O/T Would rather be working on my tractor

37 chief

Well-known Member
I got a notice for jury duty. I would rahter spend the time working on my tractors. I have spent a lot of time in jury duty in my 67 years. Now they want me to drive 30 miles to the Superior court house, in another city. Have you ever heard of anyone being punished for faliing to appear for jury duty. I live in Calif maybe your state is different? Stan
Jury duty is considereed just that, your duty as a citizen. I know in NC of you don't show up you will be held in contempt and can be jailed.
I got nominated for my first time last year. I was lucky and got out of mine so I can't be called again for something like 8 years. What got me out was that I had experiences closely related to the case (I had been injured and screwed over in auto accidents caused by others) and I had very clear thoughts on the subject. Fortunately they wanted someone that was dumb enough to say that hitting someone on a motorcycle with a car, at a stop light, didn't necessarily mean they had to pay the guys medical bills, because the guy doing the hitting didn't believe in chiropractors.
So, go and do your duty and good luck getting out of it.....
In my law enforcement career in California , including 18 months in the courts, I never saw anyone get in trouble for blowing off a notice to appear for jury duty. You can always say "I don't remember seeing it, send me anouther notice, I want to be on a jury". Trouble happens when you show up and tell the judge you have better things to do with your time. The best, or most effective, excuses for dismissal I have heard are, "I am breast feeding my baby" and "I have prostat problems and I have to go to the bathroom every 30 minutes". But why not go, it can be very entertaining and you get to meet some wonderful people that resent being on the jury, just like you. Also we sorta need people on the jury to make the whole legal system work, and who wants that to break down ? Plus you get paid like $17 a day.
Back in 1998, I got called for jury duty, I didnt know it becasue some SOB was going around blowing up mail boxes on our road and my mailbox was one of them. Any who about two weeks later (the day i was supposed to appear) two deputies showed up, and i took a ride to the court house to explain to the judge why i failed to appear for jury duty. Luckily I had filed a police report about the mail box. If i hadnt filed the police report i would have been fined around 1000 bucks, I think cant really remember.
So unless times have changed and your state is different i think i would show up.

Since then when i get called in, I show up and when the judge or the attorney asks if there is any reason i cant serve i simply say "Yes,i already know hes guilty, i can tell by looking at him that he enjoyed what he did, while he was doing it". The response as always been the same "Thank you, you are dismissed"
Guess I m the odd ball here . I was called a few yrs. ago and was picked to serve on the jury and I enjoyed it . It was late Jan. and it helped to breakup the cabin fever though !
Stan, nobody enjoys jury duty, but we need folks like you on juries. Just remember, if you run afoul of law you're going to judged by the people who showed up for jury duty. Same thing if you're the victim of a crime.
Your notice to serve should have given you some exceptions to serving. Haveing (me) worked around loud noise without ear protection do not have the necessary ability to hear (understand) what is being said. Would you want me on your jury. My audioligest (sp) certified my status. Gene
Whenever I get a notice...I go in and when one of the attys starts to ask me a question, I say "I have Cop friends, they tall me if the SOB got arrested, he"s guilty!" They send ya right home!
Got called once 33 years ago in May.

I wrote a letter stating that I farmed and it would be a hard ship for me to serve in May or October as a farmer.

I asked that they call me in mid summer and in the winter and I would be happy to serve.

They let me off and have never called to serve again.

Yes I vote, so I don't know how they pass me by.

When I was asked to serve, I served. It is my duty as a citizen. I asked for a different time as they wanted me in August, my busiest time. But I gladly went in December and did my duty. I actually wish I could go every year as it is a very eye opening experience watching all my fellow "citizens" doing the best to get out of a simple obligation.

When you sit and complain about a woman getting millions for spilling hot coffee on her lap, remember that it was the JURY that got to decide the outcome of the case, not the lawyers or the judges.
I got called a few years ago and had to drive 380 miles. All my expenses were paid. I'm on the list again now.

Strangely enough, I've never been called for jury duty. I'm now at the age where if called, I don't have to serve on county court but can still be called for federal jury duty. Amusingly enough, when I was teaching school the principal told us if we were called during the school year to ask that duty be put off until summer vacation time. I always figured I would serve anyway and get out of work.

