John Deere 350 Sickle Mower

James Howell

Well-known Member
A few months back we bought another John Deere 350 Sickle Mower as a backup mower.

<a href="" target="_blank">
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Cleaned it up a little and set it aside until we needed it in an emergency.

The emergency came along Saturday morning, so we mounted <a href="">"Neslon"</a> up to "Vernon" and cut some hay.

Stopped a couple of times to tighten knife hold down clips, but otherwise the <a href="">7ft mower</a> worked just fine.

Only cut a few acres because of time limitations but was still pleased with performance of the <a href="">backup sickle mower</a>.

They must have sold a lot more of the newer mowers down your way than they did up here in Ohio, here you never see that new of a Deere mower. When those were produced the haybines were what was selling and no more bar mowers.
The JD 350 sickle mowers are still somewhat available around here in NE Texas.

I know of two that are in different towns within about 15 miles of our farm.

These two, which are still for sale, are a little bit on the high side considering their condition.

We bought this mower near Terrell, TX which is about 30 miles East of Dallas.

The mower conditioners would work great in our small operation; they are just few and far between around here.

They are also more expensise than the sickle mowers.

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