OT Anyone know when the last earthquake hit Haiti?

IA Leo

TV says "about 200 years ago". The New Madrid, MO earthquake happened in 1811, a really big one and it is coming up on 200 years! I wonder....Leo
Ya the new on a Springfield Mo station was talking about that tonight. I live only a couple hundred miles from New Madrid so if it does let loose I figure I'll have problems walking around when it hit. Well maybe not being an old sailor and the sea legs and all
I just hope it waits another 21 years till I retire my night job. Working at a water treatment plant with every thing above ground scares the crap out of me. I was setting at the desk do'n paper work when the little 5.something happend a few years ago. I was out the door before the shake'n stopped. I was across the road to before I looked back to see if the cones were still standing.

No to worry, Leo.

When the next New Madrid quake hits, the blue helmets will be everywhere and the aid will pour in from Haiti and everywhere else.

If the electricity was out for the midwest, I have a problem getting water. Trying to figure how to put the local creek water through the reverse osmosis filters. Maybe the folks from Chicago or Omaha will deliver water and bible verses!

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