True Story Really Happened


Well-known Member
I must about have been 9 or 10 years old and when ever Dad grabbed a wrench I was always under his feet wanting to help and ask questions. One particular day He was in my Grandparents yard working on an 8n Ford. He had me jacking it up with an old screw jack and the handle slipped and I bumped my head on the sharp edge of the running board. I had about a 2in. gash on my forehead and you know how head wounds bleed. So Dad takes me up on the front porch and hollers through the screen door for some one to bring a towel. Here comes my aunt and looks at me, looks at the blood,and then looks at Dad and says " I'll get you a towel but get him off the porch You know how hard that mess will be to clean up". So I'm thinking it's a good thing my guts weren't hanging out she would have had a fit. She never was what you would call sympathetic, still isn't. Hope Everyone has a happy Easter.
What do you mean when "I was growing up"? Same thing happened a few years ago to me. I was working on the hoist on the truck and something fell a made a small wound in my head. Blood everywhere. Come to house. Knock on door, since I knew I wouldn't be allowed in the house. We were watching our, maybe 4 year old grandaughter, at that time. Guess who opened the door? Yeah, grandaughter opened it and looked at me for a second and hollered for grandma. "Grandma" made me stay outside and took the GARDEN HOSE to me!!! Anyway, I guess it worked out okay. Cold water from the hose slowed down bleeding enough to see what it was and wasn't to bad. No stitches needed.
My niece and nephew love hearing how their Dad (my brother) was playing in the back of the family pick-up and fell out into the gravel driveway....'bustin his head wide-open'. He ran screaming for the front door, where his Mother made him wait for a minute, 'til she could get a pan. He was brought into the living room, where he sat in a chair by the front door with his head between his knees watching himself 'bleed to death'; the blood running into the dishpan on the floor, while Mother got dressed to carry him to the emergency room to get stitched up.
Makes me think of the time I was getting on my shetland pony to go out in the pasture to get the milk cows. I spose I was about 10 yrs old.

I was inside the barn, the large barn door was open about 4 feet. I rode bare back and jumped up the side of the pony hooked my elbows over the backbone and was about to swing my leg over when the pony, Daisy, bolted out the door. I hit my head on the door, knocking me out cold.

When I woke up, someone had laid me on the day bed on the porch. The first thing I said, according to my mother, "did I get the cows yet."
From our family tales. Our family was gathered at our grandmother's house one Sunday afternoon. My Uncle and Aunt were there, a B.I.L. came by on his Ducati motorcycle. Uncle sat on the back, B.I.L. wound it up, dropped the clutch, the bike wheeled up, and back over, spilling everyone/everything on Main Street. My Aunt comes running out of the house, Her first words were "John, are you wearing your GOOD, WHITE shirt?"
For most of my life, my nose bridge has been sort of depressed.
One day, when i was about three, i was playing in our front yard, when mother called me to come inside. I ran for the front porch steps, but tripped and fell onto the steps----and thats how my nose got to be depressed!
WOW!!! Did that hurt? You bet, and i can still remember how badly it hurt!
And, how long ago?? I'm 84 YOA+!
Way back when I worked at a grain elevator, the wife of one of employees ended up in the hospital after running through a barbed wire fence on a motorcycle.

He was teaching her how to ride in their back yard. She panicked, and twisted the throttle wide open. He figured the ditch in the bottom of the pasture would flip her off the bike, but the bike jumped it. The barbed wire fence stopped her. OUCH!!
I was about 5, playing on top of
dad's grain drill in the tractor shed.
Fell off head first onto the bumper of his 37 Ford, with my tongue sticking out. Bled like a stuck hog, still have a scar on my tongue. No stitches, no visit to the emergency room, just wait for the bleeding to stop. Don't do things like that today.
when I was about 5, I was watering plants for my mom with an old glass milk jug- tripped on the hose, dropped and broke the jug, fell in the shards and cut off my thumb right at the palm. picked up, ran to my mom and told her I needed a band aid. Mom freaked when I held out my thumb!
Air Force flight surgeon named Homa sewed it back on. last stitch broke skin last year- 45 years later.
uncoiled water and air hoses left laying around pi$$ me off to this day- a major rant in my shops!
Dad just told me this one today- His dad was putting hobbles on a cow that kicked alot. In the process, she nailed him rigfht square between the eyes and laid him out cold. One of my aunts found him and called 3 or 4 neighbors- They came out and carried him to the house.

