

Well-known Member
We got a bunch of snow (about 8 inches) in a couple of hours and still dumping. Roads are OK and MOST folks have enough sense to stay home.

Coming out of town to the State road, there is a place the snow drifts a couple feet or so. Guy has his mercedes in the ditch about midway on the drift. Being the people person I am. I put a strap on him and pull him out.
When he gets on the road he didn't stop. so I tried to keep ahead of him and ran myself in the ditch on the other side. No problem, I got a helper there..... Got the back open and got a shovel, unhooked the strap to get it out of the way and started clearing a path to back out. Heard a car door and a motor and this guy is in his car squeezing by me and takes off. All I could do was watch and shake my head.... Got out without a problem, it's just the principal.......

all ist in ordnung.
Lived in Germany twice: 5 years and 2 years. Loved it both times. First time lived near Wiesbaden, second time lived in Kelkheim. Tom
Yep, know what you mean. Years ago my wife got stuck in deep snow trying to turn around in a parking lot. Guy told her he'd pull her out for twenty bucks, she was pregnant so she didn't have much of a choice. The jerk hooked onto a stabilizer bar and bent it, did about $150 in damages. It was out in the country and the wife didn't think to jot down a plate number or get a name. I wouldn't have been mad if he did it for free and accidentally caused damage, but he took advantage of her. Ironically, the same night, I stopped for some girl who slid off the interstate. I didn't see anything that I thought I could latch onto and not cause damage. So I gave her a ride up to the next exit a dropped here off at a gas station so she could call AAA. Maybe they can come up with a nnalert for rudeness.
I could give you a list of good guys that aren't anymore due to attorneys. I know of four that had the guy hook his own vehicle, yet cost the tractor driver anyway.

I'm a stopper regardless, and assist to the best of my ability, but I know my time is coming.
Also lived in Wiesbaden in the last 90's for three years and also loved it. Especially German laws that you have to render aid and you can't be sued for helping.
Send some of that snow up here so I can play in it with my tractor.

Only about 15" of snow this year for me.

Of course now that I said that I will get slammed with 2 feet next month.
Deep snow here. This morning I went out in the pasture wading snow up to my knees. I saw a fellow sitting in a tree and i asked him what he was here for as I do not allow hunting. He replied that he was not hunting anything but a place to go to the bathroon.
A lot of people with the fancy cars think they're the Cat's aZZ and other people should bow to them. Years ago I had a guy come to my door at 8:30am on a Sunday looking for a tow. It had rained a little. The car was about 1/2 a mile away in the grass ditch. After I saw it, I figured out why none of the neighbors closer pulled it out. It was a mid 70's Chev. Impala or similar with no hood and 4 guys in their 20's in it. I pulled it out with the tractor really easy, even though the driver was spinning the tires like an idiot, and as I was unhooking the chain, the guy said "I'd pay you something but we spent it all last night". Wish I could've pushed it back in the ditch. If you hit the ditch because you've got a bad hangover or still half pi$$ed, you can stay there. I've had a couple other instances where people got stuck because of their own stupidity and don't even offer you anything when you get them out. Dave
The guy in the Mercedes probably didn't even have a dollar in his pocket. Not enuf guts to tell you up front.

I've been stiffed a few times. Last one I pulled was stuck about a mile from the house. Two hunters, but they were trying to give me a twenty before I got off the porch. I got them out, and they tried stuffing money in my shirt pocket. Then they drove slow on the way out and stopped at the house to help me put all the chains up, offering to pay another time. I don't need anybodys money for a simple pull - I've been pulled many times by folks who refused pay, so I'm still in debt to society.

But I sure do appreciate someone thanking me and offering to pay.

I didn't want his money or conversation, just been nice of him to help me dig out :roll:

Pulled an old lady out that slipped her car off an access road into a plowed (soupy) field when she was checking on her fruit trees. Ended up getting the use of her property for pasture and a rack of beer shows up by our gate every now and then...,.

Sounds like you are doingReal GOOD DAVE... Thats how Us German Folk Are.... Most of the time,........ Just Don't Work to get on the wrong side of us , cause we don't forget a disservice either, ... My Sicily born wife is the same way LOL<>
People around here drive like idiots. Everyones fence has been hit around us so far except ours. We are the only one with animals so hitting it will be a major problem. People on one side of us had a car plow through their brick fence. Guy on across the road had a car go head into his ditch and our neighbor had a guy in a car go through a ditch then his iron fence (he hit it right where the post is) plowing down the post and wrapped his car around a tree on the other side. I told my girlfriend the day that happens to ours tell the cops he better hand out 250 in cash to get his car off the property which will be one of us taking the backhoe and pushing it off even sideways if needed into the ditch and then they will be paying for us to replace the section of fence. I also told her if the animals get out you better get the cops on the phone really fast because its not my problem they got out. I'm not sure how much force it will take to break off a 5" post buried 3' in the ground but i know it will put up a bigger fight than our neighbors did.

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