Morning news is confusing.

Dave from MN

Well-known Member
Ok, we have it all morning. Banks selling homes for $1, ( very few I am sure) and many many more for cheap , cheap, cheap, because they want out of the taxes and maintenance cost. That story told, on to the next, we have people living in fricken tent cities. What the heck, put these people up in a home that is empty. These are not lazy people, these are people that had good jobs for many years and they went poof! I know many should have built a savings if they had the chance, but still. It makes me ill too see these two stories side by side. look at the millions and millions that are donated to campaigns, and other things by a bank, person, or business, yet we cant find a way to connect a displaced workers family with an empty house that will be sold for $1. Look at the money that is getting funneled to that single (logic challenged) chick that has 14 kids yet we have hardworking families living in a tents in Seattle and California and who knows where else. What has happened in this country? Sad it is..
Sounds like media propaganda. The way the media operates, they probably paid for the construction of a tent city, pulled a few winos off the street, cleaned them up, gave them a few well rehearsed lines to say to emphasize their sob story, blaming it all on Bush, and passed it off as 'news'.

Most of these people losing their houses had NO business having it in the first place, ZERO down, 110% financing, they lied on their loan application, they had 'money' enough for each kid to have a new car, not to mention the boat, jet skis, pool, credit cards, and making payments on it all on <$50K a year.
Let them live in the gutter, and s##t in the weeds, I have NO sympathy for them, the only bad part, is now I am expected to pay for this low life trash, and their complete lack of responsibility.
Goose, there are $1 houses sold all the time. I've done a fair amount of work with habitat for humanity and virtually every property we built on was a $1 lot. The typical $1 house is condemed and in need of demolition. There are likely back taxes owed on it. So it is not really $1 (unless the city/county is willing to forgive the taxes to a non-profit like habitat for humanity).

Regardless, Dave has a point. It is a terrible shame that there are houses sitting empty, and folks without homes.
What does "lazy" have to do with anything. How about taking the responsibility to look ahead a bit and not overspend/over-borrow? As far as I'm concerned, not only can many stay in their tents - I hope they OWN those tents and we aren't paying for them. You ask what has happened this country? Seems we, the public, are being forced to take responsibility for those who refuse to do so, for themselves.
I've read the actual details on many of these so-called sob-stories. One couple was making $150,000 per year. They took out two mortgages on their home, spent $50,000 on a camper-trailer, and $40,000 on a new Ford pickup truck. Also rang up $45,000 in credit card debt. Now, one lost a job and they are being foreclosed on. So, what's your answer? Penalize others that looked ahead and lived within their means to pay for idiots like this?
I have the same mindset with unskilled autoworkers who were overpaid for many years. They had ample opportunity to put money aside and have no excuses for still having mortgages and many toys not payed for.
And yes, I'm sure there are some bonifide cases where somebody saved money, put down a substantial down payment, bought the house to live in and NOT as an investment - and is now in trouble. But, most are not that way.
Baling these people out is just paving the way forward for more excess and more lack of responsibility.
By the way, any one of those people and/or families can leave their tents and come here to New York. Live here for 30 days and then get free rent, free food, and free dental care, and free medical care. And, I'm helping pay for it while I get none of those things unless I pay for them.
It is a shame.

But there has to be a reason the 2 are not getting together?

A tent offers shelter. And perhaps some motivation to rethink the direction you were going?

A lot of big houses cost more to maintain that what people can afford, totally ignoring the initial cost.

It's not an easy or good situation, & I do wish it works itself out sooner rather than later.

No simple, snap your fingers fix for this tho.