I'm not sure but I think jurors are called here from driver's license rolls rather than from voting rolls.

'Here', you're in contempt of court if you fail to appear; I've been called several times and seated in the box a few times. I'm always one of the first ones kicked off; the defense attorneys don't want a middle-aged (later elderly) white male who's spent his entire adult life either self-employed or in the military judging their client. Have always thought it'd be great fun to make a minature hangman's noose out of a shoelace or something similar and show it to the defendant........while seated in the jury box; we're in a small town and I personally know the judges; I think they'd still lock me up for contempt for doing so.
A few years ago, we got a notice for my mother, who had lived at this address with my father for 60 years, for jury duty. It was a form letter and at the end it was very tough about getting out of jury duty. You had to have a very good excuse and if you did get out of serving for the prescribed period you would be called again in the near future. I emailed the clerk of the court/judge, both old friends of the family and said that my mother would be unable to serve due to the fact that she had been dead for five years and she would be unable to serve in the future for the same reason. I was laughing the whole time I wrote. The judge called me right back very apologetic. So much for not purging the jury lists and for form letters.
I got called 2 times within 5 years. Around here, if you are not ACTUALLY listening to a case, but are just in the 'pool' you get put back in the 'hat' again! Trouble was, I was self employed, so I had to free up 2 weeks of my schedule to serve, but then never got to serve. Very frustrating, mentally and financially. Greg
I get called for jury duty more than anyone. I get called every six months without fail. I've been called for county court, federal court, civil court, city court.

When we got a new director in our dept. I jokingly told her this, she didn't believe me. About a month later, I got a jury summons. Now she believes me.
In a former life, I was a police officer. Shortly after I changed professions, I was called to jury duty for a criminal case in the city where I was a cop for 10 years. Also in the jury pool were a state trooper and a deputy sheriff. The judge, prosecutor, and defense attorney knew all three of us.

We were all excused before they even began voir dire. Too bad; I wanted the defense attorney to have to use his peremptory challenges to get rid of us.

I"ve been told that because of my law enforcement past, I"ll never have to sit on a criminal jury. I was also told, however, that I could be a prime candidate for a civil jury; supposedly law enforcement types are desirable because they tend to not get caught up in all the theatrics of the courtroom and pay more attention to the facts.
About 30 years ago my friend ,named Calahan, yes a real person named Calahan, was in the pool and did make a noose. When the defence lawyer saw it he was immeadty released from the court.It's a wonder the judge didn't nail him to the wall.
I've been called probably 8 times in the past 35 years. I became a lawyer in 1987, so now I always get kicked off because of it.

I went to law school in Tacoma, about 85 miles from my home. Rather than commute, I got a cheap apartment and just came home on weekends. My wife got called to Federal jury duty- in Tacoma. Because she lived more than 50 miles away, they would put her up at the Sheraton, buy her meals, pay mileage, everything. We thought that was a great idea- kind of like conjugal visits in prison! She planned to order big meals and two plates, etc.- a mini vacation! Plan went awry because in the month she was on the panel, they never had a trial. DOH!

Yes, there can be repercussions if you don't show up. You're retired, if memory serves, and maybe you could look at it as doing two civic duties- the obvious one, plus taking the place of a working stiff for whom it is a REAL hardship.
if you ever in a spot to be judged by a jury,just remember it was 12 people not smart enuff to be excused that have you by the danglies.
Spent my first 50 years in California then after moving to Oregon they sent me my first jury duty call. Wrote a not on it saying "
to late I have moved to Oregon."
Never heard any more about it.
Been hear over 21 years so far no calls for jury duty.
I got a notice for the same thing last summer.
They sent a couple page questionaire that I was supposed to fill out and return.
I didn't return it.
About 2 1/2 months later I got the same letter/questionaire again in the mail.
I didn't return it.
If they really want me I'm sure they know to send me a registered letter - which I may or may not accept. We'll see.
My dad is 69. He's under the impression you do not have to serve Jury duty if you're over 65. Not sure if its true but he hasn't been called in 5 years or so. If he gets called I hope he's right since he has no plans on going again.

