Another Winter Project Finished

James Howell

Well-known Member
A few months ago when the grass was green, Nancy and I bought <a href="">"Rusty"</a> our 51MT.

"Rusty" did not have a generator, but did have a hydraulic leak, radiator leak, and carburetor leak.

With nothing else to do around the farm, decided to make a few repairs on "Rusty".

Started with the hydraulic leak at the pump.

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Replaced both fittings that were cracked.

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Removed the carburetor and sent it to K & K for a rebuild.

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Got the carburetor back in about two weeks.

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Decided to rewire the tractor and replace the gauges.

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New belts for the fan and generator.

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The radiator got a new core and four new mounting pads.

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Installed a rebuilt generator and a new 6 volt battery with new cables.

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"Rusty" <a href="">started up and ran</a> with no problems for the first time in several months.

<a href="">Generator worked<a/> and hydraulic lines/fittings held pressure.

New temperature gauge read about 180<sup>o</sup> and radiator held water/antifreeze.

The <a href="">rebuilt carburetor</a> worked good and the tractor ran smooth.

New <a href="">oil pressure gauge</a> was also working.

Put all the sheet metal back on and went for a ride.

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Glad to get "Rusty" back in service.
GOOD JOB! 1st tractor I owned was a M., got a tobacco setter , plow , herd Seeder ,ALL for $1100 back in 1981...Now James ,(this idea is cheaper than diamond earrings that my Sara wants ).. Pull that sheet metal back off and paint it all Pink for Nancy before Valentines Day ... LOL
Will Rogers said "The outside of a horse is good for the inside of a man". I know that is still true for Nancy but today he might add old tractors to the mix.
Another piece of history repaired and saved, Great job.!!! Attention to DETAIL REALLY PAYS OFF. Bet you enjoyed the ride.
Nice job. But I know what's next- every time you glance at that spiffy painted carburetor, it'll grate on you a little more, until next thing you know, you're painting the whole tractor.
No plans to paint "Rusty".

We are planning to use "Rusty" with a Bush Hog ATH 720 finishing mower here in Hutchins.

Don't want to tempt the local lower primates with a shiny antique JD tractor.
Thanks for the compliment; just another old tractor.

Take lots of photos because someone may have a question one day; also helps when trying to remember what to do on the next project.

Also makes me wonder where I found/find the time to do the work on all these old tractors and equipment.
Thanks for the compliment; just repairs that had to be done.

Always try to get the electrical system in good shape; not fond of tractors that won't start.

Amazes me to see some of the electrical "farmer tech" on tractors.
Thanks for the compliment.

As always we enjoy sharing videos and photos with all the folks on the YT forum.

Just goes to show I can make a video without hitting a tree!
Thanks for the compliment; just another old tractor that needed some work.

Two years ago I bought Nancy "Sparky" a 51M for our 20th wedding anniversary.

Lately she's been partial to "Sam" our 51MT for touring the farm.

Yesterday we took both "Rusty" and "Sam" over to the hay meadow.

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Still have a little more "clean up" on this tractor.

Used very fine wet/dry sandpaper to remove some of the surface rust.

Have not started on either the hood or grill.

Probably will not paint this tractor.
Glad you like "Rusty" in his work clothes.

Probably will not paint this tractor; they are only original once.
Nancy has her dad's 48 JD A.

First JD we owned and is very reliable.

Nancy uses <a href="">"Old John"</a> for spraying.
Hate to tell you this James,but I would have to question someones sanity or wellbeing that says they like to run a M-MT and do anything with them.We have my late FILs MT and my wife says she would have rather done it by hand then use that ??tractor?? when she was growing up.She is very much a JD person too.
We find them very handy around the farm.

Use "Sparky" our 51M for mowing the yard and around the equipment shed.

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"Sam" our 51MT is used primarily to <a href="">pull the hay rake</a>.

"Sam" also pulls the JD #16 Delivery Trailer to advertise some of our hay.

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"Sam" was also used to pull the <a href="">Brillion Seeder/Cultipacker</a>.

"Rusty" will be used to mow our pasture in Hutchins, TX this Spring and Summer.
Nice looking tractor. Sheet metal looks really straight. I know you aren't going to paint it, but it wouldn't take much to really make her shine. I know what you are saying, I still have a 48 D, 41 A, & 44B that are in their work clothes. I have more fun with them than the others that look so good.
I was just kidding James,but about anyone who bought one new back then only kept them a few months and traded them back in on Bs or some other make.I would bet that were more people fell off or on those tractors then all others put together.(foot space) Once you got on they weren't too bad but when you had to get off and on several times an hour,the day wasn't short enought.Other then a 430 (same tractor)I can't think of any JD Collectors (farmers-exfarmers) that have any in their bunch and if one does show up in a farm sale,then it is almost a cityfied person buying it.If you like them then that is all that matters,but I did notice you don't have fenders on yours(SAM) which helps a bunch.My wife still hates that tractor with a PASSION 40 yrs.later.I'am just kidding with you but when you had to farm or use them daily,they or you got old fast.

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