Looks like some people out east are going to get slammed


Well-known Member
Just watched the weather here and he said some people out in VA. and areas close may get up to 13 inches of snow in the next 24/48 hours. So if you live that way you better get your shovels out your tractors chained up and ready plus make sure you have extra fuel etc on hand it might get fun
Yep I heard that too Old, gonna miss us here in NY, but the weather report today said up to 2 feet in Baltimore or in VA. along those areas.
Well maybe the snow load will get to heavy for some of them old building and then have the roofs cave in on them I hope when they are doing there thing so maybe re leave use of there pain. LOL or in other words be better then the firing squad
I would be happy if its only 13 inches. They say at least 18 to 24 and maybe up to 30. The last snow didn't melt yet. Some places on my road have a layer of hard pack ice so the new snow will be ontop of that. I have 3 tractors with blades on plus the case 580 tlb. No battery in the crawler yet.
I just watched the weather guessers say that I am on the boundary of the 12-20" and 20"+ bands here in South Central PA. Be nice once to be on the low side of that prediction, but I kind of expect to see 24" or so. I guess I will get the blade on the tractor tomorrow before it starts. Don't really use the blade much for scraping it just adds weight, do most of the work with the loader. I need to find some suitcase weights to hang on it like Old has.

Hope you all stay warm and safe.

Those storms normally track northeast direct to us in New England.
mixing in ocean moisture to boot. Good 'ole Nor'easters. But just a few snow showers forecast this time.

Something is pushing them down this year. Bad for you guys in middle Atlantic region. My back hurts just thinking about it. Sorry.
They now forcasting up to 24 inches with wind at 40mph. I have the snowblower fueled up. Hal
PS: Just hope we don't lose power.
That's a 3 yd loader under there, at Christmas. 30" that time. Two snowstorms later, almost that much bearing down now. Barely February and we're 6 times our normal annual snowfall.

Put chains on my van this afternoon, to return from celebrating my wife's birthday. And stocking up. We're ready. Our house takes great care of us. Snowshoes will get me to my shop tomorrow, driveway clearing can wait until Saturday.

Been an amazing winter.
And didn't you sell a generator this past year ...
Hope you can leave the blower set in the shed too ...
we { pella } are suppose to get 2 - 5 inches .. I have my blower ready too ...
It got up to 31 today... been in the teens for over a week ...
I'm so ready for SPRING ..
hope we get hammered but doubt it im on the pa ny border aint got much snow at all this year very dissapointing better to look at snow than brown grass plus i get to run the dc for plowing
yea, I live in Maryland, and my Pop in upstate NY is jealous of all the snow we're getting. I told him I'd fly him down to enjoy the fun. Frankly, I have fun, and fill my pocket with pocket change...

yea, I'm on the computer looking for a cab now... but, the reality is, in the past 8 years, if we get this stuff tomorrow, this will only really be the third or fourth "real snow" that we have had...

Still, plowing snow in my shirt sleaves and shorts when it is 20 degrees outside does have a certain appeal for me...


I have a michigan 175A loader , put chains on
all four wheels tonite but didn't put on the
12 ft vee blade,hope it doesn't get more than
30" .If it does maybe I'll habe to put the blade
I'm about 15 miles north of el toro , guess if
we get too much I have to go dig him out.

Looks like we are going to miss the blunt of it here in Western West Virginia. they are calling for 4" to 8" here. Has rained all day and supposed to turn to snow tonight and snow all day tomorrow. we have had 14.7 inches this year so far. Old I know what you are talking about the ground being full of water sink to ankles going to chicken house.
Yep fun isn't it when you try to walk some place you go and then all at once there goes your shoes and in comes the water and mud. Some how this part of the year is the part I hate most because one day you can drive all over the next day you get stuck just trying to get out of where you parked it yesterday

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