I was called once. Last name starts with W. They had us in alph. order and hardly got to the S's.
Not sure of California selection list- voters or drivers license, maybe both? Couple areas in Wisconsin use both local voters registration lists and drivers license- some people vote who don"t have drivers license, some have a drivers license and don"t vote- to get some more potential jurors. I got a Dane county service letter after I had moved to Green County- wrote back and got dismissed from pool. later moved back into Dane County and got a Green County letter forwarded, got out again. Federal notice later- dismissed as previous witness appearance before grandjury, comments about belief in Lilbourns statements about jurors right to judge law as well as defendant, record of motions noting false statements by Police as reason for dismissal, law firm I was doing gofer work for having lawyer going to prison for jury tampering and bribery (thought that was normal for Chicago lawyers). One judge told me I should try for law school, Marshall in Chicago took people with less than BA degree and Judges recomendation, judge would write recommendation- then Judge indited and later convicted in Greylord. Jury administration people don"t seem to want me after hearing that, wonder why(cynicism/sarcasm alert!). RN.
my first wife was disabled, therefore not a good candidate for jury duty. She got called 3 times. each time, we got a note from the doctor, and I got the call the following month. The last time she was living in an adult foster home recieving total care. I didn't even bother the doctor. I just called the jury coordinator and explained her situation and how they would have to provide medical transport and a person to explain what was going on. They didn't call her again.
Tim in OR
I liked being on jury duty for the Federal court.
They paid mileage, all tolls and parking fees.
Even served a good free lunch when we reached a decision. Hal
PS: Paid $40.00 a day too.
I was called for the first time a couple of years ago. I wrote back and told them I would like to serve but I was having major surgery two weeks before the day I had to report but I'd be willing to serve four weeks after surgery. Six weeks later I was called and the day before I had to report I was notified that I was excused.

My step mother was called once and when she was being screened by one of the lawyers he asked her "if you saw a drunk driver would you be concerned". She said "yes" and she did not get a seat on the jury. The next man after her, whom she knew as a very strong advocate against alcohol, was asked the same question and he said "no, I wouldn't be concerned". He ended up on the jury. Jim
Reminds me of one time when I was in court when they were picking a jury. One of the prospective jurors was a cop's wife, and the defense attorney asked her if her being married to a law enforcement officer would cause her to more strongly believe what an officer testified to. She smiled and said that she would totally believe what ANY officer said in court.

Not only was she immediately excused, but they ended up starting over with another jury pool, since the defense attorney claimed that the first one was tainted.

I don't ever expect to be on a criminal jury for the same reason as yours. But so far, I have never been called, while my wife has been summoned 3 times (but never selected). In my retirement, being a juror would be kind of interesting, I think. But I don't think you can sign up for it.

I saw lots of juries being picked during my career and decided that both the prosecution and defense did not want people seated that were too well educated or too intelligent. And after sitting through a lot of trials, my opinion is that most jury verdicts are about as accurate as a coin flip....which is not so good. If I was ever charged with a crime and actually did that crime, I might ask for a jury trial to see if they would let me off somehow, but if, in fact I was not guilty, I would never trust my fate to a jury. Most judges are a lot more predictable and in my experience usually get verdicts correct.

Maybe I am getting kind of cynical in my old age!
Boy, that the ole patriotic spirit there, Ultradog. You're the kind of citizen that's helped keep our country free. Bet you'll make an exception to your disdain of government when it comes time to pick up your social security checks, though.

BTW, registered mail is not used for notification of much of anything, for that very reason. It would give you yet another excuse for shirking your duty- "I didn't pick up the letter".
Been called twice- first time I was still a dairy farmer, told them I would be willing to serve within the time constraints of that schedule. Second time, the cows were gone, was working for an excavating contractor. Reported, saw the list of witnesses, if I made it to the box I would have asked if one witness was known as "Shavey" xxxxx, commonly known as a drug head. When the jury was filled, I did stay to observe the opening of the trial-quite an interesting experience. As an employer, I recall my milker"s experience with the local system, particularly the call-in requirements and breaks- very inconsiderate to the jurors.

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