O/TThis could have been bad

37 chief

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Growing up I am sure everyone of us had a few bad experiences, but was prevented from turning in to something real bad, that we remember for a lifetime. a few things come to mind for my self. I had a 48 ford I had to park on a hill to push start. One day I started pushing it, and I couldn't get in, as it was going too fast. It was heading right for our wood water tank. by running beside it I managed to turn the stearing wheel enough to keep from hitting the tank. Then the time I was moving a trailer by hand, and it starter rolling down hill towards my Grand Mothers house, but I was able to catch it and turn it. Another time is when my girlfriend's dad came home from work early. Now that's one I wouln't forget. Stan
Had one happen just today. My sisters car had brake problems, right rear wheel cylinder went bad. So I called the local parts house and they said there store 15 miles away had the part. Jumped on the boys motorcycle need to use it some till he can come get it and take it to his duty station. Any how the throttle cable broke and I had to set the idle up on it to max to get to the parts store, broke when I was almost there. So I pulled the cable out of the handle bar area and used a C clamp on it sop I could ride it home at a good speed. High idle was a good 30 mph on the flat and would have taken a long time to get home
The VERY day I got my license I went "cruisin" after supper. I has my mom's 68 Rustang. There was a nice shiny tarry corner where everybody burned out. I turned left and floored it spinning around and stopping just inches from dropping the front tires in the ditch. I don't think anybody saw it.
Happened last year, was plowing downhill on an angle one of the plows hit a rock and when i stoped to re set it the whole tractor pivioted on ym right front tire, almost flipped it.

Was driving my 1993 dakota to one of the local fairs when i had the pinion on the rearend get sucked into the diff, locking up the rearend at 40 and almost hit a tree

Not a close call but a very messy accident

was brushhogging a field aboout 4-5 feet tall with weeds on the same tractor as i was plowing above, when i saw a family of racoons come out the left side underneath the tractor, then i guess the mother or father ran right into the path of the brushhog, BIG mess

My voag teacher in high school hit a deer with a hay mower once .... i guess it was dead already....

And who doesnt have one of those girlfriends dad situations haha
About 30 years ago my friend was out barhopping with some friends with their snowmobiles. My friend decided to leave his running at one bar so he could make a showy takeoff. Coming out of the bar he belly flopped on his snowmobile and gave it full throttle. The snowmobile shot out from under him and the throttle jammed in the full wide open position. They could hear the snowmobile running all around in the fields. It finally got tangled up in a snow fence.
I remember the night my friend Tater and I were road racing the 23 miles between Paoli and Palmyra,IN on old US 150. It was after midnight, so there was next to no traffic. I was driving my old '68 Javelin with the 290 V8, and I don't remember what Tater was driving. I just remember that after all that high-speed cornering, at speeds hitting 90 mph on the straightaways, I got into Palmyra just in front of Tater. About 50 feet past the four-way stop in Palmyra, the recapped tire on my right front went "BOOM!"

