
It was 20 below last night. about 2 or 3 south of break even when this good looking feller who shall remain nameless marched about 1.2 miles because his truck wouldn't start.

Somebody should buy a new battery!


notice the frost on his hood around his mouth.


Uhh, yeah apparently he wasn't worried about looks!
This weather gets expensive for everyone. This morning we had to go through the jumper cable, gelling fuel routine with the semi,and after a couple of hours it was running but then we had to pour hot water on an air valve to get the brakes to release. Then he went to town to load up with DDG's and the ethanol plant's DDG loading equipment wouldn't work so they loaded him with a payloader. Three tarp bows ended up being bent in the process. If the temp would be at least zero this would have been just another day. We were -30. My neighbor can't get into his pig nursery because the doors are frozen shut. This is not a curtain building so the door is the only way in. I haven't talked to him t his morn to find out how he finally got in.Jim
At least you were dressed for such an emergency. It's been in the teens here in MI the last few days. I went to Home Depot yesterday (2 mile drive) dressed pretty much like you (pullover sweatshirt, hat, carhart jacket w/ hood). On the way, I saw 2 different cars of kids (one with windows still frosted from the cold) with the drivers in short-sleeved t-shirts! Guy walked out of Home Depot in a t-shirt to his car. That's 3 idiots in a span of 2 miles. Last year, after a bad snowstorm, saw a teen-ager get out of his car stuck in a snowdrift in SHORTS, tennis shoes (no socks) and a t-shirt. He folded his arms and shivered while a couple of guys got out of their cars and helped push him through the drift.

I figure they'll do the same thing when it gets below zero and I'll be reading about their demise in the paper.

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