a game that has nothing to do with the actual value of the item. If they think you'll take $1000 they want to get it for $800 even when they know its worth $1200.

I was bitching about people like that to a friend in sales and he made me understand with the comment" if you wrestle in the mud with a pig long enough eventually you figure out the pig LIKES it."

was great advice, now when I get one of those "pig" people I just tell them my price is my price. usually they pay it cuz I price my stuff fairly and they know it.
I am kinda surprised at some of the responses here.

I'm from an area that we do horse swapin bartering or what ever ya want call it .

I don't make and offer as like some said they have a ball park figure in mind . If you chat about everything but the object for awhile and go to walk away, seller will say what he had in mined' then you can offer your idea and usually split difference. Both happy !!

Asked a guy about some hay he was rolling a 4 years ago. He said "make an offer" , I offered what I'd pay anywhere else and told him I couldn't store big rounds. He emptied a shed and stored for me the 1st year and put a roof on a silo bunk the next year and keeps everything I need for me. Call 2 days ahead and he sets 2 or 3 rolls out where I can get them. Folks talk, and I can get just about anything I want in the area and know I am getting a fair price.


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