O/T, I feel like Bill Murray in Caddyshack.


Dang gophers are tearing everything up. I don"t know what to use to get ride of them. I have tried to use the subsoiler and rip the ground up around them, then I used the box blade rippers and tore the ground up, and they still come back. I did manage to get two of them with the box blade and one with the front end loader when I was digging up a big mound they made. I have even tried to flood them out with water.
My wife gets a big laugh when she sees me and the dogs out there digging for them.
Hope you guys get a good laugh out of it too. I have manged to chase them into the bean field, so that is good, now I can really tear things up.
How do you get rid of them?
I use the windmills with the BB inside that rattles. Danged if they don't actually work!
A friend has them in his fields. He uses an injector that shoots propane into the tunnels and the ignites it! Talk about Bill Murray... That works too!
They like an invitation to a party of rat cookies.

Well' for a few days anyway.

Portions of rodent bars dropped down a garden hose opened burrow will be stashed away in their pantry for the whole crew, then they will dirt plug the hole again. repeat at daily intervals till no more mounds appear.
Google "Rodenator" for the real McCoy

If you google "gopher killer propane" it will have some links to similar alternatives, some maybe a little dangerous but along the same idea.
Here in SD the 13 strip gophers are common. But they do NOT make mounds. It's hard to find their holes down in the grass.
You have something larger.
I have a badger that is tearing up my yard. Digs a hole 9 inches in diameter, down to China, and leaves a mound about 4 feet around and a foot high. He does this overnight.

i had em terrible on top of this sand hill till i got a bunch of cats...trick is to just feed cats enuff so they still hunt...all fat cats do is lay on the porch and cr*ap in your flower beds.
Get a Dachshund or two. They were made originally to hunt weasels, but mine love gophers and pack rats too. They do have a tendency to leave bigger holes and mounds, but they will hunt them and dig until they git em.. it's rather comical to watch, lot of the time they are just diggin and diggin without much gettin but when they do git em, it gets a little gruesome.
best of luck with yours
Pour a cup of gas down all the holes you can find. Wait a minute or so for the fumes to get through the tunnels. Then throw a match down the hole. Have your dog standing by for finishing off the smoking survivors.
The "Rodenator" sounds interesting. I'll have to check that out.

We've always done the gas method. Seems to work pretty well.
I thought that you were gonna say that you ate a baby ruth candy bar out of a swimming pool.

I know that for moles you kill off there food supply, which is insects. Use insecticide and the moles go to your neighbors lawn.
I feel like I'm stuck in "ground hog day" everyday just seems to repeat itself ?

Get up go to work go home. Repeat ! Bills keep coming in and can't gain any in my account. Repeat.

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