** Central Iowa BROKE record **


Well-known Member
It's a record they didn't need to break ...
AS of Feb.1st there has been 4 or more inches of SNOW on the ground for the past 55 days ...
and we are suppose to get more tonite and the end of the week ...
BOY I'M TRYED of the stuff... SPRING will be coming .. just not FAST ENOUGH ...
Time to stick a fork in the whole global warming myth. It's done. All of the "useful idiots" are gonna have to find a new cause.
Yea,I know,but it's a whole lot harder to blame greenhouse gasses or greenhouse effect for it getting colder. More folks are waking up to the scam everyday. I'm not flexible enough to be able to twist myself into the pretzel that you have to twist into to keep believing this crap. First is was polution blocking the sun and letting UV rays in,then it was CFCs,now it's the stuff we all exhale. They've really overplayed their hand this time with their media push for everything green,sustainable,envitonmentaly friendly,whatever. People want jobs and their lives back. Like they say,if you have enough to eat,you have a lot of problems. If you don't have enough to eat,you have ONE problem.
I just read something interesting about this global warming thing. The article claimed global warming is alive and well, BUT they say our atmosphere is dryer than normal, allowing more heat to escape.

The theory is that warming causes more moisture to evaporate into the air and the higher humidity holds the heat down to earth. But for some unforseen reason there isn't as much moisture up there, so our earth's heat is escaping.

I'm not endorsing this, It's just a quote. Jim
Well, dunno. We set a record in the Pacific Northwest, as well. Warmest January on record- average temp. 45 degrees! Many days made it to high 50's, a few well into the 60's. Shirtsleeve weather for anything more strenuous than driving a tractor. Rainfall was about normal at 6+ inches, but last two weeks were dryer than normal. Daffodils and garlic are coming up, heard frogs this morning.
All they are, are a bunch of con artist scaming money out of people and the sad part of it is they have the federal goverment backing them up.
i remeber when all this bullsh!t started with ozone being depleted by freon...next thing ya know we got ozone warnings saying theres too much...them scientists need more physical type work so they aint got time to dream up all this crap.
Let me give you a quote from an article in the last Farm Bureau paper: "Late last year,revelations of a leaked email from certain climate scientists posed the likelyhood of a more sinister danger associated with the global warming theory. The so called "ClimateGate" eposode,Horner claimed,showed that many scientists are more interested in garnering research dollars with little additional investigation than with engaging in independant investigations. The episode "warrants an immediate stay of further steps" on any public policy guided by the theory."
That makes perfect sense when you know where that stupid theory came from. Two so called scientists had a government grant to study their New Ice Age Theory when,in 1978 their grant money ran out and they couldn't get it renewed. So...they said "wait a minute,we think we made a mistake. We think polution might be causing a Greenhouse Effect". They applied for a grant to study it and had sense enough to make it a political issue this time around to keep the gravy train on the track.
About ten or twelve years ago, I wrote a term paper on global warming. If past patterns hold true, right now the Earth is nearing the end of a 10,000 year warming trend, and within 2,000 years will enter another mini ice age.

At least once in the past, the Earth was some 14 degrees warmer than it is now, and scientists are going berzerk because the average temp rose a degree or so in the last century.

Does man have an effect? To put it into perspective, take the entire Earth. Subtract the area that is under water, both salt and fresh. Subtract all the the uninhabited/uninhabitable areas. Subtract the polar ice caps. Subtract all of the undeveloped countries that have no industry. Even in the U.S., something like 40% is wilderness with no industry. After you have subtracted all of that, the area left where man MIGHT have an effect is really very small.

My argument in the term paper was not that man had absolutely no effect on climate, but that if man did it would be miniscule.
Exactly. The data used by 'believers" is data collected from major cities and proves nothing but a "heat island" effect. Data collected from Siberia isn't even used. The fact that Europe is covered in snow all the way to the Mediterranean sea should slap some people back to reality.
Its not drier that normal in E. Tx. It started with 22 inches of rain in October. We've had rain almost every week since then. Standing water everywhere.

Only good thing - its not warm weather or the mosquitoes would be so bad you couldn't go outside.

Rained last Friday and supposed to rain Wed. Wish we could save some of this for July & August.
Probably a B, B+, or an A-. That's where most of my grades fell. If I'd have gotten too bad a grade, I'd remember it.
West centeral Indiana was 7 degrees below average for the month of Dec and 5.4 degrees below for Jan. Keep in mind we had a few 50 degree days in Jan. I wonder how many years are used when they calculate averages?
hi all
This global climate change is the biggest faud in mordern history .If you want to read a balanced view on this subject , read a book called Air Con ,byIan Wishart. If you doubted that it is a faud , you will probably change your view after reading . luckily it seems that nothing of merit got passed at Copinhagen in december. enough ranting for now.
It was actually a FACT over Antarctia,check it out.Try a little research instead of speaking from ignorance.
The ozone hole is virtually gone. The US was the only country to ban F-12 and BTY in 2010 F-22 is taken out of production. The US used only 25% of the world's freon. So nothing was done with the remaining 75% of the freon. If you really think freon alone damaged the ozone, I have a timeshare to sell you. I've heard that one space shuttle mission does more damage to the ozone, that releasing all the freon in the world at once.

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