Roundup on new cut hay

Hay field got a little blow over while spraying roundup on soybeans, also got a 1/4 inch of rain within 24 hours of spraying ,,,cut the hay about 6 days after spraying , and NOW ,I AM CONCERNED IT MAYBE HARMFUL TO CATTLE ,,, ... this has happened before with no ill effects ,,, always wanted to ask about the consquences .......
No problem with feeding it to livestock. As a matter of fact you can spray standing hay with roundup, wait 6 days then cut it for hay. Its in the round up label. This works good if you are going to fall plow the sod, no need to cut early to get enough regrowth to spray.
You need to read the supplied label. It will tell you everything you need know. It will say how long to keep cattle off the grass, if it is required, if it can be bailed and put up etc. and what time limits it may have. If you don't have the lable you can go to the manufactures web site and print out a full label.
I dont think you have anything to worry about. Especially since it was overspray or drift, not directly applied, pluss the rain would help.

Glyphosate taken by swallowing is incredibly non-toxic in animals. Based on a rat LD50 of about 5700 mg/kg, it is less toxic than baking soda (4200) and table salt (3000). Residue on/within the hay is inconsequential to animals.

Other ingredients in roundup are only slightly more problematic -- it contains a spreader/emulsifier which is basically soap (modified beef tallow). The small amount they might ingest won't hurt them either.
When the kids were little, I had a patch of blackberries along the driveway- woke up early one morning, decided to spray them. Came home from work that night, big bowl of blackberries on the table. Babysitter and kids had picked them from the sprayed area, and of course, eaten a bunch in the process. I called Monsanto, they said a little girl in Nebraska had drank about a quarter cup of the straight stuff, had no ill effects other than what you would get from drinking soap. Roundup is not "poison", in the normal sense of the word. It alters the physiology of plants, but has no effect on animals.
glyphosate is the most safe chemical out can drink it and then go out in the yard take a leak wait a few days and grass will be dead. It was originaly designed for use in water softener systems.
Check the label on restrictions for forage. If, as the others say, there is no problem in feeding it to cattle, the only problem might be any residue on the hay leaching onto the foliage/grass where the RU'd hay is stored or being fed.

Or as sometimes happens, the RU is passed in the urine/poop and kills the grass where the cow relieved itself.

If the information you need is not on the label, the label should list a website. Look for the "contact us" tab and send an email. They're generally pretty good about answering questions.
Oh goody!!! We can all go have an after dinner glyphosate cocktail! Can't wait. How many can you have and still drive? I've taken a leak on many a weed and not hurt them. No more wasting money on sprayers. Drink a little roundup and become a mean green killing machine!!

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