Barn swallows

Don't get me wrong, I like the heck out of the little boogers. But how do ya keep em from building their muddy nests on the front of the house? There are 3 barns, and a half dozen outbuildings on the place I'd be happy for them to nest on. I like havin em around to eat bugs, and like watching em fly around, just don't want em crapping on the front windows all summer. Been trying to discourage their building progress with a hose before they get goin, but...
Any suggestions would be appreciated!

And when the young ones hatch the parents are snapping at your head from behind everytime you walk out the door. The rubber snake idea sounds interesting and humane. I finally had to shoot one last summer after knocking down the beginnings of a nest three times. They were nesting on top of the porch light. Jim
That and did you ever see one dive bomb a cat, they do that at our place, 1st time I've ever seen a bird harass a cat ! Insect eaters too, good to have around, but in some places they kinda make a nest, and they never stop showing up year after year.
If they try building it on the house spray the area with furniture polish or something else with wax, the mud won't stick and eventually they will give up and move on, works for us on smooth wood siding
Probably an old wives tale, but I've been told that if the swallows build a nest in the building, it won't get struck by lightning that year.
Rubber snakes did NOT work on mine. Front poarch & carport. Hung a cd on string at each corner. They don't like the movement or light changes.Second year without the mud nests, so maybe this is working.
We had one enterprising set of swallows that used a paper wasp nest attached to a vinyl sided building as the base for their nest. It actually stuck there all summer. I like what the little guys do around the farmstead - EAT BUGS! Especially mosquitos. I don't like them building their nests inside buildings, and anointing the walls with their "marking." Also don't like being divebombed. Neither does family cat!
washing there nest down with a hose has worked for me they dont like to have it removed hose it down a few times and they get the hint
Did you ever see a Mockingbird dive-bomb a cat from behind it. Cat's sauntering along, tail in the air. Mocker dives, grabs the tail in its beak & lifts up. Hilarious! Talk about some movement.
Never saw one of those do that, though it's funny to see those swallows make a stand, they buzz past you to get to the cat.
We had them on our house years ago and tried hosing them off, that didn't work. What worked was hanging a plastic owl from the point of the roof next to the nests. Once they left they haven't tried to come back. don't even have the owl there now.
I had a problem with them last summer building a nest near the front door. Icouldn't get a rubber snake, so I used a piece of black rubber fuel hose and fastened it to one of the porch posts. It worked! They would come in to make their mess and see the "snake" and do a 180. A couple weeks ago they tied to come back and when they saw the hose, they left.
Yes, same thing after I cut a field, between swallows and bats, seems like they take their share of insects, especially mosquitos

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