I must be live'n right


Well-known Member
Never had this happen. Been getting ready to wean calves, should have had it done a month or better ago but with work, stripping tobacco, and getting corn out late and needing to get a hot wire around corn stalks I have not gotten round to it. Went and worked on some gates a few days ago and left the gate to the sorting pen open. Went to feed this after noon and noticed there were critters in the loading pen. There were 5 old cows and 9 of my 17 calves that I was needing to wean just kind of loafing in there. I only got half of the spring calf crop in the lot today but I have to say it was by far the easiest bunch of calves I ever got up.

Man, that was easy. Hopefully the next bunch will do the same thing. Have a Merry Christmas up there in Webster. By the way I been meaning to ask you for a long time if you know a guy up there named Todd Jones?
If your talking about one of KY's finest, I know who he is more than realy know him. My mom used to teach across the hall from his wife and when I had a wreck when I was 16 he was the one who filled out the report.

I am not going to ask too many questions about people down that way. Lets just say if you ever hear some folks talking about an exhusband, son in law, grandson in law, or friend's exhusband who is a puncture wound Webco don't belive it.

Only 9 of 17? It ain't over yet! Ya got lucky. In all my years,I never had so much trouble as I had this year. Caught all but 9 in the first sweep myself this year. Took a week to get the last ones.
Working the old cows is pretty easy most of the time. A half a five gallon bucket of range cubes will get them in the sorting pen and they know the game pretty well and just kind of go with the flow. The hard part is getting the calves in there and working them. If I have half of them in there and calmed down in a week or two I am hope'n the second batch will settle down a little quicker.

Yeah thats the Todd Jones I'm talking about. He is an old friend. Alos, I don't believe everything I hear (lol). Merry Christmas.

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