o/t poison oak remedies?

If you can take it , it can/will hurt. But any how I take a rag and spray carb cleaner on the rag and wipe the area and every time I have had it, the problem was gone with one or 2 treatments
Burrough's solution (get it at the pharmacy) can help dry it up a bit. I've tried every remedy there is, and the only sure cure is time.
Well, I got sinus allergies from my mom, but I got the benefit of not being alergic to poison ivy or oak from my dad. That has been a real benefit.
Add my support for Technu.....I am highly allergic

and have tried all, I mean all, the various products,etc. Technu seems do the trick
1 more for Tecmu. My guys swear by it. Luckily, I'm not allergic to either one. But, I hear that you can develop it later on.
Bleach, gasoline, or anything that will severly dry your skin will help/work. Usually doesn't hurt to bad, unless you've broke out to the point where you have open sores or scratched it till you've broken then skin. Then it hurts....A LOT.
I thought for many years that I was immune to poison oak and ivy until I was clearing our new property and hit some poisin oak with a chain saw and a saw eater. Went to the doctor and said that can"t be but he said 97% of the people have a reaction it"s just that they have not been exposed to it. I got it in my lungs and had to get a script for high strength Claratin. He reccommended using Benadryl extra stength gel for surface treatment. It took a month for the lungs to clear as someone already said it just takes time. The trick is if you think you are hit with it wash the area immediately with an oil cutting soap or vinegar solution. I feel your pain dude. I caution anyone to watchout for something that looks like grapevine with berries. Good Luck.
aloe vera is great for this. Stan, poison ivy or oak does't affect me. I can pull it down bare handed with no reaction. Now poison sumac does affect me. Rick
My wife and one daughter don t get it, I pulled down some vines last Sunday, I do not know what it was, not ivy but My arms are still itching like crazy but the blisters are drying up. The old home cure is the calcium in your tractor tires, old man claimed it was the cure for any skin problems, more than once I saw him put an arm or hand in a barrel of CC we had in the tire shop.(it was cheaper to buy new CC for a repaired tire than to pump it out and pump it back in so sometime we had some mixed and ready to go)
A great uncle of mine got some poison ivy on his hands and stepped into the bushes to relieve himself. Needless to say, he had a very painful rash.
Might be too late in the season, but the wild, creek bottom, shade loving plant called "Touch-me-not" will fix you right up. The stems are watery - squeeze the juice out of the stem and rub it on the affected area. Stops the itch immediately and the rash clears up real quick.

I worked with a guy who bottled the juice so he'd have a dose in the wintertime.

an old man i use to no made up a bottle of stuff and i think he called it witch hazel but i aint sure it worked pretty good he passed away several years ago.but i would say the best medecine for it is not to get it.but that is hard to do .
My doctor gives my son a shot of something and it stops the itching by the time he gets back home ten mile drive. I would think those remedies would be a waist of time just read the last 4 letters in remedies. R.E.Lee
I feel for you guys but I just don't know what all the fuss is about. I played in it rolled in it took it home on my cloths and gave it to my Older sister. Nice to be immune to something.
The best thing for me is athlete's foot spray. It takes the itch out and dries it up. The worst case I got was burning brush that had it in there.

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