O/TSwap meets and childern


Well-known Member
There is a very large swap meet here in so Calif every Feb. It never fails I see little kids crying, and being drug around by the parents. Why doesn't the wife let her husband go to the swap meet alone, and stay home with the kids. If she needs to go get a baby sitter. I couldn't pay my wife enough to go to a swap meet. Stan
I would suggest that it's a lot easier for Daddy to listen to the kids crying than to put up with the better half beechin'. In the long run, it's only the kids who are mentally scarred from the experience, and who vow to never attend a swap meet as long as they live...and that, after all, means "MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!!" for the little woman.
You guys must be older than me. The wife gets more time out than I do, and I end up taking the kid anywhere I want to go.

That said, the boy (2 years old) loves machinery. Probably because that"s what we"re always doing. He will gladly spend the day with me looking at tractors.
Well at least there not running all over the grocery store putting their snotty little hands all over the food I'm trying to buy.
Hey weren't you ever a Kid, I'm sure I was, my wife reminds me everyday.
I know what you are saying and I have seen it. Folks carrying infants and toddlers around in the hot sun to walk for hours at a swap meet. You know everybody is miserable. Now my brothers and I go twice a year to the Autofair at Charlotte Motor Speedway and camp out for the weekend with our sons so we don't have to drag them around we can sit and watch other people. In the end we sell enough stuff to pay for the trip and get to spend time together Dads,Sons,Brothers,Cousins we really Do have a big time.
Some modern day women don't want to take care of their kids alone to much work involved.To selfish I say.Dump everything on the husband.
Just my take

What gets me is Wal Mart. I work night shift and when I am getting ready to start back on my shift, the last night off I stay up as late as I can. I like to go to get grocery/any thing else I need shop'n about midnight. Let the 2nd shifters get done and I miss most all the crowd. It never fails, at 1 am there will be at least two people in there with dirty kids cry'n their dang heads off. Alot of times the woman will be pushing a cart with food and a toddler in it and the man will be pushing a cart with a 5-6 year old asleep in it. Why would any one want to drag the kids out of the house in the middle of the night so both of them can shop?

Don't know if you ever had children, but sometimes you just want to get away and can't afford a sitter so what option do you have if you're a descent parent, you take them along. Sometimes just to talk to someone in the same boat and exchange ideas or thoughts. My wife told me after we had our first child that she couldn't wait for me to get home from work so she wouldn't have to talk baby talk, she could talk to an adult, someone she could relate to or would understand what she is saying.

Once you have a child the world as you know it forever changes.

Yes I've seen some cases that the parents should know better and just think to my self and say why or I would never be able to get by with that when I was younger.

I thought of a saying to say if, someone seen me correcting one of my children in public and thought it was abuse, I figured I would tell them that, I'm correcting them so the police won't have to later.

I seen a comedian that was performing with Jeff Foxworthy one time in St. Louis, this comedian said; Why to parents take their kids to walmart to beat them?

If they're unruly at home they say okay kids get in the car we're going to walmart! Oh no not that, the kids would say!
When our daughter starts crying and having temper tantrums in the store, one of us takes her to the car. If possible, we take her home and do our shopping at another time. We do not allow her to run loose in the store or to take things from the shelves, either. However, the shopping experience can be a learning time for young children. It gives them a chance to see different people and different products that may not be available at home. Getting out is important to their developing minds.

We have made sacrifices so that we may have a family and we will continue to make sacrifices for her benefit. Dragging a child around in the heat to something they are not interested in is a poor choice in my opinion. We ensure her comfort first.

I see many parents treating their child as a burden and an accident. It is a shame because those kids didn't have any choice whether or not to be born.
Sometimes the man drags his wife and kids along to show them off. Sometimes it's a family outing for mom and dad but they forget about the feelings of the kids. There's lots of reasons.

Like I've mentioned before, my wife's program director at a large daycare-preschool and has worked there 22 years. After listening to her stories for all those years nothing surprises me when it comes to parent behavior. A large percentage of the parents today are very good and deserve a pat on the back. The good ones just don't stick out in the crowd the way the others do. Jim
Why drive around aimlessly when you can actually get something done- like some shopping.
How many kids do you have? I have 6, and I love 'em all, but I sometimes have to take the babies out for a late night drive to get them to sleep.
I agree Stan and what really curdles my blood is someone going to a professional sports event with a three or four year old kid on their knee. You've paid $89 for a seat to see the Toronto Maple Leafs play and you have to put up with a kid squirming and whinning..just irritates the hell out of me,I think a kid should have a ticket for a seat or not be there. I am a little more lenient about outings such as swap meets and I have seen women who were dragging their family around looking for parts for"HER" car
must be a lot of "empty nesters" or infertile men on this forum. If my children ( and I have 6, ages 25 to 2) aren't welcome at an event, we aren't going- and it's your loss.
Any kid, or wife for that matter, that follows a man to an event has at least been exposed at some point to what it's about- tractors, horse show, whatever- and have some kind of interest. If the kids are whining and crying, it's just because they are tired or hungry- and in his excitement, pop has forgotten to take that into account. Get 'em to the food area, get a 'dawg in 'em and a little rest, and they are good as new. Pull 'em around in a wagon- happy as a clam. Let 'em sit in a tractor- WOW! LOOK AT THAT FACE!
EVER NOTICE HOW THE BEST PICTURES OF AN EVENT- swap meet, tractor parade, horse show, whatever- ALMOST ALWAYS HAVE A KID IN IT...and usually a MILF OR TWO? Man, it would be a miserable show that all I could talk to was a bunch of fat old "enthusiast men"...gimme the wide eyed kids and their mommas anytime!
what kills me is the people dragging their young kids around Sturgis during bike week by some starry eyed dad who wants a motorcycle, not what I see as quality family time even though city officials are trying to make the rally a family event. I don't think this was the intent of the gathering.
Jeeze Jose might be time to tie a knot in it don't ya think. Maybe you are trying to get on the Dr. Phil or Oprah shows Eh?
Couldn't agree with you more. Our daughters always went everywhere with us (grown up now), but they didn't complain. We would always make sure they had enough to do to keep themselves happy too. No whining, no complaining, and everyone had a good time. If they weren't welcome, we didn't go. I think the problem is with the "dragging the kids along" attitude of some adults. If someone views it that way, the kids will too and start to throw some attitude. If they feel that you WANT them to be there with you and treat them with a little respect, they'll respond with good behavior.
Problem I see most is lack of discipline. We were not allowed to act like a monkey. Some of these parents don't teach there kids any manners or skills. Most likley they don't know any more than the kids. I do agree there are places the kids probably would be better off not attending untill they get older.
Any SOB stupid enough to pay $89 to watch a bunch of thugs whack a plastic clod around on an indoor pond needs his head examined anyway.