Another time Dad and grandpa were replacing some rotting beams in their barn, when one of them broke right over his head and again just dropped him then & there. Sounds like he's been laid out a few times by this & that.

Donovan from Wisconsin
Here is One of MANY stories .. ,HOW ,Little Brother Got a Lasting SCAR on HIS NECK , Rewind to 1975, Dad comes in with the 3pt mowing machine after cutting hay ,LIKE MANY TIMES and years BEFOre Drives under 200 ft long NOW RUSTY Eletric Fence Overhead wire that has sagged from many years of summer/ winter temps that goes from cattle corral to the Sow lot . THIS TIME ,Mower mast snags wire ,stretches a bit and lets go , Now the Wire is only less then 4 ft off the ground ,, AND NO ONE KNOWS IT , JUst at Dusk , Dad Remembers He leftwrench in fence row .Take Jims Bike and go get it before it gets dark .,,. So Bob and Future B-I-L both aged 14 (and new riders cause, I just got the Bike a month earlier .). They Double up and comes cattin around the corral on My 175 Kawasuki , Yep YOU guessed IT ! ...Clotheslined BOb ,all the while shocckin and Rust Cuttin Him as future B-I-L Rob is trying To figure Out What the HeL is goin on and is gettin shocked every time he touched the ground,and or Bob,.looked Like Bobs Neck had been sanded ,wouldnt Stop bleeding and Mom was afraid Rust would Cause a contamination Problem And Took Him to Emergency Room, Dad Says after All , I knew He would be all Right Cause the Wound bled Out Real Good .LOL, , They became known as the "RuF an READY' pair
I was about 4 yrs old and we had just be transferred to Shepard AFB in Wichita Falls, Tx. We were in base housing and each house had a small metal name plate hanger next to the sidewalk about 3 ft from the curb. The "hangers" were two half rings welded to the frame.

Mom had been gone all day and I spotted her coming down the street. She was driving very slowly and I was running in the grass along side the car waving at her. I was so glad she was home.

I ran right into the name plate hanger. It took me down so fast I didn't have a chance to catch myself. I still remember my the side of my face slamming down on the concrete side walk.

Next thing I remember was my dad scooping me up and carrying me into the house. He had seen the whole thing and knew I had to be really hurt from hitting the cement that hard.

I was very lucky. The only injury I had was one of the rings punctured my leg just to the right of my knee cap. They took me to the hospital and it really turned out to be a very minor injury.

God is good.
Still remember the last summer for our dairy- 1961, I think- I was 12. Kinda sad- I loved the farm, but we just weren"t making it, and the folks figured they could make the FHA payments from their wages if we got rid of the cows. We"d had about 40, Dad was selling them off as they dried up. I was milking, which my mother wasn"t too thrilled about. We were down to about 6 or so, one of which was a big ol" black cow named Dynamite. She had always been fine, but one morning, I guess I surprised her when I checked the milker, and she kicked me right in the teeth. Literally. Pushed the gum way up on one of my front teeth. Considerable blood involved. I knew there would be he11 to pay from Mom, so tried to self-medicate in the barn. I finally got the bleeding stopped, but I still had the cut lip that I couldn"t hide, as well as the blood on the shirt. Needless to say, the Vigoro hit the ventilator, and the liquidation program was revised such that they all went down the road that weekend.

Actually turned out OK overall- they saved the real estate, I had free use of the farm and assembled enough beef cattle to eventually put me through college; dad split the place up into about 6 parcels, built houses on the parcels and sold them, and retired at age 52.
Had similar thing happened when I was around 10 or so. Riding my bike with a friend back from getting a new inner tube for another bike and my foot got caught in it as I passed a parked car. I fell into the car and hit my head on the "spinner" wheel cover. Blood all over. Went up to a nearby house and got some paper towels to put on my head and finished riding the mile or so home, holding the paper towel to my head. A few houses from home, I decided to stop at "Mrs. Jax's" house as we knew she hated the sight of blood. Knocked on the door and when she answered, I removed the towel and blood started spurting out onto her porch. She stumbled back and fainted onto the couch. Friend and I were laughing all the way home. Mom took me to the ER for stitches. Felt real sorry for me until "Mrs. Jax" came over that night to see how I was doing and told Mom and Dad what I did. Didn't think Dad would beat a stitched up kid, but, man, did I get it that nite.

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