Ultradog MN

Well-known Member
Twin Cities
Where's Al Gore when you need him?
This is the coldest July that I can remember
It's like September weather here.
Had to use a second blanket for the last few nights.
High today of 67.
Low tonight believe it or not, is supposed to be 53°
Cloudy, windy. And just plain cold for July.
Great weather for working/sleeping though so I'm not complaining.
It's just very unusual.
I think I might have to wonder down to the football field tonight to be sure there isnt a game going on! Surely feels like September--just lucky its been as cool as it is since we're getting skipped on the rain lately.
It's suppose to be like that here the next two days(mid Mich) Sure makes the wheat dry down slowly. Been running about the 15th. My Moms Birthday is the 20th and always considered if we run before it was early and after late. It will be late this year.
Fer sure,

Warmest day I can remember so far this year was 83 or so.

The "global warming scam" is going about as well as the "we haven't a clue" presidency. :>)

69 this am in beautiful and wet southern indiana,,, the al gore theory has become a bible to the EPA,PeFLOPSI, and the rest of congress ,Also ,. wait til you buy a new Diesel from Gov'mt' Motors and gotta mess with the Goat Fuss UREA exhaust ammonia that must be functional or else the computor shuts the whole motor down ,,,, 2010 Diesels will become good shop TRuCKS, they will like to stay in the shop...
I hear ya,

The "Slap and Paid" bill would require a water meter on yer shower. Communism at it's finest. :>)

QUIT yer B$$ch$$g 105 here. drier than a popcorn f$$t. Count your blessings. Just another gorgeous summer day CC
Global warming SCAM is correct. Look at how fast they were trying to cram that Cap+Tradescam bill through. They knew, once word got out what it's all about, all he!! was going to break loose.
Now, they are trying to do the same thing with this nationalized healthcare ripoff scam bill. They already pulled it off with the so-called "Stimulas", more like PORKULAS bill. Made it sound like the world was going to end if it was'nt passed. After all the high drama, all we got, was this country put in a financal hole that we probably will never get out of.
I read just this morning that our genius of a VP, Joe nnalert, said, "The country is going to go bankrupt, unless we spend more money." With people like him in charge, America as we know it, is finished. These clowns telegraphed what they wanted to do, and now they are doing it. HOPEANDCHANGEMYA$$.
Low of only 53? Been in the mid 40s a lot of mornings here. 39 in Big Rapids Tuesday morning. There was some town in the U.P. down to 33 a week or so ago. I think there have been 3 mornings when I did morning chores in a T shirt all summer. Half to two thirds of the time I've gone out in a hooded sweatshirt.
Dont worry, the climate change genious are sure my cow's fart's and burp's will burn up the eart soon, so it should warm up eventually.
113' here yesterday,mid afternoon series of dark clouds went over,hard wind 25-30MPH came up blowing dust and debris every where and my dogs and I "enjoyed" a blast of {{HOT}} air in our faces and maybe a dozen small rain drops and it all blew over and back to 113' again. No rain for us so far this Monsoon Season. Just another day here in the high desert [1260 Ft. El.] of Arizona.Picture is just to show my two friends,it was taken in ILL. before we moved to Arizona.JC
In the SE corner of MN, the high for today was 61F and 10AM and it's been falling ever since. The average high temp for today is 86F (the highest average of the year).

The field of pearl millet that I planted is very confused by the weather this year (not to mention short).
Here in NAR it has been a little warmer than normal but the humidity is ridiculous. Dew points have been in the upper 70's. It's a lot better today and is supposed to be in the mid 50's tonight, that's quite a change and very cool for here. I'll take it.
COLD?????????? Are Ya'll full of it????! Here in Central Texas, Today we are bouncing off of 101 to 102, We have had over 35 days of 100+++ weather so far this summer., NO RAIN gotten And None in sight, Quile in!LOL!!
We can't buy a rain , We will not get a real chance of Beneficial rain till Fall, We Hope!! about 24 inchs of rain behind!,
Lake Travis by Austin will close the Last remaining open boat ramp probably Mon or Tue. That one is by the Dam. Water usage and standing lake levels are at Critical stages now!
Ya'll don't forget your coat and umbrella when ya'll go out.
I am glad ya'll have more than sufficiant rain and the weather is cooler We sure could use it here!
John A.
A couple of days ago here in western Ohio on TV they said the predictied high for the day would be 5* below the lowest high ever recorded for that date, Sat morning in the car I had to turn on the heater.

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