Supply and Demand


Well-known Member
Here's a Yahoo news story. I've said this excess was always going on, but now it looks like we'll even pay for not using it.

No room for the world's oil
As demand for crude plummets, the world finds there are few places left to store its oil. »Storage prices triple
So where are all the conspiracy nuts claiming oil companies and speculators can drive up the price of oil? Why aren't they doing it now?Anyway you might not have the oil companies to kick around too much longer anyway one of them said they'll move their operations out of the US if the new tax bill/budget goes thru Congress.See how you like it without them.Get your drilling rig out
Storage is filling up as crude is held off the market to keep the price up. That's pretty basic stuff whether you believe in conspiracies or speculators or not.

Stop and think about that threat to move out for just a minute. Where would they go? The US is still the big market. They sound like the neighborhood sissy telling you that he's going to take his basbell and go home if you don't let him play by his rules.
its going into storage because there is an excess not sold.I know of no gas or diesel shortage you can buy all you want.The oil companies pay the price the oil producing countries set for crude and they have to make a profit to stay in business like anyone else.The US is NOT guaranteed a supply of foreign oil especially if and when the value of the US Dollar collapses we won't be able to afford imports
I suppose you think there was a shortage that caused 4.00 gasoline?The speculators are still causing it to be higher than it should be.Look it up yourself.The price ought to be closer to a dollar a gallon than 2 dollars a gallon.Now say they move out of the United States,what other country wants a bunch of crooks like that operating there?Its not the oil companies entirely that are the problem,its the Enron crooks that are running the stock market.The sooner the Enron crooks are in jail,where they always should have been,but werent,because Bush let them do whatever they wanted,the sooner we can get our country back on track.Throw a fit,cuss,scream,holler,pull your hair,I dont care.Thats the truth,face it.
I hear your wind ablowing but don't see no trees amoving!Since you think you're such an expert on the oil business why not start your own oil company and sell us all $1 gal gas looking forward to it(LOL)
It's the "CROOKS" dadgummit, it's the CROOKS. Kill em all, shoot em if they run, stab em where they stand, those dastardly crooks. BWAAHAHAHAAAAA
If the repressive taxes that are being proposed pass then there will be many companies that move their base of operations out of the US and many more investors, they won"t be the ones whining to get back in the game -- it will be Obamma begging them back or who ever takes his place in 4 years. The only times in mans recorded history that supply and demand have gotten out of whack is when Goverments meddle with the systems and markets, whether they are taxing or subsidizing, it doesn"t really matter. Tax something and you will get less of it -- subsidize something and you will get more of it whether it makes any sense to produce it or not -- leave the markets alone and Farmers will grow what they can sell and factories will produce as many cars as they can sell and everyone will make wages comparable to what skills or expertise they have to offer.
Like I said cuss,scream,throw a fit,pull your hair,but its the Enron crooks in the stock market now,always was.What happened was Bush and the Republicrooks changed the law for the Enron crooks,so they could call a barrel of oil not yet pumped out of the ground until next year a real stock.Since they couldnt get it out of the ground yet,they claim its a shortage.Thats how we got 4 dollar a gallon gas.Whatever it was you said was a waste of time.If you want to do something fix the problems that exist and quit crying because you dont want to believe the truth.Also you need to wake up soon because your Republicrooks have ruined the whole worlds economy and it is probably going to be a miracle if we dont end up in a war over it.So once you get done with your tantrum,you need to start trying to fix the problem. Maybe I can put it in plainer terms-if somebody(that happens to be external_link today)doesnt fix this mess,and this mess was caused by the previous idiots in government,everything you know,have grown up with,and your future,is likely to disappear and be replaced with war,starvation,misery,because you wont see whats wrong now along with a big bunch of people just like you.
Enron crap started under your hero, Clintoon. Clinton had Ken Lay himself at the whitehouse for an overnight. Jack
Well, you've convinced me. As I said in earlier posts, I was going to do my duty as a patriotic American- save up my stimulus checks, and build a steel mill. But after your post, I believe I'll start an oil company instead. "My duty, as I saw it."
Right,and it was a lot more complicated than what I said.Look I dont think Clinton did much for working people,he was more nnalert than nnalert,but you can blame most of what happened during Clintons administration on Newt and his contract on America.However what caused the problem for us today was Phil Gram from Texas deregulation bill passed in 2000 that removed oversight from the stock market.Clinton is guilty of wanting to loosen restraints on the stock market,but they were not completely removed until George Bush was President.
Good lord Jack, don't confuse him with facts, I can barely figure out what he saying now. Confusing him will only make it worse.