Another minute sooner, on one of those corners like the one near Hoerner's Chapel Road, and I might not have survived. Needless to say, that was the last time I ever ran recapped tires on ANY of my cars.
Other than from driveng up a washboard hill on Harrison couties finest Roads in the Good OLD days ,,,For no apparent Reason ,broke a front spindle plumb off 1969 Mercury Marquis convertible ,3 wheeler YIKES.. JUst bought the car a few weeks earlier ! . Closer examination proved that to be a old crack that had been hanging on by about 1/3,.... earlier that SAME week Don Mayden ISP gave me a ticket for 100MPH on I-64 , That 429 Mercury buried the speedometer , and had plenty more to give , Mayden 's radargun had me at 128,And HE seemed to have a understanding for Me wanting to find TOP END , He told me a 100 mph speeding ticket was going to give me enuff trouble . He GAVE ME A STERN Warning... Told Me if He ever saw that Mercury AGAIN at that rate of speed .. WE was all Going TO JAIL ! , CAR AND ALL !.. I believed him .. Justice of the Peace charged me 38 bucks , Next month my insurance dropped Me... 1975
So we were in her bedrood making out on her bed. Nothing more. She was from a very proper family, and boys never were allowede in the girls bedroom never. Just as we were back in safe territory (living room) her dad walks in, how you kids doing, oh just fine. Her dad was a big O boy,also. That was 45 years ago, and I still rember it as yeaterday. stan
Hey there;
A long time ago, 1950-51, I was just 17, I was driving my t"rusty" "38" ford coupe, (cable brakes) to work, at the "gas station" where I
was working, and it had just finished raining
heavily,(the street was paved with "bricks") The station was on a corner that had three entries, as I tried to stop that old Ford, the brakes locked up!! My old Ford spun around, and I slid back-wards into the only empty spot, right between my Bosses new Buick, and another workers 1950 Cadillac 61 fastback! It could have been MUCH WORSE, as my insurance had lapsed by two days.
God Bless
Two weeks ago we had several inches of rain here in the WNC mountains. As usual each fall I plan to get all my firewood out early but as usual, those plans fall through and I get behind. I go in the mountains and winch out yellow locust with a big old 730 Case gasser. I can cut a dead 18" locust and winch the entire tree up to the road with the thing ideling at around 500 rpm. The old beast is amazing and a lot of fun. I had a really good day winching out about 4 nice big trees ready for sawing up. I left going out on the same narrow logging road I came in on o k but for some reason the road seemed a little bit narrower. I came to a place I had easily crossed coming in where a tree had uprooted above the road and I had sawed it out the clear the road. This left an incline in the road which I had crossed many times but with smaller tractors. Anyway I stopped and looked at the situation, decided to put my son off the tractor and made the WRONG decision to proceed on over the incline. I did not take into account all the rain we had had. I was easing over the slope with those big 18.5 X 34 tires sticking good, and then with a little slip, everything turned loose. In a second the rear end was off there. With about a 6 foot drop I landed with a small mapel tree between the rear wheel and the winch which stopped it dead. The only thing that kept me from being dead was the mapel tree. It was the only tree there. Nothing else to stop me for another 50 ft. It was so fast it did not have time to scare me until it was over and I got off and looked at what had just happened. The good Lord was watching after me that day. I am usually really careful and study each situation out, whether it be cutting a tree are driving tractors on mountain trails but I sure made a bad decision that day. That will stick in my mind forever and I will surely be more careful. I have thought about it ever day since. My 12 year old son needs me.
Years ago Dad was riding an old Huff mini bike I had. He came down across my Grandma's field and hit a small hump right on the property line. he was sitting a little too far back on the seat so when he hit the humo the minibike did a wheelie and threw him off of the seat and left him lying on his belly with the throttle racked all the way back and no way to scoot forward enough to let off. He came down through our side yard wide open lying on his belly....with us all sitting on the picnic table laughing our heads off at him....and headed on toward the front yard. We had several large oak trees in the frot and the ground was covered with little acorns. Dad said when he hit the acorns it was like riding on a bunch of marbles. He said when he finally stopped twisting around he was back sitting on the seat....but was on the front porch. The porch was about 2 feet high with three or four steps leading up to it. Dad says he has no idea how he got there but was thankful the end result wasn't any worse than his hurt pride.
I was in my girlfriends bedroom (folks gone on vacation) when she heard a car in the driveway- they came home early! I went out the window as they came in the front door. Luckily, my car was across the street at the fire station where I worked, so they were none the wiser.

I did wise up, though, and left her behind. I haven't heard from or seen her in 40 years, but I ran into her brother last year, and he said she's on her fifth marriage and he hasn't spoken to her in years.
Like Eddie Albert once said, he proposed to his girl friend just after he noticed the moonlight glinting off her dads shotgun. : ) Leonard

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