OT Fridge, HELP


Well-known Member
Does any have a fridge/freezer in a un heated garage? Problem with mine is it freezes the things in the fridge if I dont turn it down when its this cold out. So I turned it down, and now I see the meat in the freezer was thawing out. Does the cold garage mess up the thermostat of what ever it is that keeps the fridge inside temps right? My brother said unplug it and leave the doors open and the cold garage air will keep it froze, well I have 15 dozen eggs in the fridge part and I dont want to loose them to freezing. Any tips?
Sorry for the off topic post, but I need to eat my own raised eggs so I can work on my tractors...lol thanks
Sounds like you need to heat the garage a little! I once had a fridge in my cold garage and I put a light bulb on a heat tape thermostat inside, kept the beer 40F!
Had the same problem as you. Solution. Put Ref. in basement and moved freezer to garage. No more frozen sodas and happy wife.
Yep I have one out in my shop and it does that same thing. In the summer I use it for what it is and in the winter I use it as a freezer which works out well since I deer hunt and comes in handy since we clean/dress the deer in my shop. Only way around your problem would be to make a small room and then heat is so as to keep it from freezing. Would not take a very big room or much heat as in a heat lamp would do it or a small electric heater just enough to keep it say 50 or so
Hi Jay,

The cold control(t-stat in refer talk) is probably bad. The CC controls the freeze temps. The refer side is a air control from the freezer side.

So if you want a colder refer side then you add more air. If you want a warmer refer side then you want less air flow.

Although it very well could be a air control damper malfunction, it's most likely a bad CC.

It works fine in the summer, but could a bad t-stat do this in the winter? Thanks for the help.
what you have is normal for everyone. you can get an old refrig without self defrost and it will work just fine. EXCEPT you'll spend time defrosting it!
it seems strange, but refridgeration does not work in the cold. you need some heat for it to work properly. A fridge is a heat transfer system,basicaly if it is too cold, there is no heat to move. my brother was a ref technician. had a custioer who had a tavern, called because his ice maker in an unheated garage was not working, added heat to the garage, problem solved.
Hi Jay,

Yes sir as the CC bellows is operated via a refrigerant thus responds to temperatures by pressure changes to either open or close the contacts. There is a fine adjustment screw under the dial of the CC. Turn clockwise (very slightly) to increase the effective temperature range.

The air control(AC) is operated by a spring coil that responds too air temperature.

If you can't turn the AC lower then the only alternative is too replace the CC and hope the next one will operate in cold ambient temps.

(quoted from post at 22:43:29 01/06/10) Does any have a fridge/freezer in a un heated garage? Problem with mine is it freezes the things in the fridge if I dont turn it down when its this cold out. So I turned it down, and now I see the meat in the freezer was thawing out. Does the cold garage mess up the thermostat of what ever it is that keeps the fridge inside temps right? My brother said unplug it and leave the doors open and the cold garage air will keep it froze, well I have 15 dozen eggs in the fridge part and I dont want to loose them to freezing. Any tips?
Sorry for the off topic post, but I need to eat my own raised eggs so I can work on my tractors...lol thanks

You didn't say how cold your garage was, but if it is colder than you want the inside of the fridge, then yes it is a problem for you , but perfectly normal.
Example: Set a cardboard box on your bench in a 10 degree garage. Put your eggs & a thermometer in the box & seal it up. Few hours later, eggs are frozen, thermometer is reading 10, same as garage. Box is like your fridge, except it has no freon loop cooling system. What both need to keep eggs & thermometer at 40 in a 10 degree garage is heat, NOT more cooling! Refrigerators have cooling systems NOT heating systems (disregard auto defrost). Designed to keep their interior cooler than exterior surrounding temps not warmer than surroundings....the latter is your oven. There is no mechanical problem with your fridge, thermostat, or any other part of it.....it is working just as it was designed to work. Nothing complicated here.
There is nothing wrong with your refg if it is newer then 15-20 years old.In that time period they changed the way they operated and they won't work in under 10-15 degree weather.We have two older ones that work fine,but the newer ones do as you say when it gets cold.Just a fact of life with the new design.Stand alone freezers are fine,but not ref.-freezers.
(quoted from post at 10:10:03 01/07/10) My grandma used to put the milk in the fridge in the winter to keep it from freezing.
Yes, in this situation of sub-freezing surroundings, the refrigerator becomes simply an insulated box and if starting out with it's contents above freezing, then it will prevent those contents from freezing for whatever period the insulation is able to hold off equalization of temperatures (inside to outside the box) & that depends on how good the insulation is in the fridge walls.
Same mechanism as your cold water in a thermos in your tractor tool box on a hot summer day........eventually the water will have the same temperature as the tool box........how long depends on how good the thermos insulation.

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