I am trying to put myself in others shoes. Some people lived foolishly yes, many others have not. Many people struggled and still only lived within their means, I am not talking about people like you stated, yes they should have saved. I am talking about ordinary folks that live ordinary lives that have been dealt a bad hand. many people save what they can and sometimes they just cannt save alot up, when it is saved up, they are dealt a hand that has a sick child that insurance doesnt cover. I am financially secure, at this time, but a few unexpected events cold do the same to me and I have been saving, and learning, and aquiring what I have for years. I am not saying "penalize others" waht I am saying is we have homes sitting empty, being sold "in some cases" for $1 and others being sold for a few thousand dollars. well within the what many can afford to help another. These are not just reckless foolish people that are in these circumstances, they are parents, single or both, that have lost jobs, and cant find one, they are people that HAD saved, but that only last so long. There are children that didnt ask for this. This country has lost an awful lot of jobs. One banker manager can get millions of dollars in yearly bonuss, yet that same banker will sign the paper to foreclose on a mother with four kids who lost her husband to cancer, and may have NEVER been on any govt assistance. I understand your anger towards people that abuse the system, but now that is not the majority of the problem. I respect your opinion, but let the anger subside and think about what if it was you. What if your income vanished tomorow, what if you or your loved ones became ill and your entire savings were eating up in a few short weeks and you could not pay your bills and suddenly were living in a tent. Wouldnt you want some one to come and give you a chance to at least make a fresh start, or at least get your kids under a roof, when you know there are empty homes all over the place?
Thank you for your insight Mr. Hoover. When Harry Hopkins(F.D.R.'s F.E.R.A. and WPA administrator) was told that feeding people wouldn't work in the long run he replied, "People don't eat in the long run, they eat every day." Read Mathew 25 the next time you you feel smug and righteous about your suffering brothers and sisters. Remember, the only thing you can takewith you is what you have given away.
Joe, what I am saying where you see a need, and you see a solution to a problem, see if anything can be done to bring the two together.
Does Habitat for Humanity ever do follow-ups, say a year or two later, to see how the house is being maintained? I've been wondering.

Without going into long detail, there is a local young couple getting a Habitat house who have absolutely no business owning any house, let alone a new one. They have a long history of trashing rental houses, and they got into the Habitat program by virtue of the wife being a great con artist. A fellow who is instrumental in the local Habitat program admitted than when they interviewed the couple, she did 95% of the talking.

I think it can be reliably predicted that in one year, their new house will be junk.
Well, I suppose that tells us you'll cross the River Jordan with a big ol' bucket o' bull krap someday, 'cause you've given P.L.E.N.T.Y. of that away just in the short time you've been a boil on the backside of this website.
Again tom, explain to the class why compassion and charity should be legislated? You quote the bible, but believe that government is the answer, while aligning yourself with a group that doesn't want any mixing of church and state.
As noted below, the $1 houses are invariably condemned, with cost of fixup being more than they would be worth "fixed up"- generally in bad neighborhoods where even the good houses are worth very little. Giving a $1 house to someone living on the street would be folly- they don't have the resources to fix them.
Been reading jdm here for a few years and neighbor rrlund for a shorter time period.
If anyone in Washington had 1% of the common sense these men have, this nation would sure be a lot better off.

len michigan
Read Second Thessalonians 3:10 "For even when we were with you, this we commanded you, that if any would not work, neither should he eat."
What you pay in taxes isn't "given away", it's taken from you. There's no compassion in that, just fear.
If you take the entire set of Testaments in context, we are often told to take repsonsibility for ourselves and our actions. Maybe you need to do some more reading. You'll find some of the same in the Koran, Popol Vuh, Book of Mormon,Talmud,Buddhist Pali Cano and many Sutras, etc.

Very easy to sit their picking and choosing out of the Bible. If anything, you are a discredit to whatever religion you are hiding behind if all you can do is "cast the first stone."

Nobody has to starve in this country and things have changed a lot since Hoover and FDR were battling wits. Like I already stated, here in New York, if you have no property assets, you get "free" rent, food, clothing, heating assistance, and medical care.