I think he said even though Enron happened under Clinton, and Enron is no longer in business because of the "accounting errors" made during Clinton's watch, Enron is still in business stealing bushes from in front of Wall Street businesses owned by the nnalert. ;-)

He forgot to mention that Arthur Anderson, the accounting firm that was used by Enron is no longer in business so they are probably helping the messiah come up with his new spending numbers for the stunning come from behind saving of the economy, the world, the milky way, and the galaxy, or at least a milky way bar from total utter collapse. At last, I can sleep in peace knowing that all is well in his world............
Example is the narcotic commodities- the price of pot, cocaine, heroin still good on street. It is supposedly control under tax law but suppliers and users aren't paying tax- free market working to fill customer demand. The NORML crowd may get the 'legalized' mary jane this administration. RN
Not the oil companys entirley! How MANY BILLION DOLLAR PROFIT did Exxon Mobil make last year? Did any other companys make that much profit? GE, CAT,3M Ford, GM, Tyson, ect ect!
The price reduction of the finished product is always lagging behind the price reduction of the raw material it's made from. They (companies) blame the time lag on the price they paid for raw material. Consumers are just relieved the prices are lower than they were, and become accustomed to higher prices. I wish I was a price setter instead of a price taker in the marketplace.
Just like how the treasury secretary announced today he's going to go after the tax cheats. Could we possibly watch him arrest himself?
What we need here, is a gigantic enema bag. About the size of the Goodyear blimp. Plug that baby into the front door of the capital, and flush all of that crap on two legs out of there. That new tres. sec. has some cast iron ba!!s, don't he? What a pile. Jack
The local chamber of commerce is telling us that our big problem is a lack of skilled technical workers. We have lots of college degreed people but not enough associates degreed people.

Businesses locate near markets, transportation, labor supply, and material supply. Taxes are a significant factor only when other things are equal.

You go into business to make money, not to avoid taxes. If you want to avoid taxes, don't make money and don't own anything.
You seem to forget that old crook Nixon is the main one that got all our jobs going to China and everybody was applauding him. I don't see where Bama has been in office long enough to do anything but he sure gets the blame. Part of the job I guess.
Ge-helped them make some of their profit-bought a light or two and maybe the washers GE.
CAT-Didn't buy any CAT products.
3M-bought some glue and insulation.
GM-didn't help them any
Tyson-bought some chicken and maybe some of their other products.

You know what's the same in all these products? I had a choice whether I wanted it or not. The other thing that's the same is I didn't have a choice to buy the gas that I used to go get the other products, or go to work, or go to the doctor or............
"Anyone thats a successful business person,you call a crook."
No thats wrong.I call crooks crooks and successful business people successful business people.Henry Ford was a successful business person.Whoever ran Enron was a crook,ruined the economy,most likely caused a war some time in the future,and lots more years of your kids paying for his screw up,in this and every other country.
Everything we do now revolves around energy.Your successful business person would have found a cheaper,better way of producing energy(wind,solar,nuclear)and not raped consumers with a rigged stock market.You cant be that dumb.What idiot told you that ripping off consumers,and hurting our nation,was being a successful business person?I guess that Bonnie and Clyde were successful business people until they got shot?
Well yeah they made lots of money but the reason they did was because of the removing of any restriction on the stock market and people that schemed up a way to cause a fake shortage,and drive the price up on the price of a barrel of oil and I think it was 12 other commodities,corn,beans,gold,wheat,and others.Micheal Masters is the name of the man who told the story about what they did on the internet and on 60 minutes.He was a trader and knew what was going on.Of course the oil companies never said it was too much money for their oil.They raised the price of gas to go along with the new higher oil price,so they are guilty of that.Probably all of them were working together since it came from Enron which was a bunch of crooks calling themselves an energy company.Stuff like this always happens when crooks,usually nnalert,run the government.Just read about Nixon.Food,gas,everything doubled or more in price when Nixon was president.Not much difference with Bush,crooks.Make me believe they werent.
OH PARDON ME. I dident know Citgo, Hess and Sunoco, Getty, dident exist in your area. You dont have a choice ha! Well, we only have GE washers around here too. yaaaaaaa Real dumb comment.
T- 40'll never let on there is such a thing as supply and demand! That wouldn't fit in well under the tinfoil hat! As to screamin, hollerin, and hair pullin, I'll leave that to the happy nnalert club, I'm still smilin'. I'll close with a quote that I ran across today: "The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits"- Albert Einstein.
I think it's a dumb comment to compare the oil companies gouging to other companies that sell a product that you can decide to use or not. There are several brands of fuels sold in our area, all for the same price. Same point, I don't have to buy a GE product to get to work or the DR, may if I get an electric car.

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