It irritates the hell out of me that grown men, never grow up.

I"m like Jose....I have 4 kids, ages 31 to 6, and 2 grandchildren. If I go, the kids go and wherever they"re not welcome, then I"m not either. And make no question about it, the first fork in the crowd that slurs one of my kids, will take an a$$ whipping right there on the spot.
Was it Jeff Foxworthy that said "show me a three year old walking around a flea market,wearing a diaper and sucking on a bottle full of Coca Cola,and I'll show you a future Nascar fan"?
I don't see a problem with taking the kids along as long as they behave. The ones I dislike the most are the big kids that allow their toddlers/small children to roam freely in a restaurant following them around with the "Ain't my kid cute?" look on their face. Sorry, but I don't think so. Last thing I want on my clothes is your kid's dirty/sticky/snotty fingers.
..so no one should ever go to an NFL game or an NBA game or....and I'm a stupid SOB..you sound like a really nice guy..yeah I think you should take your kids to a concert or an event that requires an admission ticket, even if you don't have one for them
Mark, I hope you and your kids are well behaved. Otherwise by your rude behavior you sound just like the people others are talking about here. I've seen and heard parents when asked to control their kids have the don't like it don't look attitude. Sounds like you may be living it and are striking back because you wish you could go enjoy a good hockey game or time away. Maybe next time before you spout off you will think of someone else beside yourself and how your attitude affects others. There was no excuse for your behavior here and you owe Michael an appoligy. My wife and I raised 2 well mannered children and thought about others when we took them out for any reason, yes we knew it was our responsibility to train our kids to be good citizens....James
jwal, et al;

I don't owe Mr. Soldan a damned thing or you either for that matter.

I have lived my 51 years as an upright and decent citizen and raised my children...two them prosperous adults with families of their own, to be the same.

I have always taken my children with me wherever I went. If it wasn't decent enough for them to be there, then it wasn't decent enough for me and vice-versa.

It galls my a$$ that other people who have raised their children as they seen fit.....expect the offspring of others to adhere to their sense of behavior.

Children are little people, not robots to follow a preplanned routine as programmed by their masters.

"When I was a child, I acted as a child. When I became a man, I put away childish things." A man named Paul wrote that. Food for thought. That is why I have never understood a grown man's preoccupation with watching other grown men play with a ball or other toy. What a damned waste of time and enormous amounts of money and energy. Add to that the twisted forks who will b!tch because a child...is being a child, and disturbs them while they are doing a childish thing...watching a ball game.
Mike - There is a saying on the gun forums that says watch out for old men. They are too old to fight and too proud to accept one of your "a$$-whuppins".

I lost a good friend several years ago - he decided to apply your type of solution to an older guy. You know the rest of the story. Last bad decision he ever made, but I miss him and so does his family.
Wife had an ectopic pregnancy about 5 years ago and had a tube removed...that was SUPPOSED to be the end of it. Two kids later...well, my stress meds pretty much have control of the situation now, I think!
We have a saying at the farm now- " our horse breeding program ain't much, but the rider breeding program is highly productive!'
As I said before you do have a problem, you are self centered and don't care about others. I take my grandchildren everywhere I go also and if you do then there is or was no problem if they do behave. But you come here and are bellering about others who think children should not act like heathens and quote scripture to defend your actions. Where they are has no bearing on how they behave. If you went to a baseball game you would let them act differently then at church? Or because you don't take your's to a ball game it is alright if other parents let theirs be unruly. How do you feel if you are in church and the child in front of you turns around and screams in your face and the parents don't take the child out to calm them? It is alright unless it affects you?. You are setting a great example to the young ones by your actions here. Think about it, you can't have it both ways. If you are raising any child by your Bible then you would be raising them to be in Gods likeness....James
I love kids and the look on their faces when they see like tractors at a show. the ones that I have a problem with are at the fairgrounds with some bum
of a father sets their lollipop sticky fingered kid on a new tractor and let them walk all over the paint of a new tractor he has no intention of buying.

It's just my 2¢

I absolutely just love to visit "tractor talk". I never learn anything about tractors, but I do get lots of chuckles.
I used to fly in a crew with an old TBM Avenger. We would give free tours to any kid that wanted to see the plane.Most were well behaved and careful being around the plane. But you always had the ones that would try and see how much damage they could do. With their parents looking on and not doing anything to stop the kid. Some parents don't need kids.
Why does mom and dad have to take the whole family out cause the young'n can't sleep? I see alot of folks draging out 6 year old looking kids that you know have to be in school the next day around at 1 or 2am. I understand put'n kids in the car to get'm to sleep but this is whole families out in the middle of the night.

Have a good day.


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