Raking hay cleanly in the corners


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I have an old David Bradley trail drager (two wheels in the back and two driven ones in the front with a tongue) type side delivery rake that works okay most of the time. The challenge is getting the corners to be clean. Since the rake had a tongue on it, the backend of the rake gets drug around the corner pretty quickly when trying to make a square corner. This leaves areas of hay that are not raked.
So does everyone try to make square corners or semi rounded corners. THe semi rounded corners seem best for the baler but that leaves hay in the corner of the field.
On another raking question is how close do you run the rake up the previous rake row. I see pictures of perfectly raked fields where the row is straight and no hay is left straggling next to the left hand side of the row. My rake is old enough and worn enough that I seem to have a hard time keeping the area next to the previous row clean. Thoughts.
Do any of you go back and rerake the field after you have the hay off of it?
Each pass of the rake makes 1/2 of a windrow. Rake left, turn right around and rake the next pass back into the same windrow.

A series of "loops" as it were.

If you're he!! bent on raking in a circle, first pass is counter-clockwise, next is clockwise raking right back into that same windrow.

If the hay was heavy we went round and round. If light then raked two together like Allan said. Also raked the corners separately when done raking the field. Baled them first, but had to move or miss the bales when baling the rest of the field.
It takes practice, and a hay baler man who is a stickler for perfection, but patient enough to tell a 12 year old nephew how it should be done.

All the relatives always said I was the only one who could rake to suit "uncle Andrew"

He was killed in a farming accident in 1980. My son, Andrew, just turned 21, and is the Navy.


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