I also suspect that not many people in this country were forced to buy expensive houses.
Group in Florida matching people to empty houses. Realtor, also in Florida, paying people to be on the move setup for trying to sell houses. These people move from house to house and are the resident family. Sells better with people in it.
Yes People think they can buy anything now days and not have to pay for it. It takes money to make money but credit cards don't make you any money. It's a false feeling of buying when you use them unless you have the money to back it up and pay it off every month.
Quote from MPLS Tribune yesterday on homeless man: Beg enough for the bare necessities- food, cigarettes, drink, then get off the corner.
I am not against helping people who are down on their luck due to sickness, job loss and similar problems but President Obamma said, and this is a direct quote, that ""he was going to focus on modifying loans for people stuck with sub-prime loans they can"t afford due to sky rocketing interes rates and by keeping mortgage rates low so other families can become homeowners who otherwise never would"" --- huh ??? I thought that was the problem to start with -- if I am not mistaken those interest rates have been pretty low for several years -- I started off on my own during the Carter economy and if you got a loan it was 18% interest. A person had to save, buy what they could pay for and build their credit -- it was hard to get a Sears and Roebuck card in the 70"s and early 80"s. Anyway, my point is this, neither the PRESIDENT OR THE CONGRESS have any respect for the people in this country who PAY THEIR TAXES AND PAY THEIR BILLS --if they did they would not put tax deadbeats in high public office like 3 or 4 of Obammas picks have been and they would not expect you and I to pay for someones folly of a 0 dollar down house with an unknown interest rate. Don"t it make you wonder what happened to family helping family -- unless many of them have already worn out their help and welcome.
It sure is easy to see why you chose the handle "Silver Pig". And it sure is easy to view every problem as strickly black or white. You should find a job in some kind of social service and come to the realization that only a small % of what you think is purely black or white. Did anyone ever inform you that we are all human and all have made a few mistakes going through life? And many were born with less brilliance or opportunity than you have had.

Dang, I wish I was as perfect as you think you are.

Paul in MN
Investments come from savings;

Savings come from denial; Denying yourself of luxuries/toys or other material things that you really don't need and can live without.
The answer to all this is simple:

You reap, what you sow.

Conversely, there a precious few who have been like the farmer who suffered droughts, over which he had no control and his crops failed.

But, MOST of these people overextended themselves by being greedy...wanting to live beyond their means and it caught up with them. They dug themselves a pit and it should be left up to them, to dig themselves out.

I am not being smug. I have worked all my life, lived within my means, sacrificed and saved. I have a decent, but modest, home. I have no mortgage. My vehicles are reliable and ample for my needs, but far from new. My machinery is in good repair and sufficient for my uses.

I too would be up Dung Creek sans a paddle had I bought a $350K home, a$40K truck and bunch of other goodies trying to impress the neighbors.

I"m not poor, neither am I rich. I recognized my financial capabilities and live within them. For those who wanted to do more and couldn"t...I feel no responsibility for their folly and current predicament.
Sounds like a great opportunity for a bunch of "compassionate" liberals to buy up those $1 houses (with their own money) and give them to the homeless. The problem is finding a abundant who's willing to be compassionate with their own money. (BTW, I know that such people exist, I know several of them, but there's a heck of a lot more that want to be compassionate with my money and your money)
I think that most that have gotten themselves in a fix by believing that they'll always be able to pay it off. I've NEVER understood why you would want $5000 to %50,000 on credit cards!!! Any one on this board have that much out on cards? And now with jobs being lost left and right, card companies and the BIG3 want us to BUY! BUY!! BUY!!!
Sorry, but I'm hunkering down to dole out no more than I've got coming in
I'm sure tom43 is out buying up houses right now. Probably have the church ladies painting them and hanging curtains tomorrow. I expect the homeless number to drop by the end of the week by, well, 0 for all his efforts..........
"People don't eat in the long run, they eat every day."


And when you start feeding them every day they'll be like stray cats on your porch everynight waiting for you to dish more out.

As for Hoover, he started the whole mess that Roosevelt expanded on and made worse.
Yep, last evening they talked about Cleveland and the 10,000 foreclosed houses there. Guy said when a house gets vacated it gets stripped by vandals so there's little left but a worthless shell. Not a good deal even for free.
You didn't give us an address where we can send your medal. 600,000 people lost their jobs last month alone! Were these all lazy overextended slackers as you describe? Did you ever think that just maybe their unemployment was totally out of their control? I have known lots of frugal farmers go bankrupt do to fallng land or cattle prices. Would you deny these unfortunates even a tent?
My wife is down to working 2 out of 5 weeks, so far they are keeping people, just on lack of work, but......

Me, I just farm, was a good year last year, buit the next 2 look kinda rough as we head beack down to reality & below....

but, we both are current on the credit cards, don't even have a cell phone bill, no outstanding debt. My machinery is old, 1979 is the new tractor model, I just delt on a $3500 combine that looks good to me last summer.

