OT Chickens pecking

I am unable to stop my chickens from pecking and puling out large amounts of feathers from each other. I have dusted with Sevin repeatedly but it doesn"t seem to help. One poor chicken will likely die soon. I"ve kept the coop clean and well bedded, and they have a large pen to run in. Food and water 24-7. I"m wondering if using a light from 5 on in the morning (to keep them laying)is causing this? The varmints here are terrible so I let them out in the morning from daybreak till about 8:30 depending on my schedule. Any help?
it may help to stop with the light. It always seemed to me once they start they are hard to stop. Do they do it while they are outside? try locking them in the outside pen for most of the day and see how that works.
Up their protein. Black oil sunflower seeds work well, try throwing a generous hand full or 2 on the ground each day. FWIW, I try to keep my layers ration in the 20-21% protein level. Most lay rations are 16% and that"s just not nearly enough.
i had the same problem and learned to add a couple a tablespoons of vinegar to each gallon of water -- and throw a styrofoam cup in the pen for entertainment -- worked for me.
The ones that are all pecked up, put something on them called Black Sove. It does 2 things:
1. It gets new feathers growing
2. It keeps the other chickens from pecking out the new feathers.
Your local Feed store should have it.
Hope this helps.
Sometimes I can make a chicken understand what I don't want it to do by snapping my fingers close to its head when it does it(like if they peck me when I'm feeding them). They'll kind of jump and look surprised. This works better in my experience than pointing and saying 'bad chicken'.
When I was a kid dad would use red lights to stop pecking. I'd forgotten about it until you mentioned it. Jim
I used to put grease from a greasegun on their tails and up by the oiler where they like to pick.
Seemed to help.

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