Guess you could say I just got lucky


Well-known Member
I was out in my shop getting another beer, shop has a fridge in it that I keep my beer in when I have beer. Any how I shut off the compressor and was walking out when I catch it out of the corner of my eye. A copper head about 2 foot long and my foot only 4 inches or so from it. I sort of did a dance for a moment and then looked for something to use on it. Saw a 8lbs sledge and dropped it on him and yelled for my son to grab something better. He got the double head axe and the snake lost its head. Watch out snakes do not care where they go is seems
old, i can relate to that. stopped by a little creek to check on a buckeye bush just this past thursday, heard the leaves rustle and when i looked down there was a short stubby snake; copperhead or cottonmouth, within a step from me. it opened its mouth wide while slivering away from me. not sure who left the scene the first, the snake or me.
The worst I've ever encountered I'll admit I was in the snakes back yard, way out in the middle of a field. Anyways I had stopped on the little path to look at something and looked down to see a decent sized copper head come out of te weeds on one side of the trail, go across the toes of my boots and disappear into the weeds on the other side of the trail. Needless to say I got away from there pretty quick.
I've killed 7 copperheads farming on the river like I do 40 yrs. and mostly find them in pairs so be on the lookout for his mate females are larger than males. Both will make you spill your beer, or that wet spot is something else?
I hadn't opened it yet so no beer spilled which was good. This is like my 7 or 8th copper head this year that I have killed. Did one with my truck tire and one with my motorcycle tire which was fun sort of and then a few others with a gun.
OLD FOLKS WILL CLAIM , You need to Get a few Sows and a Boar to clean up the neighborhood ,, keep you in pigs to sell to your neighbors for meat ,, porkchops , sausage , Ham , and BLT sandwiches , Then , you Could sit in the grass and eat and not worry about NO sNAKES and Have a Barley pop to wash it All down ,,. My OLD Folks Always Claimed posinous snakes leave hoggs alone ,, Anyone Ever heard that One?,. i really would like to KNOW ???.. I must say I have found several Cow Snakes , black snakes , and even a Blue Racer under the hog feeders as a youngster some 35 yrs ago ... but never a copperhead......
to my understanding hogs eat snakes but I have not seen it personally and the one I killed got thrown out in the pit not in the pig pen.
Those copperheads are bad news Had two dairy cows lose udder to copperheads. one dog who was raised on the farm was 13 yrs old when a cottonmouth got her. Figure she was hard of hearing and nearly blind. Had a Austalian sheperd that was a real cooperhead killer. He would smell them and just go nut till he killed it. Never got stuck,
When I was a kid, and I'm talking 60 years ago, I watched my uncle throw a big snakes in the hog pen, and watched the pigs eat them right up.
Thanks for the reminder. I just went and checked the fridge in my shop. No snakes. Got me a beer, though, and that's what really matters. ;o)
One day my brother and I were working on a trailer that needed a wheel hub. We took one off of a spare axle we had and inside the brake drum was a little copperhead. My brother likes to mess with snakes so he picks it up, he grabs it behind the head, but being small he grabbed it to far back from the head and it bit at his thumb. The only thing that saved him was the skin where he bit was to hard to penetrate.
Most people who panic every time they see a snake can't tell the difference between a Copperhead and the far more common and completely harmless Watersnakes and Milksnakes.

The easiest way to tell from a distance is to see if the dark bands are narrow at the top and wide at the bottom, that's a copperhead. Otherwise there's no reason to bother it.



One year I was baling hay with a MF12 baler when I saw something large go flying through the air past the tractor. I stopped it and went looking. It was the body of a huge copperhead, I think. I say the body because it had no head. I probably mowed it and then raked it into the windrow. I tossed it off into the open, intending to pick it up later. Well, it was a really long hot day and I forgot about it. The next morning when I looked for it, I couldn't find it. I guess I should get a cell phone with a camera.

Having been a Single Malt Scotch drinker for the last 50 years,I havent been visited by any snakes to date.But according to my wife and Doc, I am ripe for the occurance!!
Hey there;
As a kid, (75 years ago) I remember
seeing my Dad throw a garter snake
into the chicken yard. That snake
didn't last more than a few minutes
Those chickens tore it into little
pieces, in no time at all!!
God Bless
Thanks for the pictures. The milksnake looks just like the one in my apartment last week. Just a little one opened the door and he crawled out. Woke up one morning and found a big buck standing by my truck eating my hay bale.
Here in the Desert of Arizona any one who knows anything carries a Piece when he ventures into the out back. Mine is a 22Cal.Mag. with Bird Shot load.I hear stories of near misses from the Snow Bird crowd every week in my travels but the paper tells the story of bites to unwary tourists or thier dogs.Most prevalent here are the Sidewinders,Diamond Back and the Mohave Reds,all Rattle Snakes.We have a Cousin of the Coral Snake here but I have never seen one.A black and white harmless except to Rattlers ,King Snake around your property is a welcome sight.
Must be a new one !!! Like mom said--- HOW BEER CAN BE BAD FOR YOU!!!!

Just keep those darn things in your neck of the woods.
Oh believe me I know my snakes. And yes the one I killed yesterday was in fact a copper head but I have also been a snake hunter since I was a kid and we would go an look for snakes to catch and play with. Never did find a copper head etc when I was a kid but now that I'm older I see them all the time
That last one looks just the ones we call corn snakes around here, which seem to be voracious rodent predators and very good climbers, put one in a full size garbage can, most if not all times it will escape. They are quite docile once you handle em a bit, probably a good one to use for educating people about snakes, especially kids etc. Those are always welcome, cause they eat rodents, but I've seen em after baby birds too.

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