O/T Cement Fungus

The cement footing on my TRACTOR Shed is growing a white fungus on it. Looks like white fur comming from the footing. Someplaces it looks like gypsum powder. Anyone have any idea what it might be? And is it dangerous to breathe? Or is it a residue from the cement. Footing is about 40 years old. Just noticed this fungus in the last 2-3 months. Cleaned it up, or would take a picture. Thanks, NorminN.B.
Sounds to me like minerals left behind from water leaching up through the concrete and evaporating.
I'll third it. Motion carried!

I've heard of algae and black molds due to moisture. What you describe sounds like salt or some other mineral leaching through as others have said.
This is about the fifteenth off topic on the first page. Only one or two topics are actually tractor related.

If you are not careful, the biggest wuss to ever inhabit an internet discussion forum, TinyTom43,
will go running to kim and have it shut down. We wouldn't want to hurt his crybaby little feelings, now would we. And since he never posts anywhere I can only assume his mission is life is to lurk and make sure nobody says anything against his messiah, the king of NOPE-no-CHANGE, kenyan communist.
too late he already asked to have Dave2's pic removed. He posts on the JD board and gives insults on the Farmall board. Other than that most post are to site comments just as you have described. worthless troll
The comments Tom does make on the JD board are as useless as the ones he used to post here. In the last 2 months he has told us on the JD side how unreliable and under engineered the New Generation tractors were and the latest pearl was to tell us how little lugging ability the 720/730 diesel had. He makes the mad trucker look partly sensible.

We've already seen. And it ain't good.
But I guess it all depends on whether you have to pay for the handouts or are receiving them.
Interesting info Bob I've seen this stuff over the years never really knew what it was. That's what I like about this site always informative.Happy Holidays, CT!
My neighbor had that happen, he mixed his own cement for a sidewalk. I think he had too much or to little cement in the mix. It basically fell apart over a few years.
I lurk here for the OT posts to learn good information. Although i like the tractor talk too.
i have the same thing going on in my barn, only on the outside, barn was built in the 30"s so i was curious what it was also...kinda like a poofy white fuzz...kinda comes and goes as it pleases...always thought it was because a little moisture was on that side of the barn?
I know some quarries back then had an aggregate that does that. In Que before any sale of building w concrete.

Usually the foundation will crack though.

May be just a lichen, they will root in concrete and break it down over time.
Efflorescence is a white crystalline or powdery, often fluffy/fuzzy deposit on the surface of masonry materials like concrete, brick, clay tile, etc. It"s caused by water seeping through the wall/floor/object. The water dissolves salts inside the object while moving through it, then evaporates leaving the salt on the surface.

I have this problem in my 80yr old basement walls.
What Bob & Lar said. Moisture wicking/efforvence. Been a wet year. Not draining away from the foundation properly. Always helps to lay a 6 mil plastic vapor barrior under any concrete coming in contact with the ground. Especially on floors. If you ever dig your foundation out, you could brush or roll some asphalt foundation coating on it to seal it. They make some Duck's Back and even some new epoxy coatings for basement walls and floors than can be brushed or rolled on.
I've got it in several places. Most noticeable is a wall seperating a horse stall and a utility room (room side) and in a basementunder the barn. Seems to be moisture driven but the areas I have it in have been in contact (indirect) withurine, so must be some type of mineral also. Just brush it off. I haven't tried it, but vinegar might stop it.

thanks for the replies. Now that I know what it is called, I googled it and found it is not a mold or fungus and is non hazzerdous. Thats good news. I cleaned it by vacuuming it up and washing with bleach. Probably will come back, unless it is sealed. Thanks again. NorminN.B.
In Indiana white fuzzy mold is common grass mold. I had wet grass on my work boots and left it there until the following weekend and it was growing white fuzzies. Not all black molds will harm you, however the right black mold can kill you.

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