We are pretty frugle people. Probably not good for the ecconomy, but then, see where the big spenders have gotten us too...

Some of these $1 homes are in Detroit and no one wants to live there.The crime rate is horrible and there are no jobs.
Uncle Tom,

Send the medals to your abundant Saviour at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue when he fixes everything. you understand..NOBODY, owes you or me a damned thing. It"s not the taxpayer"s responsibility to finance "Feel Good/Make It All Better Mommy" legislation. So, these people are without jobs....bygod, they were looking for a job when they found the one they just lost.

Folks like you just can"t seem to understand that life can be, and is, hard at times.

You want the straight dope....the tough language? here it is:

Tough $hit, they played and lost. Quit your damned whining and move on. That"s just how it is in the real world. You want Disney Studios.
Ya know, this is a bunch of crap. Yeah, some- a very few- people are losing the homes they never should have gotten a loan for in the first place. Some, a small percentage of the working population , lost their jobs. There are a lot of people watching their money, trying to buck up and be responsible and take care of family and friends. So what does "The Gov't" decide to do? Nothing for the unemployed workers really, maybe they get extended UEI. Doesn't bring the jobs back, What do they do for the housing market? Gonna give more loans to the unqualified to get that McMansion back. Great. Does the Messsiah and his bunch do anything to put more money in the working mans pocket? Nope. Do they do anyhting to stabilize the markets? Nope, they just keep screwing with it hoping some Wall Street genius will pour money out of his shoes and shore the whole system up. This is crap and what do we hear? We gotta give everyone Health Care and Green Energy! That'll solve the problem!

Krissakes, we went from a probable dummy in the White House to a full fledged babbling idiot.
While I feel some like you do,in the previous 8 years is what caused this mess.external_link will be lucky if he can fix anything,but whatever he does will take longer than a couple of months.
This stuff never makes sense because its wrong to start with.If there is some way of explaining why people playing with the stock market can make more money than people producing farm products or anything for that matter.To me thats just as stupid as putting people that are paying out of their house because of inflating the housing market.The correct thing to do is take every penny the crooks"made"off of the stock market to help the homeless.You wont ever hear a nnalert or nnalert say they will do that because these same people give them contributions.What it comes down to is politicians for the most part dont care about poor people.If external_link really does care,it is going to take a while for any help to get through.Then the help that gets through is going to be minimal on a good day because nobody really honestly looks at the problem.All of them sugar coat it,or hide the real problem,and its disgusting.When somebody tells me why anybody deserves to put others in the tent city when they are working/want to work,and keep right on with the old agenda that keeps the same creeps rich,then run more jobs out of the country,what is wrong with this picture?People are not the problem,it is the way the crooks in charge run it.New boss for the most part is the same as the old boss,even if he does care,because thats the way the system is"allowed"to operate.All you get to fix it will be slow,backwards,and just barely work.Thats why you dont ever let it get like it did in the 8 previous years,that is unless you want a dictatorship,and if you do,you are overruled.
Read back on your history
Hoover was after Harding and Coolidge, who let the economy escalate out of control. The steps he finally took (late in his term) were too late to make any difference
Enough of the "It's the rich mans fault" T40. With you it's the same thing over and over. Give it a rest. The rich employ the not so rich and the guys that made money on the stock market EARNED it. Stop trying to finangle a way to steal from those that earned their money.
Rigged stock markets arent earning.Its not every rich man causing the problem.The value of a mans work is all screwed up because of a rigged market.If you work,and want to buy a house,you should be able to.Barely getting a house,then predatory lenders or a rigged market gets you in a tent,well thats not a country you want to live in.Make it get worse by not seeing the problem and it drags the whole country down.Its time to fix it so it doesnt happen again.
"If you want a house, you should be able to buy it" What a genius! That's the attitude and Gov't policy that git us here today! The guy making 60K a year with the $450K house? That was your model in practice. NO ONE DESERVES ANYTHING!!! You earn it and save for it and sacrifice for what you get and if you want to live in a mansion you should have chosen another line besides truck driving. Or is that someone elses fault too?

Your arm must get tired waiting for the next handout.

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