We The People and Farmers, Too!


The "We The People" posting for the last several days have been hit by the YT Censors. Thank you for posting your prior comments. It started out well received and some positive comments about the below video link that has been viewed by almost 3,000,000 Americans. A few folks got into a lenghty political back and forth bickering that clouded the original intent my posting. That's too bad. A few folks had some really insightful thoughts. I'm sorry that the folks at YT thought / felt that the whole forum thread had to pulled.

It was probably censored because it is a simplistic, right wing diatribe filled with half truths. The speaker was pretty foolish to appear as Thomas Paine who in real life spent much of his time railing against Christians. A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.

I didn't hear one word in that video that addressed religion. Thomas Paine may have railed against Christianity, I don't know, but whether he did or not is not relevant to this video's message.

I agree with every point in the video except I like the Electoral College. It is what saved us from Al Gore. It's a shame that it didn't save us in the last election.

Tom in TN
Tom, you're right about knowledge being a dangerous thing. Problem is so few took the time to educate themselves about our current socialist/communist President. Free market is chaos? Since when does the government decide who should run private business? Now who was known for those views? The Soviet Union, and recently, Barack external_link.
If anybody thinks the nnalert/communist party is "helping the little guy", explain how raising taxes on every day items like gasoline and tobacco to name a couple helps the guy making minimum wage? What political group stands in the way of exploiting our own natural resources like oil. The nnalert reinstated the off shore drilling ban and have stood in the way of new refinery construction. Explain why when your parents pass away the government should get 45% of their estate? In 2010 the estate tax rate will be 0. In 2011 it reverts back to 45%.
Like I said Tom, knowledge is a dangerous thing that the current administration doesn't want you to have.

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