Update on overinflated rear 18.4 38


Well-known Member
The story isn"t over yet. If you remember I posted about a leaky tire bead o the 1086 and the scarry momemt (to me) with the overinflation. Well, this morn the tire had lost 5 LB so I got out the soapy water and found a couple of rim clamps that wore through the rim. They were loose a year ago and I tightened them up but I was too late.

Looks like I need to call the tire guy now. It"s a bit much for me to tackle. Sigh! Jim
Yep thats one of those problems with a tube less type tire but then on the other hand there are problems with the ones with tubes so I guess you can not win for loosing
Jack it up, pull the tire off, weld the rim back up or replace it and put the tire back on and go. It ain't all that hard,
Would you have to completely remove the tire?

I've welded tractor rims before by forcing the tire away from the rim in the area to be welded.

You may be talking about a much heavier tire. One that can't be forced?

Welding was the first thing that entered my mind, but I got to looking at how bad the wear spots were and I decided against it. The clamps wiggled around on the rim a little too much before I caught it. A new rim will set me back a few bucks but then I won't have to worry about it again.

The old girl still sees some heavy field work. Jim
"can't win for loosing" thanks for reminding me of that saying old, my dad used to say that all the time. Had not thought about it for years.
Harry"s is a good place (My sister and BIL are near). However they are clear across the state from fixerupper and I. 4 hour drive one way.

I would recommend them but distance is a issue here also.


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